10 movies similar to Cinderella

Stories in which a kind and good, but unhappy heroine finds her happiness after a series of difficulties have always been popular. And, despite the fact that not every girl manages to meet the prince, I want to believe that goodness and justice will triumph sooner or later. Films similar in plot to Cinderella have always been watched and will be watched by more than one generation of girls. for them, this is not just a fairy tale, but a dream come true, albeit on a TV screen.

10 Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves (2012)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

This is a comedy film based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. The role of Snow White’s stepmother was played by Julia Roberts. The actress admits that she has always been a fan of Tarsem Sinha (film director) and would agree to any role. She believes that he has an original vision, besides, he is an incredibly bright and original person. The story, although it is a free interpretation of the famous fairy tale, is not very different from it in terms of plot. The same evil stepmother who seized power, and Snow White, who will have to fight for her kingdom. In this she must be helped by 7 gnomes whom the girl met in the forest.

9. Maleficent (2014)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

This is a fantasy remake of the 1959 cartoon Sleeping Beauty starring Angelina Jolie. The film received mixed reviews. Critics couldn’t help but notice Jolie’s excellent acting, as well as stunning visuals, but many didn’t like the feminist ideas. It seemed to them that in “Maleficent” men either destroy the lives of the main characters, or are useless. But in Russia, most critics responded positively to the film, calling it a magnificent fairy tale, one of the best shot in Hollywood in recent times.

8. Alice in Wonderland (2010)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

This is an adventure fantasy film created by director Tim Burten. He said that he rethought the works of Lewis Carroll. The book talks about a girl who just went from one character to another. There was no emotional interaction between them, and he wanted to make a film that tells a fascinating story. The main character, Alice, is nineteen years old. She, at the insistence of her parents, is going to marry the son of Lord Ascot, whom she does not like at all. During the holiday, she sees the White Rabbit and runs after him. Thus begins her adventure.

7. The further into the forest … (2014)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

The film was based on the musical of the same name by Walt Disney Pictures. Famous actors starred in it. So, the role of the Witch was played by Meryl Streep, and the Wolf – by Johnny Depp. However, Depp was often criticized for this role, both by ordinary viewers and professionals. They wrote that he had an implausible appearance, and he looked more like a pimp than a wolf. Many noted the mannerisms, vulgarity of this character. But the film was nominated for many awards, including an Oscar, and received a Golden Globe. The plot is unusual. The main characters are a baker and his wife. The evil witch put a curse on them. To get rid of him, you need to bring her 4 things. The couple go to the forest, where they meet various fairy-tale characters.

6. White and Rose (1979)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

A magnificent film by the German director Siegfried Hartmann, which premiered in the summer of 1979. Despite the fact that this picture is almost 40 years old, it is still relevant, because. talks about the importance of being kind, hardworking, selfless and courageous. The main characters are two sisters, Belyanochka and Rosochka, who help their brother-princes, enchanted by an evil spirit.

5. Three Nuts for Cinderella (1973)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

A painting created in the GDR and Czechoslovakia. She is loved in many European countries. So, in the Czech Republic, Norway and Germany every year, for more than thirty years in a row, this fairy tale is shown before Christmas. In the Czech Republic, the film was named the best fairy-tale picture of the XNUMXth century. It is based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Three Sisters”. It differs from the story familiar to many in that it is not the fairy godmother who helps the poor girl, but a wonderful hazel.

4. Ella Enchanted (2004)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

This romantic comedy was based on the novel by Gail Carson Levine. Anne Hathaway got the lead role. The actress said that she first read the book on which the film was based, at the age of 16. There was a first draft of the script, much closer to the book, but it didn’t fit. Nevertheless, she is sure that they have succeeded in the film. The author of the novel himself says that his book is very different from the picture, so they should not be compared.

The fairy tale tells about the girl Ella, who from childhood is forced to obey everyone. She receives this “gift of obedience” from the fairy Lucinda. After her mother’s death, she finds herself at the mercy of her stepmother and her daughters, who bully Ella. The girl decides to leave home to find a fairy and get rid of the hated gift.

3. Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

This picture is also based on one of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder could have played Evil Queen Rowenna, but the role went to Charlize Theron. For her sake, she did not star in director Clint Eastwood. The main character is the same Rowenna, who always remains young and attractive. The evil queen knows that she will die at the hands of a girl more beautiful than her. She learns from her mirror that her stepdaughter Snow White has become the most beautiful and decides to sacrifice her. But the girl manages to escape.

2. Beauty and the Beast (2014)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

A beautiful French film based on the fairy tale of the same name directed by Christophe Hahn. The plot of the picture is predictable. The merchant climbs into an abandoned castle. He becomes a prisoner of the monster, which allows him to go home for 1 day to say goodbye to his family. The merchant’s daughter, Belle, goes to a mysterious castle instead of her father. The monster is fascinated by the girl, and she is ready to reciprocate.

1. Everlasting Love Story (1998)

10 movies similar to Cinderella

The picture is based on the fairy tale about Cinderella, but the story itself is significantly different from the one we are used to. The Cinderella featured in this film is not a passive, resigned victim of bullying, but an active heroine in the style of the 1990s. She is not afraid to argue about the economy and civil rights with the royals, she does not wait for salvation from the prince, but she herself is ready to help him. The film received positive reviews from both ordinary viewers and critics. Drew Barrymore played the lead role in the film.

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