10 movies similar to The Hobbit

“The Hobbit” by New Zealander Peter Jackson was released more than six years ago and immediately gained wild popularity all over the world. The breathtaking adventures of Bilbo Baggins, traveling in the company of a dozen dwarfs through the magical land of Middle-earth, were extremely interesting to follow, both for passionate fans of Tolkien’s legendary work and for people who are completely far from fantasy.

It’s impossible not to fall in love with this fantasy world, and it’s only natural that after watching Peter Jackson’s films, you’ll want to arrange a fantasy movie marathon. We have made a selection of films similar to The Hobbit in style and atmosphere. Happy viewing!

10 Ink heart | 2007

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

Free adaptation of the novel by the famous German writer Cornelia Funke. In the center of the plot are members of the eccentric Folhart family: Mortimer (nicknamed Mo) and his young daughter Maggie. Both passionately love reading and books, and Mo has an unusual ability – he is endowed with the gift of breathing life into book characters and transferring them to our reality.

However, this gift is not so harmless. Years ago, Mo accidentally transported his own wife to the world of the book, and now he’s obsessed with bringing her back. Brave bibliophiles plunge into a magical book dimension with the sole purpose of finding a loved one and bringing him back home.

9. Golden compass | 2008

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

This picture also has a literary basis in the plot, namely, the work of Philip Pullman “Northern Lights”.

The film takes place in a parallel dimension similar to ours, but an important feature of this world are daemons – creatures that live with a person and contain his soul.

It is in this universe that the wayward girl Lyra lives. One day, mysterious strangers kidnap her best friend, and Lyra, along with her daemon Panteleimon, embarks on an exciting journey to the frosty lands of the Far North in order to find a friend and learn the amazing secrets of her world.

8. The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit | 1985

10 movies similar to The Hobbit


Speaking about the universe of Middle-earth, it is impossible not to mention one of the very first adaptations of the famous story of the Professor about the adventures of a brave hobbit named Bilbo.

This film was filmed in our country more than thirty years ago, besides, it is an adapted performance, with dances and songs, so it will be unusual and quite funny to watch it now. However, it is still worth paying attention to this picture – you may not find modern graphics and stunning special effects here, but the atmosphere in the film is truly fabulous and magical. This is a good, bright and funny film.

7. Game of Thrones | 2011 – …

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

Perhaps, in our time, it is not possible to find a person who has not heard about this series. The film adaptation of the legendary book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George Martin will take you to Westeros – an extraordinary world inhabited by unprecedented peoples and creatures. This world is incredibly cruel and dangerous, there is no place for pity and weakness. The overlords seek to seize power and tirelessly fight each other in the “game of thrones”, not noticing the danger looming over Westeros – the dead come to life in the north, and dragons are reborn in the east …

This series captures from the first episode, the characters remain unpredictable until the very end, and the plot twists will not leave anyone indifferent!

6. Jack the Giant Slayer | 2013

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

We all have heard the tale more than once about the brave boy Jack, who, with the help of an enchanted bean seed, got into the magical world and risked challenging the evil giants living there.

The plot of this film is based on this famous fairy tale, but this picture will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Flawless in technical terms, the film impresses with special effects, graphics, amazing makeup and magnificent scenery. In addition to the visual component, it is worth noting the perfectly conveyed atmosphere of the fantasy world and the twisted plot.

5. Avatar | 2009

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

The famous film from the creator of “Terminator” and “Titanic”, which became a legend – “Avatar” was remembered by everyone not only for its excellent script, but for its amazing, bright fantasy world of the planet Pandora and impeccable special effects.

Ex-military Jack Sully, permanently confined to a wheelchair due to an injury, suddenly gets a chance to regain a full life. He is offered to transfer his consciousness into the body of an alien in order to infiltrate the hostile inhabitants of Pandora and find their weaknesses. Jack travels the magical planet and spies on the enemy until one day he falls in love with an alien…

4. Harry Potter

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

Popular in all corners of the globe, the saga of The Boy Who Lived hardly needs an introduction. For eight films, the scarred wizard grows up before our eyes, studies the magical universe and the secrets of magic and sorcery, fights evil in the name of good and saves the world from the invasion of the dark sorcerer Voldemort.

The Harry Potter films have an indescribable atmosphere, exciting plots and memorable characters. In addition, here you will find worthy effects and scenery, as well as a magical soundtrack from John Williams, which has become the hallmark of the movie series.

3. Warcraft | in 2016

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

The adaptation of the legendary Warcraft series of computer games that appeared on the screens will certainly appeal to all lovers of high-quality, well-filmed science fiction.

The plot of the picture describes the magical world and its inhabitants of various races – people, orcs and magicians. The human kingdom, Azeroth, is suddenly attacked by bloodthirsty orcs. Will the inhabitants of Azeroth cope with the ruthless Horde? Will the forces of good overcome the ancient evil?

2. Lord of the Rings

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

Of course, no other film will be as similar to The Hobbit as other masterpieces of Peter Jackson. The film trilogy about the Ring of Omnipotence was released more than ten years ago, but still leads all movie tops.

The action takes place in the Middle-earth universe and chronologically continues the story told in The Hobbit. Black clouds are gathering over the world of humans, elves and dwarves – the ruthless magician Sauron has revived in the East, and he intends to plunge the world into darkness with the help of an innumerable army of orcs and the power of the enchanted Ring.

To destroy the Ring and save all life from a terrible death is entrusted to the peaceful inhabitants of the Shire – the hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pepin. Together, friends will go through all of Middle-earth, meet great heroes on their way and go through a lot of adventures.

1. The Chronicles of Narnia

10 movies similar to The Hobbit

The movie universe closes our list, based on children’s books by the English writer C. S. Lewis.

The girl Lucy accidentally finds in an ordinary wardrobe a portal to a parallel world in which unprecedented creatures live – fauns, wizards, talking animals, centaurs. And in this world, the cruel White Witch rules, because of which eternal winter reigns in Narnia. Together with her sister Susan and brothers Peter and Edmund, little Lucy sets out to free the magical land and return summer to Narnia.

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