10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada

Movies that are closest to real life will always be heard by the public. It’s so nice to recognize yourself in the main character or heroine, to watch how they overcome life’s difficulties on the way to their dreams, achieve their goals, despite the obstacles.

After such films, you are filled with optimism and believe that even from your most difficult situation you can find a way out, you should strain yourself.

Let’s remember the story of Andy performed by the beautiful Anne Hathaway – this is a colorful and, of course, stylish comedy about how important it is to go all the way towards your goals, sometimes even sacrificing other interests.

We fell in love with The Devil Wears Prada for interesting image changes, lively facial expressions of the main characters, and a story of transformation, both external and internal, that never gets boring. There is an inner message, and favorite Hollywood actors, and intriguing music.

The movie leaves a pleasant aftertaste, so much so that you want to continue watching such stories to raise morale. And today we offer you a selection – a list of 10 films that are similar in emotional message and brilliance to the film “The Devil Wears Prada”.

10 How to lose friends and make everyone hate you | 2008

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada History “How to Lose Friends and Make Everyone Hate You” talks about Sydney Young – an impoverished and boring intellectual, disappointed in life. Sydney hates the world of luxury and secular parties, as it is very far from it.

One day, the publisher of the popular Glamor magazine decided to have some fun by inviting Young to become a sensational journalist. The whole department was expecting real fun, but it was not there.

Sydney gladly accepts the offer and indulges in all serious – his crazy antics definitely fell in love with the public. And here it is the long-awaited fame, success and, of course, money.

Will Sydney be able to withstand the burden of popularity and wealth that has fallen upon him? What is the lesson of the film?

9. Burlesque | 2010

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada We meet a young but very ambitious girl from a provincial town. She has a marvelous voice and dreams of being realized in life, especially since she has recently become an orphan.

No one needed, Ali decided to conquer Los Angeles, but there are a dime a dozen of those who want to. You have to start small, accepting a job with Tess, the owner of a nightclub with a big name. “Burlesque”.

Time passes unnoticed, and now Ali has acquired comrades, admirers and even a loved one. But whether the fairy tale will be eternal depends not only on it. Envy always goes hand in hand with fame, so the beautiful dancer is waiting for intrigues and intrigues on the way to the longed-for happiness.

8. Business for love | 2010

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada Journalist Lane wants to develop her professional skills and get into the most popular glossy magazine Cosmo.

Thanks to a lucky chance, the girl gets into the publication for an internship and immediately realizes that she needs to prove herself in a short time. She wants to write the most interesting and striking article that would give her a permanent passport to the world of the fashion industry.

But then unexpected love enters her life with lightning speed, and she has to make a difficult choice between her and her career.

Can Lane, the heroine of the film “Business for Love”, conquer New York and at the same time find the happiness of a lifetime?

7. Trainee | 1999

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada A girl with a beautiful name Jocelyn – internShe just can’t help but be cute. Her spontaneity captivates, as a result of which the girl gets to practice in a well-known fashion magazine.

And then a whirlpool of events and intrigues spun around her, as a result of which very curious information about the fashion world is revealed. All explicit and hidden novels, love triangles, gossip and tricks go through Jocelyn, forcing her to transform and make responsible life decisions.

6. Fear and trembling | 2003

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada “Fear and Trembling” is a story about a girl, Amelie, who was born in Japan, but moved to Belgium with her parents at preschool age. There she got a job as a translator in a huge Japanese company and, it would seem, dreams come true.

But Amelie is faced with the fact that not everyone knows everything about Japanese culture and business methods, and even her soul is drawn to her homeland.

The girl’s mentor, Mrs. Fubuki, inspires with her natural grace, mannerisms and beauty, resulting in Amelie’s healthy desire to learn and imitate. For the sake of this, she is even ready to become an “errand girl”. Not everyone may like such helpfulness, so intrigues and intrigues from colleagues await the girl.

5. From 13 to 30 | 2004

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada “From 13 to 30” – a wonderful fairy tale story about how we all dream of growing up as soon as possible and thus solving children’s problems.

On her thirteenth birthday, Jenna makes a wish to wake up somehow 30 years old, and even look like divas from glossy magazines.

The dream came true, and the very next day, Jenna woke up in the body and life of her 30-year-old self: she has her own fashionable apartment, a famous sports lover, and she works as an editor for one of the most famous fashion publications.

But at the price of what spiritual changes did she get such a life? Is it worth it, or has Jenna lost herself and the chance for true happiness as a result of the race for ghostly places?

4. Intern | 2015

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada It’s a little late for Ben at his 70s to become an intern, except as a hobby to take his mind off his wife’s death.

He decided to train in an online store that sells fashionable clothes. Well, Ben’s boss turned out to be a young and active Jules, who was also played by Anne Hathaway, who had already become skilled in the world of the film industry and had grown up.

We observe typical life in the office, and the whole plot is built around the internship of an elderly man who does not understand anything about fashion.

Will people from different “worlds” be able to understand each other and act synergistically, we will learn this from the film “Intern”?

3. Paris at any cost | 2013

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada Beautiful Maya entered an internship at a famous fashion house. Somehow, the police catch her, having learned that the visa has expired, and deport the girl to Morocco to an unloved family.

But Maya does not intend to give up so easily and decides to return to her desired position at any cost.

“Paris at any cost” – this is a colorful world of style, gossip and intrigue, there is love and life choices – everything, as in the best traditions of The Devil Wears Prada.

2. Shopaholic 2009

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada Young Rebecca lives with her friend in New York, the capital of bright shops and colorful windows.

The girl cannot imagine herself without shopping, giving fabulous sums for cosmetics, shoes, clothes and other “girlish joys”. All this leads to the fact that Rebecca simply does not have time to pay the incoming bills, so it is important to get a solid job as soon as possible. So, she forges a resume and gets a job as a journalist in a reputable economics magazine.

As we can guess, in the field of finance, Rebecca is completely illiterate, so she has yet to understand what she signed up for after all. And, of course, where in the American film “Shopaholic” without love!

1. Fashion item | 2015

10 Movies Similar to The Devil Wears Prada Kate dreamed all her life of sewing clothes for one of the fashion houses. Unfortunately, talent is not enough to get the coveted position. Yes, and the father’s business, which holds a large chain of stores with ready-made clothes – and this is direct competition with Kate’s promising employers.

The girl decides on a trick, not wanting to depend on her father all her life, and contributes to the fashion industry. As always, rivalry, intrigue and love accompany this typical American comedy. “Fashion item”.

The selection is really good – there is something to do for the weekend. So keep it up!

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