10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a true masterpiece of modern cinema. This film is called a puzzle. At first, everything is simple and clear, but after a while the viewer realizes that the plot is not as predictable as it seems.

Teddy and Chuck are bailiffs who go to Shutter Island to solve an interesting case. A patient who killed her children disappears from a clinic for the criminally insane.

Teddy is haunted by visions, sometimes it seems to him that all this has already happened to him.

Intrigue, lies, incomprehensible situations – all this is in abundance in the film.

Teddy’s partner disappears, and everyone around him begins to convince him that he is also a patient of this clinic.

The intricate story will not leave anyone indifferent, everyone will want to watch it to the end and find out what is really happening.

If you have already been lucky enough to enjoy this detective thriller, pay attention to our list of films similar to Shutter Island.

10 Fatal number 23 | 2007

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“The Fatal Number 23” is a thriller starring famous comedian Jim Carrey.

Walter’s life is no different from millions of lives of other men: home, work, family.

For his birthday, his wife gives him the book “The Number 23”. As soon as Walter starts reading the novel, strange things begin to happen to him.

The main character is very similar to Walter, as if it were his mirror image. Soon the man begins to panic, because at the end of the book the main character commits a terrible murder.

Walter is haunted by the number 23. He believes he has the ability to change his future. To do this, you need to unravel the mystery of the mysterious number.

That’s just, the truth does not please Walter at all, he is shocked by what he learned and has no idea how to live on ….

9. Planet Ka-Pax | 2001

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Planet Ka-Pax” – an amazing film with the participation of Kevin Spacey, is included in the top 250 rating on Kinopoisk.

Mark Powell works as a psychiatrist, he has long been accustomed to strange people, but the appearance of a new patient unsettles him.

Prot came from sunlight, he says he came from the planet Ka-Pax. A man behaves like a completely adequate person, he understands that he is considered crazy.

He demonstrates his deep knowledge of science, and even helps other patients get rid of their diseases.

Mark is very interested in a new patient, he devotes a lot of time to him and tries to unravel his secret. The doctor starts a little investigation. During it, he finds out that the alien Prot has a close friend on earth, moreover, he himself was once an earthly person …

7. Remember | 2000

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

Leonard Shelby tries to find the killer of his wife. The situation is complicated by the fact that he does not remember the events that happened to him 15 minutes ago.

He has to constantly write everything down and make various notes. Leonard does not remember anything from his past life, and only notes help him understand who is in front of him, friend or foe.

Film “Remember” very unusual: events are shown backwards. It is difficult for the viewer to understand what is happening, but at the end all events add up, and the picture becomes clearer.

6. Black swan | 2010

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Black Swan” – a dramatic thriller about ballet with very high marks from film critics and viewers: 8 out of 10.

Nina is a young ballerina, she works in the ballet troupe of Lincoln Center.

They plan to stage “Swan Lake”, they have to choose a girl who can play the main role. Nina manages to convince the director that she will do it best.

The girl could not even imagine what awaited her in the future. Strange things happen, she has visions, a rash and wounds appear on her body, and the reflection in the mirror lives separately from Nina.

And the girl also has a competitor who wants to take her place …

6. Mind Games | 2001

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Mind games” – a biographical drama about John Nash – a mathematical genius, he makes a brilliant career as a scientist. John is married and teaches at the institute. One day he receives an offer from a CIA agent. Nash must analyze the information and look for hidden meaning in it.

He is happy to work for the good of America, helping her to resist the enemies.

One day, John is faced with a horrific reality. His whole life is a figment of the imagination, he has schizophrenia.

Now he has to figure out where is the truth and where is fiction, and who he really is. All this time, his wife Alicia will be by his side, who believes that love is stronger than the worst disease.

5. Others | 2001

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Other” – horror with elements of a thriller and a detective with charming Nicole Kidman in the title role – rating 8 out of 10.

Grace and her two children live in a large mansion on the outskirts of the city. World War II is underway, and Grace’s husband has been missing for two years.

Ann and Nicholas’ children have a rare disease: they can’t stand daylight. The curtains are always closed in the house, the electricity is also not turned on, the family uses kerosene lamps.

An uninvited trinity comes into the house, two women and a man. They say that they used to work here and offer their services to the new owner. Grace agrees to hire them.

Strange, frightening incidents begin to occur in the house. No one else follows strict rules here, but Grace will do everything to restore order …

4. Identification | 2003

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

Ten people are forced to stay at a roadside motel not of their own free will, but under the influence of circumstances. A heavy downpour becomes the reason why no one can move on, the road is washed out.

It soon becomes clear that the hotel is a trap. People are dying, there are fewer of them, and the killer is still not found.

Who gathered all these unfortunates here, and most importantly, why? You will find the answers to these questions if you watch the movie. “Identification”.

3. Gothic | 2003

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Gothic” – a popular horror film starring Halle Berry.

Miranda Gray is happy, she has a husband and a favorite job. Together with Douglas, she works in a psychiatric clinic for the criminally insane.

Miranda is driving a car and almost hits a girl who is standing in the road as if rooted to the spot. After Miranda got out of the car and touched her, her life changed.

She found herself in the clinic, but already as a patient. Miranda is told terrible things, she had a blackout, and she also killed her husband.

The girl is in despair, she does not understand what is happening. Everyone around her thinks she’s crazy, but she knows that this is the work of ghosts.

Miranda opened the door to the other world, and now it is unclear what will happen to her next.

2. Secret window | 2004

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

“Secret Window” is a detective thriller starring Johnny Depp, with numerous positive reviews from film critics with a rating of 7,5 out of 10.

You won’t envy Mort Rainey. Yesterday he had a wife and a favorite thing. Mort is a writer.

Now everything has changed, his wife demands a divorce, he is also experiencing a creative crisis.

A change in his life is made by a man who says that Mort stole a story from him. Cockney Shooter will not rest until the writer proves that he does not plagiarize.

Mort Rainey begins his own investigation, he discovers that he wrote the story two years earlier than Cockney. To prove this, he needs to find the magazine where the work was published. Until then, Cockney will interfere in Mort’s life. The first victims appear…

1. House of Dreams | 2011

10 Movies Similar to Shutter Island

Will Eytenten buys a new suburban “House of Dreams” and moves there with his family. In a quiet environment, he plans to write a novel.

At first, everything goes on as usual, but one day Will’s daughter gets very scared: someone was peeping at the girls through the window.

After a while, Eitenten wakes up from hearing a noise. The man discovers that there is another part of the house that he has not been to before. There is a company of ready, they are very happy about the return of Will. True, they call him Peter.

Will goes to the police, but the police say the goths are right. No Eutenten exists, it is a figment of his imagination …

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