10 Movies Similar to After 2019

In the spring of 2019, the premiere of the film “After” took place. This is an American melodrama, the age limit is 16+, but adults are unlikely to like this picture. Most likely, it is suitable for a pleasant pastime of couples in love, or girls’ companies. After all, girls love to watch movies about love.

The plot is not original. Young student Tessa Young is studying at the university. She has always been diligent and obedient, but away from home, you can deviate a little from the rules. In addition, Tessa’s new neighbor Steph loves to have fun.

Yang meets Hardin. The girl likes him, but this guy is a cheeky rebel. They are too different. This meeting changes Tessa and Hardin’s life for two periods: before and after.

The film is based on the novel of the same name by Anna Todd. Its creators gave the audience a promise that work will soon begin on the continuation of the film. In the meantime, it has not been removed, you can see something like that.

Especially, for lovers of romantic melodramas – a rating of films similar to “After”.

10 How I love now | 2013

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

Action picture “How I Love Now” take place in the near future. Daisy is 15 years old, she comes to rest with relatives in England. On the threshold of World War III, Daisy must go home to America. She does not want this at all, because the girl sincerely fell in love with her cousin Edmond. Fate separates them.

The young man is drafted into the army, and Daisy and her cousin Piper are sent to the evacuation zone. At parting, Edmund tells his beloved that she must return home, to where they were happy.

Daisy and Piper soon decide to leave the safe zone and head home. There are many obstacles along the way. Can they reach their destination and will Daisy ever see Edmund again? You can find answers to these questions by looking at the picture “How I Love Now.”

9. One day 2011

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

July 15, 1988 Dexter and Emma meet at the graduation party of the University of Edinburgh. They like each other, but they have completely different personalities. Emma is romantic, her dream is to make the world a better place. Dexter is a favorite of girls, he is not at all interested in such global problems.

They spend together “One day”, night falls, but Emma and Dexter decide to remain friends. Now this day, July 15, will be special for them. Every year they will meet until they realize that they have long since found the love of their lives, and nothing else is needed …

8. Lucky | 2012

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

“Lucky” – perfect romantic story. Logan Thibault served in Iraq, he’s a Marine. His life was in danger more than once, but the man was saved by an unknown force. It seems to Logan that the photograph of a woman he once found at a halt is to blame.

Thibault decided to keep the photo, it became something like an amulet for him. When he returns home, he decides to find a girl who, without knowing it, helped him survive in this terrible war.

7. Fans don’t stay for breakfast | 2010

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

“Breakfast Fans Don’t Stay” – a story about 17-year-old Lila, who spent a year in America. She participated in a student exchange program. The girl returns to her homeland in Germany and meets an attractive guy. Lily realizes that she is crazy about Kritz. That’s just until she knows that her lover is the lead singer of a mega-popular group and the dream of all girls.

Lots of hardships await along the way. The guy must comply with the terms of the contract – play a lonely handsome man, so no girlfriends.

Will Kritz and Leela be able to keep their love and overcome all the obstacles that fate has prepared for them?

6. The best in me | 2014

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

Drama heroes “The Best of Me” Dawson and Amanda loved each other, but their parents were against the relationship. The fact is that their families are from different social strata. Dawson leaves home and takes shelter with Tuck Hasteler. The widower knows about Dawson’s love.

The guy’s father is trying to do everything so that his son returns home. A skirmish ensues, Dawson accidentally injuring the entire cousin. He’s going to prison. He does not want to spoil Amanda’s life, so he asks his beloved not to wait for his release, but to continue to live.

Their paths diverge, but now, after twenty years, they will meet at the funeral of Tak Hasteler. An elderly man left a will that will change the lives of Dawson and Amanda…

5. Dear John | 2010

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

John is a soldier in the American army. While on vacation, he meets a pretty student. A romantic relationship develops. The vacation is coming to an end, and the lovers promise to write letters to each other.

Savannah agrees to wait for John for a whole year, but unforeseen circumstances arise. The September 11, 2011 terrorist attack was the reason that prompted John’s entire squad to go for another term, he also cannot refuse. The soldier is given a couple of days off, and he flies to his beloved to tell her the news.

The girl is horrified, she will have to wait another 2 whole years. Whether Savannah will wait for her beloved, and how their relationship will develop in the future, you can find out if you watch the movie “Dear John”.

4. Safe haven | 2013

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

Katie’s husband is a real domestic tyrant. She is tired of living like this, but she cannot leave him. The situation is not simple, besides, her missus is a policeman. The girl decides to take a desperate step. She escapes the city and changes her appearance.

His “quiet harbor” Cathy found in a small provincial town. She meets Alex, who gives her hope for a happy life. But Katy’s past won’t let her go so easily…

3. Anatomy of love | 2014

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

main character “Anatomy of Love” Jade Butterfield is a young girl. Her family is fabulously rich, but there is no place for happiness in their home. Brother Jade died, the cause of his illness is cancer. It seems that the whole family died with him, the parents do not live, they exist and constantly remember their son.

Jade is focused on her studies. She is engaged in scientific research, the result of which could help her brother survive. Only at graduation, young Butterfil realizes that she has absolutely no friends.

The rich beauty is not indifferent to classmate David, whose financial situation leaves much to be desired. But love does not pay attention to the amount of money …

2. Hurry to love | 2002

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

“Hurry to love” – a story about Landon Carter – a handsome young man with a daring character, the whole school knows him, all the girls are crazy about him. One stupid prank, and Landon has to serve his sentence, namely to play in the school theater and help younger students who are lagging behind in their studies.

Now handsome all the time intersects with Jamie – the daughter of a priest. He asks the girl for help at rehearsals. She agrees, but takes an unusual promise from Carter – he should not fall in love with her. Landon agrees.

What will come of it, and will the young man be able to keep his promise?

1. Three meters above the sky | 2011

10 Movies Similar to After 2019

Acclaimed Spanish melodrama “Three Steps Above Heaven”, over which more than one hundred girls sobbed.

Hugo Oliver, nicknamed Hache, brutally beat a man, and now he faces a prison. Everything in his life goes wrong.

Once in a traffic jam, he notices a girl (Baby) and calls her names. After some time, an unpleasant situation occurs with Babi, only Hache can help her. The proud beauty has to accept help, although she is not at all happy about this. Handsome tries to make Babi fall in love with him, he soon realizes that he has strong feelings for her.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Hache and Babi are from different social strata, the girl’s parents are against this relationship. Hache and Babi are very different, but a great and strong feeling arises between them – love …

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