10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

The best film of 2018, according to the Oscar committee, was filmed in the best traditions of several genres at once: on the one hand, the picture is an excellent road movie, and on the other, it is a poignant drama about discrimination against blacks in the United States.

The story of a talented pianist who tours the United States in the company of a chatty Italian driver (also a bodyguard) deservedly received 3 Oscars and Golden Globes.

We tried to select 10 films similar to the Green Book, taking not only films about racial intolerance, but simply about the friendship of people from different classes. The resulting selection is quite enough to brighten up a few evenings.

10 Malcolm X (1992)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

Malcolm X, who at birth received the surname Little, in the middle of the XNUMXth century was a famous fighter for the rights of blacks. Far from everyone liked his position, and he regularly received threats against him, but did not pay attention to them.

On February 21, 1965, his opponents went from words to deeds and shot Malcolm before the next performance. The tragic death (21 bullet wounds) and the rich life of this man formed the basis of the film “Malcolm X”taken by Spike Lee in 1992.

Denzel Washington, who played the main role, perfectly got used to the character, so this drama will not leave anyone indifferent.

9. Do the Right Thing (1989)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

Drama “Do the Right Thing” Spike Lee also shot, but here he also acted as a producer, screenwriter, and even the lead actor.

This is a story about the people of Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood: African-Americans and Puerto Ricans, side by side with a small handful of whites. Relations between them are rather strained, and the heat that has been standing for several days already increases the degree of mutual hostility even more.

In 1989, the film participated in the main competition program of the Cannes Film Festival, and a year later received two Oscar nominations and four Golden Globe nominations. In 1999, Do the Right Thing was inducted into the National Film Registry of America.

8. Loving (2016)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

The tape is based on real events that had a great impact on the life of blacks in the United States. Since 1924, in Virginia, the law forbade people of different skin colors from marrying, but this did not stop Richard Loving and his wife Mildred.

A white man and a black woman ignored the sidelong glances of their neighbors, survived the loss of friends, and the final test was the court, which wanted to sentence them to a real prison term just because they loved each other and wanted to be together.

Starring Joel Edgerton and Ruth Nega perfectly conveyed the love, willpower, and pain that real spouses had to go through. Loving.

7. Mudbound Farm (2017)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

Directed by Lee Rees, the drama is based on the novel by writer Hilary Jordan. “Madbound” and talks about a family that moved to Mississippi. Here they will face racism (white family), cruelty, meanness and other injustices.

6. Help (2011)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

Movie events “Servant” also set in Mississippi and centers on a white girl writing a book about black discrimination. She draws information from the stories of servants who have been working in her family for many years. All this takes place in the 60s against the backdrop of growing discontent among African Americans and the assassination of Kennedy.

The film, based on the novel of the same name by Catherine Stockett, boasts an impressive cast: Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain and, of course, Octavia Spencer. It was she who became the main star of the film, receiving all possible awards for it: Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe, Satellite, etc.

For the actress, the tape became a real benefit, lifting her to the Hollywood Olympus and multiplying subsequent fees many times over.

5. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

Don’t let the release date fool you: “To Kill a Mockingbird” with Gregory Peck and Mary Badham – a film for all time. 8 Oscar nominations (3 wins) and the title of one of the best works of cinema he deservedly received.

The film is based on the no less iconic novel by Harper Lee, who received the Pulitzer Prize in 1961.

A lawyer raising two children alone takes on the defense of an African American who is accused of raping a white woman. Proving his innocence in the face of acute racial prejudice is not an easy task. But this will help teach children to be fair and evaluate people not by the color of their skin, but by their actions, because whites often turn out to be much more cruel and ruthless.

4. Marshall (2017)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

The plot of the movie “Marshall” somewhat similar to To Kill a Mockingbird: there is also an African American accused of raping a white woman, only he is defended by the same black lawyer named Thurgood Marshall.

In 1940, a black lawyer was a curiosity, so he was not even allowed to speak in court, appointing a white one. Marshall will have to prove the innocence of his client outside the courtroom, while simultaneously trying to convince everyone of his professionalism.

Of interest is the factthat the tape is based on real events, and Thurgood Marshall is the first African American in US history to become a Chief Justice.

3. Alien Hate (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

The main character of the film “Strange Hatred” – A 16-year-old African-American schoolgirl living in a poor neighborhood, but attending a decent school.

Her measured life comes to an end the day she witnesses the murder of her friend by a white police officer. No one but her can shed light on what happened, but if she speaks, then death will threaten her and her family.

Despite the huge risk, the girl decides to do the right thing and tell everything, but will they believe her when a police officer with a “noble” skin color denies his guilt?

2. 1+1 (2011)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

We’ll make a reservation right away: we included the original French film in the selection «1+1», rather than the Hollywood remake, as it is much “soulier”. Despite the talents of Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart, Omar Sy and François Cluzet did a better job of conveying the friendly feelings between a rich white aristocrat and a poor black servant. Although, calling a hero a servant can be a stretch: this is precisely friendship, albeit a strange one.

It is hard to imagine that someone has not watched this film, but just in case, we will briefly describe the plot: a rich but paralyzed man is looking for an assistant who will take care of him around the clock. To well-bred, educated, but extremely boring candidates, he prefers a rude, uncouth and unprepared black guy, who at first glance is not suitable for such work.

The new assistant has no idea how to care for a disabled person, but he knows the address of a good brothel and where to get a joint.

1. Hidden Figures (2016)

10 Movies Similar to Green Book About Race

The space race between the USSR and the USA forced the Americans to hire black women at NASA, who were placed in a separate block.

One of them, brilliant mathematician Katherine Vaughan, gets a chance to work in a core group with white employees, something that no one has ever been trusted with before. You can earn their respect only by hard work, but even this is not enough. A steel character and a kind heart are what will help her become a leading space program analyst.

Film “Hidden Figures” became the best in 2016, confidently beating competitors at the Oscars.

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