10 Movies Similar to Divergent

The film is a dystopia. It received rather mixed reviews, however, the creators of “Divergent” filmed three more chapters, that is, the film has its fans.

The plot is based on the story of Beatrice. She lives in a post-apocalyptic world where everyone must obey the rules.

Upon reaching the age of 16, every teenager must decide what to do in life. All people in society are divided into 5 factions, depending on their personal qualities and abilities: erudition, friendliness, renunciation, fearlessness, sincerity.

Beatrice feels she belongs to every faction. Such people are called divergent, and they are objectionable to society. They have out-of-the-box thinking and are difficult to manage.

Which path will Beatrice choose, and how will events develop further? This question worries all viewers. The film is bright, interesting, you will not be bored.

If you have already watched the film, and it made a good impression on you, pay attention to the selection of films similar to “Divergent”.

10 «V» stands for Vendetta | 2006

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

Movie action “V” stands for Vendetta is set in Britain, in the near future. Recently, the inhabitants of the country fell victim to the virus, now chaos reigns here.

The fascist party comes to power. Now people must live according to the established rules: curfew, unquestioning obedience to party members.

But someone appears who is ready to sacrifice his life, only to return freedom to the inhabitants of the country. No one knows anything about him, only his name is known.

Soon he finds himself an assistant. She becomes a young woman whom V rescues from the clutches of the Party Security Service.

Will V be able to achieve his goal and free the country from the oppression of the Party?

9. Equal | 2016

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

After a terrible war, an ideal society “Collective” was created on Earth, all its members are called “equal”. They are calm, polite, fair, they do not experience any feelings and live by reason. Perfect world for perfect people.

There are also exceptions to the rule. If someone begins to feel emotions, they are considered sick, and immediately sent to the isolation ward. Those who become ill usually commit suicide.

Silas discovers that something is wrong with him: he can feel. His colleague Nia is also seriously “sick”. A romantic relationship develops between them.

The lovers decide to flee to the Peninsula. There live people who do not obey the laws of the Collective, they have their own society and their own rules.

But the plans of Silas and Nia are not destined to come true…

8. Time | 2011

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

“Time”. Humanity has discovered the secret of immortality. People live to the age of 25 and stop aging.

There is only one problem – you have to pay for the time. No money – no time, which means you have to die. To count it on the hand, each person has a watch that shows how many minutes or years are left.

Will lives in a poor city where someone dies every day. He works to be allowed to live one more day.

One day, a guy appears in the city who has 116 more years ahead of him. He talks about how rich people live in the neighboring city of New Greenwich, who have plenty of time.

The guy is tired of his life, he gives his time to Will. It does not bring him happiness, now the Guardians of Time are chasing Will, who accuse him of murder and robbery. He will have to make every effort to stay alive.

7. Elysium: Paradise is not on Earth | 2013

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

Elysium: Heaven not on Earth. 2154 year. Planet Earth is a pitiful sight. Too much population, diseases, epidemics, wars. Only the poor live here.

Wealthy people have long moved to the Elysium space station. Ideal conditions, but only a few can get here, even money will not help.

Max is an ordinary worker, he receives a large dose of radiation. The robot doctor says that he has no more than five days to live, and he can only receive medical care on the Elysium.

Max decides on an adventure, he has nothing more to lose. If everything goes well, he will not only be cured, but will also be able to achieve equality between these two worlds …

6. Maze Runner | 2014

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

“Maze Runner” Teen Thomas wakes up in an elevator that takes him to the Glade. This is a space surrounded on all sides by a labyrinth. He does not remember anything about himself and does not know how he got here.

Only boys live in the Glade, every month the elevator brings a new one. Teenagers are trying to find a way out of the maze, but so far without success. One day the elevator arrives outside the schedule, he brings the girl. She is holding a note in her hands saying that she is “the last of them all”.

Thomas is trying to find out the truth and understand what is going on here. He joins the squad of “runners” and hopes to find a way out of the labyrinth…

5. The Hunger Games | 2012

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

Movie action “The Hunger Games” develops in the future. Every year, the Hunger Games are held to entertain the audience. This show is broadcast live. 24 participants are fighting for survival, only one will win. The losers will die. Participants are determined by lot.

Prim was unlucky, her name ended up on the list. Katniss decides to replace her sister. Also among the participants, she discovers Pete. This guy has been in love with her for a long time. However, this does not matter anymore, now the participants have only one goal – to survive …

4. Guest | 2013

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

Aliens who call themselves Souls dream of taking over the Earth. They get it. The aliens do not have a physical shell, they use the bodies of dead people.

To distinguish a person from an alien, it is enough to look into the eyes. If the body is enslaved, the pupil becomes not black, but silver.

Melanie could not avoid such a fate, the Wanderer was transferred to her body. But the soul of the girl has not died, she is still in this shell. Now there are two souls in one body, and which of them will win, you will find out if you watch the movie “Guest”.

3. Equilibrium | 2002

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

“Equilibrium”. The Third World War is over, and to prevent this from happening again, the authorities are developing a plan to combat emotions. It is believed that they are the cause of all troubles.

Now every resident of the state of Libria must take a drug that blocks feelings and emotions. Those who refuse to take the medicine are called “emotional criminals” and are persecuted and then executed.

John Preston accidentally breaks the ampoule, so he is left without a “dose”. The new state strikes him, he begins to feel. John recalls his wife being executed for an “emotional crime”.

Now the man consciously refuses the medicine and goes over to the side of the Resistance.

2. Ender’s Game | 2013

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

“Ender `s game”. The year is 2135, the earthlings are at war with the aliens – the Beetles. The government makes a decision: it is necessary to train future officers. To do this, it is already necessary to select the most gifted children and train them in military affairs. Andrew is one of them.

Now this boy is among those who have high hopes. After all, apart from them, no one can save the Earth …

1. Dedicated | 2014

10 Movies Similar to Divergent

Perfect world. Here there is no place not only for wars, suffering, but also for joy and memories of the past. Each person receives his destiny and blindly follows all instructions.

Jonas is 16 years old, he, too, cannot wait for his fate to be decided. The young man is appointed Guardian of Memory. Memories completely change his worldview.

Jonas wants every person to remember their past and have the right to emotions. He decides to resist the system. What will come of it, you can find out if you watch the movie “Dedicated”.

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