10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Don’t Cry

«Good kids do not cry“- a film for family viewing, a drama produced in the Netherlands. A not very pleasant topic is touched upon here – sick children. Most people choose not to talk or think about it, but there’s no getting away from it. Children suffer, their families suffer…

In the center of events is the girl Ekki. She is in 6th grade. She has a hobby – football. Yes, Ekki is a girl, but on the football field she will give odds to any boy. She hopes to participate in a football tournament, but soon her life changes. The girl is diagnosed with a terrible disease – leukemia. Relatives and classmates support her, Ekki hopes for the best. A new feeling gives her even more strength to fight the disease, the girl falls in love with her classmate Yoel.

This film is about love, friendship, life. Very touching, even the most callous viewers will not be able to hold back their tears. If you love watching stories like this, check out our selection of movies similar to Good Kids Don’t Cry.

10 The Camino (2008)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

At one time, this film was involved in a major scandal. It is based on real events, the story of the girl Alexia Gonzalez-Barros became the prototype. The girl’s parents deny any involvement in this film. They were very unhappy that someone dared to make a film on a painful topic without their consent.

The main character of the movie is called Camino. She is 11 years old, she is seriously ill. The girl is struggling with her illness, close people are next to her.

Camino has very little left, but fate gives her a great opportunity to learn what love is. But Camino’s mother has her own opinion on this matter. She is very religious and tries to control her daughter’s life.

9. Louder Than Words (2013)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

Another true story. This time, the main characters of the film were the spouses who lost their daughter. “Louder than words” talks about how each family member is trying to cope with this grief, to survive the loss.

The story is told from the perspective of a dead girl. This sudden death was a kind of impetus for John and Brenda, they decided to open a children’s hospital. These people helped many sick children and gave hope to their parents.

8. Now is the Time (2012)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

Tessa is a young girl who has been living with leukemia for several years. She understands that she is unlikely to be able to meet old age, so she makes a wish list. She still has time to implement them. Her dreams can be called stupid, typical teenage desires. Drugs, alcohol, sex…

Soon an event occurs that changes Tessa’s point of view. She falls in love. Her lover loves her back. Right now get everything you want from life, but now Tessa dreams of something else. To see a newborn child of a friend, get married, give birth to children of your own and … still live to old age.

7. My Guardian Angel (2009)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

My guardian angel” is a sad story with an unusual plot. Ann Fitzgerald is an 11 year old girl. She is quite healthy, but her life is completely different from the life of an ordinary girl.

The fact is that Ann has a sick sister. Actually, Ann was conceived “in vitro” in order to maintain the condition of Kate, who has leukemia. All these years she gives her blood and plasma to her sister. Kate’s condition worsens as her kidneys fail.

Parents hope for Ann. But the girl is tired of being a donor, she goes to court. Ann wants to get a kidney transplant ban.

6. You’ll be sorry! (2013)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

«You’ll be sorry!” is a Dutch film that has received tremendous success not only at home, but also abroad. Platinum status (more than 400 thousand viewers in cinemas), many awards and prizes, positive reviews from critics.

The main character of the film is an eighth grader named Yochem. The boy’s life is not sweet, at school he is bullied by everyone who is not lazy. He cannot stand up for himself and prefers not to let adults know about his problems, fearing threats from his classmates.

When it is no longer possible to endure, Yochem decides to take a desperate step …

5. Paper cities (2015)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

Cu Jacobsen is in his senior year. This guy has long had feelings for his neighbor Margot. The girl asks him for one favor. She wants to punish everyone who knew about her boyfriend’s betrayal. No one even tried to tell her the truth. Q agrees. The next day, Margot does not come to school, she disappears.

The young man begins to look for her and soon realizes that Margot has not been in the city for a long time. The girl left mysterious messages, Q is sure that Margo wants him to find her. The protagonist of the moviePaper cities“goes to New York for his beloved …

4. Bridge to Terabithia (2006)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

«Bridge to Terabithiais an adaptation of a short story by American writer Katherine Paterson. The book is based on real events, a similar story happened to Katherine’s son.

The main character of the film is a boy named Jess. He is insecure and withdrawn. Jess has a dream, he wants to win the running competition. He is overtaken by a girl named Leslie. New, she recently moved here with her parents. Jess and Leslie begin to communicate, they even have a “own” place – the fictional country of Terabithia.

It seems that Jess’s life has improved. Now he has a girlfriend, together they can confront bully classmates. Jess does not yet know that fate is preparing a new test for him…

3. The Fault in the Stars (2014)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

Hazel is seriously ill, she has cancer. Fate had mercy on the girl. She is in remission and her life is no longer in danger. There is one problem, Hazel has forgotten how to live.

To normalize her psychological state, doctors recommend that she attend trainings for people who are faced with the same terrible disease. There, Hazel meets a guy.

Augustus knows firsthand what cancer is. This disease led to the amputation of his leg, but the young man tries not to lose heart.

Feelings develop between Augustus and Hazel. Now the main characters of the filmBlame the stars» understand that you need to appreciate every minute spent together. After all, no one knows how much they still have left …

2. Path to Eternal Life (2010)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

Sam’s family is going through hard times. The boy has blood cancer. He is only 12 and wants to live. However, Sam is good at it. He does not despair, like adults, does not fight the disease, but simply lives the period that is allotted to him.

Of course, he does not want to die, Sam has many desires. He dreams of becoming the captain of a spaceship and kissing a girl.

Will Sam manage to carry out at least something of his plans? If you are interested in the answer to this question, watch the film “The path to eternal life».

1. On the Way to Grace (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Good Kids Dont Cry

The action of the film takes place in the 20s. The main character is a boy. His parents died a long time ago, the boy was taken in by a doctor. The man found him a job. The young man delivers medicines to those who need them.

Once, while fulfilling the order of the doctor, he meets a young beauty. The daughter of the owner of the coffee plantation, Grace, attracted his attention, but the guy understands that they will never be together. A little time will pass, and Grace will reciprocate his feelings.

The unequal social status of lovers is not the only reason why they cannot be together. Other unforeseen circumstances will arise that will interfere with their happiness. Main character “On the way to Graceready to do anything for love…

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