10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

action movieGreat equalizer”is a remake of the famous TV series of the same name called The Equalizer from 1985-1989. It told about the private detective Robert McCall, who, thanks to his extensive connections, solved serious problems.

Interesting fact: the series was so popular that people on the streets approached the actor and asked him to help solve any problems.

In the 2014 film, the hero McCall stands up for a Russian prostitute, and from that moment his struggle for justice begins …

McCall is bold, dangerous, smart and thirsts for justice – these are the main features that an equalizer should have.

From the list, you can find movies similar to The Equalizer for yourself. Choose for yourself a new, exciting story about the criminal world.

10 Single (2003)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

Agent Sean Vetter is an operative who fights smugglers from Mexico.

A lot of pictures have been shot on the theme of revenge, and “Single” not an exception. The main character in the film will mercilessly avenge the murder of a person dear to him.

Intelligence officers manage to catch Lucero, a drug dealer, but they still have no idea what lies ahead for them …

Lucero’s place is taken by Diablo, but he is not as simple as it seems. A drug dealer orders the murder of Sean’s wife, and it was executed…

Filled with rage, the protagonist will never back down from revenge, and Diablo will answer for what he did.

9. Bum with a shotgun (2011)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

If you like absurd films, you will be delighted with the movie “Bum with a shotgun».

The whole film is saturated with absurdity, it is in every second … The director of the film probably decided to demonstrate the situation that is happening in the world, but it turned out to be quite funny and unrealistic.

The homeless picks up a gun, tired of watching the lawlessness that is happening around, and begins to take revenge. His targets are gangsters, corrupt cops, pedophiles and other evil spirits.

How will the story about the homeless trying to restore order end?

8. Unstoppable (2012)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

As usual, people unite when they have a common goal. So it happened with the main characters of the film “The Expendables».

The highlight of the film lies in the jokes – the policeman and the killer, having become partners, constantly tease each other, and this is interesting to watch.

Stallone in the role of Jimmy dominates – he is larger, more brutal, but the Korean policeman Taylor also has advantages – he is deftly versed in technologies that Jimmy has not yet mastered.

About the film. Two men – one of them is a policeman, and the second was once a killer, will unite. Tragedy struck in their past, they both lost their loved ones.

Now, a mercenary and a police officer are working together to find those responsible for the death of their loved ones. They are merciless and will stop at nothing until the perpetrators are punished…

7. Hostage (2007)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

«Hostageis an action film series created by Luc Besson.

Retired CIA agent Bryan Mills is trying to rebuild his relationship with his grown-up daughter Kim, whom he paid little attention to because of his work.

One day, Kim’s friend invites her to Paris, but the girl needs permission to travel abroad from her father. Brian is not very happy that his daughter will go to Paris without adults, but gives permission for the trip, taking her word from her daughter to constantly call.

When Kim contacts his father by phone from Paris, the man hears that the house was broken into … The girl hid and managed to tell him what one of the kidnappers looks like.

Brian has very little time to find his daughter… Will he be able to find Kim and bring her home safe and sound?

6. The Shaft (2000)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

Film “Shaft“is very exciting, fans of the action-detective genre will not be disappointed after watching it.

Samuel L. Jackson plays amazing, he is spontaneous and principled. Other characters are also charismatic, and carry a certain energy.

John Shaft is a famous detective, he treats criminals cruelly, and this scares many people.

This time, the detective is entrusted with a difficult task – to put the son of an influential millionaire, a ruthless killer, behind bars.

For the case, he will need to cooperate with the only witness, but Diane is intimidated and does not want to testify.

Will John Shaft be able to cope with a difficult task?

5. November Man (2014)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

Thriller “November Manturned out to be a typical action movie of the 90s. The good guys fight the bad guys, and personal relationships are involved.

The film tells the story of a former CIA agent who returned to work against his will. He will be drawn into the international intrigue that the heads of the intelligence department started.

They are going to infiltrate the internal politics of the countries of Eastern Europe, for this they use an attempt to blackmail the dirty past of a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. On his conscience – the 2nd outbreak of the war in the North Caucasus, violence and a large number of victims …

Pierce Brosnan as Peter Devereaux unravels the rules of foul play…

4. Crazy Card (2015)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

Former military man Nick Wilde in the film “Crazy Card”(played by Jason Statham) finds himself in a whirlpool of events. He defended the honor of his Motherland with valor, and now he becomes a security guard in a Las Vegas casino.

He dreams of saving enough money to go to the island of Corsica – away from the past and noisy civilization.

But suddenly his plans change – his old friend Holly turns to Nick for help. A woman is subjected to violence by the son of a gangster involved in a criminal gang.

Nick cannot stay away and decides to postpone his trip to help a defenseless woman.

Will Nick Wilde be able to help his old friend?

3. John Wick (2014)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

In appearance John Wick – a typical American, leading a peaceful life, but once he was a hired killer. He decided to end his past, big money and adrenaline in order to live a quiet life.

He does it well – John enjoys the company of his beloved dog Daisy and silence, but until a thief visits his house …

He kills the dog and steals the protagonist’s Mustang car. But the thief did not know that he had chosen the wrong house…

John is not one of those who calmly bury the dog and report the theft of the car to the right service. What happened makes John forget about his desire for a calm, measured life. Armed, he goes in search of a criminal, whom the viewer can only regret …

2. Punisher (2004)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

The story of a policeman (or warrior) who wants to take revenge, whose family was taken away by an evil killer in the past, is as old as the world, but for some reason, the souls of the audience catch something every time they watch a story with a dramatic plot …

The cast is very well chosen, John Travolta realistically played a gangster.

«chastener”- an action film about an FBI agent who works undercover. He should finally get his office and lead a quiet life with his family.

But he will have to go through grief – during the last special task, in front of his eyes, the criminal kills his entire family.

Frank starts a war with those who took away the most important people in his life from him.

1. Jack Reacher (2012)

10 Movies Similar to The Equalizer

A small American town, the life of all proceeds measuredly. But calmness turns to panic when several people see a man with a weapon in his hands on the street.

A sniper kills several bystanders, frightened people call the police. The FBI quickly finds the sniper and brings him to the station. He claims that he has nothing to do with the underworld and is a victim of the situation.

He states that it is necessary to seek Jack Reacher, but in this case it is only suitable for the role of responder.

Jack, a military man in the past, begins to help the police, and, having found out some details, he realizes that the sniper is just one of the pawns of someone’s ruthless game…

Who is playing this game and why was it necessary to kill passers-by? Recognized in the movie “Jack Reacher”.

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