10 movies similar to Avatar

The film Avatar has become one of the best in the science fiction genre. His story was loved by millions of viewers. The unusual life of the characters makes watching the movie in one breath. It combines three genres – drama, fantasy, action. In the Avatar there is love, and suffering, battles and grief of defeat, fantastic creatures that have the feelings of people. All this has been loved by the audience for a long time. But, it is worth paying attention to other films that are similar in their genre and plot to Avatar.

10 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | 2017

10 movies similar to Avatar

The action takes place in the distant year 2700, where intergalactic criminal groups ruled. Mankind no longer imagined how to live peacefully and happily. People wanted a coup, but there were still those who fought for a peaceful life. They were space special agents. Their goal is to prevent plots and gatherings of bandits in order to save the planet from war. Two friends, Laureline and Valerian were always inseparable and in one day became participants in a terrible conspiracy. Trying to find the truth, friends discovered new immigrants from the planet Alpha. She became uninhabitable due to the conflict. The new inhabitants seemed rather strange and not at all dangerous. But what about them? Return to your planet or leave?

9. New World | 2005

10 movies similar to Avatar

Huge ships with numerous colonialists arrived in America. The local population is at a loss for what purpose they arrived, what they can bring with them – joy or misfortune. On one of the ships, a young rebel, John Smith, was imprisoned. He should have been executed. But just before the execution, he unexpectedly receives freedom. The captain thought that his strength could help guard the new settlement. John accepted the offer, otherwise the gallows awaits him. But the main character could not even think that he would soon find the love of his life.

The construction of a new settlement began. But food supplies are not endless, they began to run out. Hunger forces people to go to the most extreme measures. John was sent to the local population to conclude a trade agreement and there he met a beautiful girl who turned out to be the leader’s daughter.

8. After our era | 2013

10 movies similar to Avatar

The film takes place outside the planet and time. More than a thousand years have passed since the great catastrophe. It was this trouble that forced people to leave the planet. There is no more life left on Earth. Everyone went to another planet called Nova Prime. On it, people arranged everything to live comfortably. A huge army stood to protect the population of the planet.

After many years of service, General Cypher finally returned home. At home, a family is waiting for him, where there is a teenage son. The time has come when he needs a male upbringing. The son always listens to the father and imitates him. The teenager will soon have to make very serious decisions on his own, because when flying with his father, their aircraft crashes. His task is to overcome all obstacles and get to the saving beacon.

7. Planet of the Apes | 2001

10 movies similar to Avatar

Actions take place in the future, at the end of the third decade of the 21st century. On one of the space stations, experiments are being carried out on monkeys. Astronaut Leo teaches them how to fly the aircraft. But one monkey decides not to obey and hijacks the ship. Leo is trying to save the naughty monkey, because the flying ship is between times. Saving the ward, the astronaut finds himself in a completely unfamiliar world. Everything is different in it, people obey the monkeys. Now Leo is forced to free people from this slavery. But how to fight the monkeys, because they are in armor.

6. Epic | 2013

10 movies similar to Avatar

Everyone thinks the professor is crazy. He claims that some little people live in the forest. Only the professor’s young daughter listens to his stories. She likes them very much. The professor decides to prove to everyone that the forest world is real and installs cameras there.

One day, my father once again went into the forest and disappeared. The girl decided to go into the forest to find her father. But an incredible thing happened to her – going into the thicket, she became small in size. It was then that she realized that in the forest there is the world that her father told about. There she meets the soldier Nod, who guards the forest kingdom. All the people of the forest are very kind, but they are only controlled by an evil king who wants to completely subjugate the small people. The girl understands that the little men are inextricably linked with the real world, and now not only their lives, but also the lives of ordinary people depend on her. They are constantly working.

5. Warcraft | in 2016

10 movies similar to Avatar

The film is full of wars and unusual events. People seize power and migrate from one land to another. All worlds are connected by portals, many remain unexplored.

Travelers constantly follow new discoveries, but they are overtaken by hunger. Among all the most strange and unpredictable is the race of people. There is no sun in the new world. Some residents practice magic. While there are no conflicts, all representatives live peacefully, but as soon as a conflict situation arises, a fierce battle begins. Each race wants to excel over the others, so there are fierce battles for power on all planets.

4. Matrix | 1999

10 movies similar to Avatar

An ordinary programmer, Thomas Anderson, receives a mysterious letter on the Internet. The hacker decides to find out who it is from. He begins to follow everything that is written in the message and meets a girl named Trinity. She invites Thomas to talk to one of the wise men in order to find out the essence of his environment. At the moment of the conversation, a bug is introduced into the body of Thomas to monitor all his actions. The hero has to join the ranks of people who are ready to defend themselves from the enemies of civilization who have taken over the world. Humans have become common food for robots and machines. And only some of them try to fight with enemies. The goal of the brave is to destroy the matrix of thought and progress.

3. District #9 | 2009

10 movies similar to Avatar

The film describes the very first contact of unearthly beings and people. For a long time people wanted to face the unknown world. And now the long-awaited moment has come. But people began to behave very boldly. They decided to resettle the aliens in Africa. But this was not at all happy with the alien guests. A fierce confrontation between the parties begins. It turns out that the aliens were forced to make a stop on Earth due to the breakdown of the ship. During their stay on earth, many aliens became just like people and no longer wanted to return to their planet. They started to treat real people like animals. Among some people and aliens, there were still healthy people who began to fight for justice.

2. Star Trek | 2009

10 movies similar to Avatar

People had to face enemies in the face of alien creatures who decided to take over the planet. To combat them, a space patrol was created. Two comrades, James and Spock, serve in Starfleet. They are destined to take the fight with the aliens in order to save humanity. Danger awaits them at every corner, but they need to implement their father’s plan to restore the world. The entire patrol team is waiting for a fierce battle. On their way there are various adventures, troubles, funny cases. But the hour of reckoning will dot the i. Will friends be able to overcome evil?!

1. John Carter | 2012

10 movies similar to Avatar

The main character is John Carter, a soldier, a participant in the Civil War. He was left completely alone, there are no more relatives and friends. This forced him to treat his wounds with alcohol. Sometimes he traded in gold mining to buy himself a drink. One day he saw an unknown creature in a cave. A fight ensued between them, and John was transported by unknown means to another planet. There he discovered that he was endowed with extraordinary powers.

To survive on this planet, he has to remember everything that he used in the war. He meets a beautiful girl who is the queen of this world. Now we need to save her, because there is a war with Helium, who planned to dominate this world. From now on, John is completely different, he has found the meaning of life.

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