10 Movies Similar to “Balkan Frontier”

Premiere of a military drama thriller The Balkan Frontier took place in the spring of 2019. The film is about a secret operation. A special battalion of the Russian Airborne Forces was transferred to the city of Pristina in 1999. The group was given a difficult task: to control the Slatina airfield in Kosovo and keep it from encroachment by the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The movie is based on real events. It tells about a small detachment under the command of Andrei Shatalov. The task force is doing an excellent job, but the situation is heating up more and more. But a Russian person is capable of much, especially if the life of a loved one depends on his actions. Among the hostages of the airport is Shatalov’s beloved girl Yasmina …

This film touches on a very important, even sensitive topic. The viewer will experience strong emotions, worry and believe that everything will end well. If you are interested in films with a military theme, check out our selection of films similar to Balkan Frontier.

10 Corridor of Immortality (2019)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

The film was presented to the public for the Victory Day. It is also based on real events and tells about the events of the Second World War.

A young girl Masha decides to take a desperate step, she comes to the railway courses. It is dangerous, but unlike besieged Leningrad, there is an opportunity to survive there.

Soon Masha goes to the construction of the Shlisselburg highway. The railway was in direct line of sight of the Germans, but it was through it that about 75% of all cargo was delivered. Masha becomes a member of the locomotive column. She will have to risk her life every day, along with other girls like her…

“Corridor of Immortality” – a film about the war, but its plot is unusual. There are no tanks and heroes here, this is the story of people driven to despair, ready to do anything to survive…

9. Unbreakable (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Military drama based on real events. This is the story of the real hero Semyon Konovalov. He accomplished his feat on July 13, 1942. The man single-handedly entered the fray with the enemy. He destroyed 26 vehicles (tanks, vehicles, armored vehicles).

True, the events described in the film are far from real. AT “Invincible” many inconsistencies and historical inaccuracies.

The film received average ratings. Most viewers were disappointed. It is worth noting that there is more than enough action in Invincible. It can be compared to any Hollywood movie. But the Russian viewer admits that there is little soul and humanity in him …

8. Cavalry (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

American drama. The action takes place in America in 2001. After the September 11 tragedy, the government is trying to find the culprits.

Mitch Nelson and his team are sent to Afghanistan to assist General Abdul-Rashid Dostum and his army. There, in the desert, they will have to fight the militants. The military will ride on horseback, as if cavalry. In those places, riders have an undeniable advantage …

Classic American action movie: bright picture, dynamic plot. The only thing it differs from typical blockbusters is its closeness to real events.

7. Ax (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Two part military drama. Ivan Rodin is a “white” officer. He has been living in the forest for 20 years, he is a hermit. The man himself chose this path and decided on a voluntary exile.

When Ivan learns that his homeland is in danger, he goes to the front without hesitation, his weapon is an old ax, which also has its own history …

This is a low-budget film, which was based on a real story, and the screenwriter worked hard and changed it beyond recognition.

The film is quite interesting, unusual, but crumpled. There is no backstory for the protagonist, and many points are overlooked. The viewer has to independently think out the story of Ivan.

6. Eagle Hunt (2006)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Military fighter. An American helicopter was shot down over the Philippines. Matt Danielt goes into the jungle to save the pilot. The commandos are confident that they can easily cope with the task. They think that their opponent is the guerrillas. They soon become suspicious of this. They understand that their enemy is much more cunning and dangerous than they expected …

Film “Eagle hunting” cannot be called successful, it has a low rating, and most viewers admitted that they are unlikely to want to watch it again.

5. Wolf Valley – Iraq (2006)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Turkish action movie that tells about the events that took place in 2003. American troops attacked the Turkish base, which was located on the territory of Iraq. There were only 11 people there. The Turkish soldiers did not resist, the more they were sure that this was an ordinary friendly visit …

“Wolf Valley – Iraq” – a film atypical for Turkey. Someone calls it the best in its genre, someone could not even watch it to the end. If you are not very fond of films about military operations, it is better to opt for another film.

4. Brotherhood (2019)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

The film tells about the final stage of the Afghan war. The script is written on the basis of the memories of officers who take part in hostilities.

Soviet troops are preparing to leave Afghanistan. The departure is planned to be carried out through the Salang pass. It is controlled by the Hoshem faction. Not everything is so simple, a Russian pilot is captured by the Mujahideen…

Movie premiere “Brotherhood” was supposed to take place on May 9, Victory Day, but the creators were strongly advised to choose a different date. The Federation Council considered that he distorts the real picture and denigrates the image of the Russian soldier. However, everyone perceives the film as he pleases.

3. Tanks (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

An adventure film that describes the events taking place on the eve of the Second World War. This is an invention of the writers, it has nothing to do with reality.

Designer Mikhail Koshkin is developing a model tank. He and his team dream of proving that the car is unique. To do this, they go from Kharkov to Moscow. On tanks. Will Koshkin be able to confirm that his invention is worth something?

Pretty interesting movie. True, you should not rely on the reliability of events, these are just fantasies.

2. They will never get older (2018)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Documentary film about the First World War. The basis of the film is footage from the archives of the Imperial War Museum in London. This is the story of young guys, soldiers of the British army, who gave the best of their years (or life) to the war.

“They will never get older” – The title of the film touches the soul. This picture demonstrates the war without embellishment, this movie is not about heroes, but about its meaninglessness.

1. Dunkirk (2017)

10 Movies Similar to Balkan Frontier

Military drama. The film is based on the events of the Dunker operation. Dunkirk is a commune in France. British, French and Belgian troops find themselves in a stalemate. Behind the back is the sea, and on the other sides the enemy is the German troops. The picture has a non-linear structure, there are three time lines (week/day/hour).

“Dunkirk” is one of Nolan’s most successful works. She received a lot of rave reviews, on her account several awards, including three Oscars. Indeed, the director managed to accomplish the impossible: he showed the retreat as a victory. Is there anything more precious than a human life?

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