10 Movies Similar to 2019’s Robot Child

«Child is a robotis an Australian sci-fi film. The UN has created an autonomous bunker. There are stored 63 thousand human embryos in cryogenic freezing. In the event of the end of the world, the robot nicknamed “Mother” must start the procedure for artificially creating a fetus.

Everything happened as the scientists expected. Mankind is dead, Mother creates a female baby, but only one. The girl is growing, she has more and more questions about the world around her. Soon an uninvited guest comes to the bunker – this is a wounded woman …

The film is sure to please fans of the genre. This is a good and smart movie that makes you think about a difficult question: “And what will happen when artificial intelligence surpasses humans?.

If you’ve already watched it, take a look at our selection of films similar to 2019’s Robot Child.

10 Mountain (2018)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

A young woman, Julia, is abducted from her home at night. She wakes up in the mansion of an unknown man. She is not the only prisoner, there are two more people. Everyone has an implant in the back of their head.

Julia soon learns that the owner of the house, Alex, is researching neural activity, he has a plan to develop and implement artificial intelligence. The house already has one robot controlled by it. His name is Mountain, he looks after Julia and does everything Alex orders. Tau is very interested in the world around him and everything that is outside the house. Julia knows this…

9. Air (2015)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

The action of the filmAiris set in the near future. As a result of human activities, the Earth has become uninhabitable. Ahead of the apocalypse, humanity is on the verge of extinction.

Scientists are going to solve this issue with the help of cryogenic sleep. They plan to place their bodies in an underground bunker and wake up after many years to revive life on Earth.

Two people remain to monitor the integrity of the cameras. They are called “caretakers”. These people do not know what awaits them in the future, but the fate of mankind is in their hands, so they are ready for anything …

8. Upgrade (2018)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

Future. The world has changed so much that now people do not have to make extra efforts and engage in some kind of activity. All for them is done by artificial intelligence. One has only to implant an implant or a chip, and all everyday tasks will be solved by themselves.

Gray is one of those people who doesn’t trust artificial intelligence. He makes a living repairing old cars. One day, together with his wife Asha, he goes to a client who is engaged in the production of chips. Along the way, they get into an accident and become victims of an attack by unknown people. Asha dies, Gray ends up in the hospital. He is paralyzed. Now he dreams of one thing – to die.

Eron’s client makes him an offer – he will implant a chip that will give Gray the ability to walk. The man agrees, he has a new goal – to take revenge on the offenders for the death of Asha …

7. Out of the car (2015)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

The protagonist of the movieFrom the car» programmer Caleb. He is hired by a billionaire who got rich thanks to high-tech developments. Caleb is tasked with living a week in a remote deserted place with a female robot. He needs to run some tests. Moreover, they are built in such a way that not only the robot, but also he himself will become the “guinea pig”.

The billionaire expects that the robot will be able to understand the information received and even feel emotions. It is of great importance to him that Caleb will feel at such moments …

6. Morgan (2016)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

Lee Weathers, an employee of a bioengineering company, is sent to a remote laboratory to investigate an incident. There is a recorded case of a human hybrid attacking a human.

This is Morgan, she looks like a young girl, in fact she is only 5 years old. This development is classified, and few people know about it. Will Weathers be able to justify the hopes that the company’s management places on her, and what will happen to Morgan next?

5. Omen (2009)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

The film begins in 1959. During the celebration of the opening of the elementary school, children are invited to draw the future, and then place the drawings in the “Time Capsule”. One of the girls, Lucinda, instead of a drawing, covered the entire sheet with incomprehensible numbers, after which she disappeared. She was found in a closet, where she was finishing her numbers. The girl asked to “stop whispering.”

After 50 years, the “Capsule” is taken to the surface, and Lucinda’s drawing falls into the hands of the boy Caleb. The child shows a sheet of paper to his father, after which he notices strange coincidences. This is not a meaningless set of numbers, these are the dates of man-made disasters with the number of victims …

4. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

A sequel to Blade Runner, it takes place 50 years after the main events. Artificially created people have already settled quite firmly in the world, they are called “replicants”. The “indigenous” inhabitants of the Earth are hostile to them.

Main character “Blade Runner 2049» new model (latest development) Kay. He works in the police, killing rebellious replicants. By chance, Kei learns information that could cause a war, as a result of which all of humanity will die …

3. New Z Era (2016)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

Film “New Z erabased on Mike Carey’s Pandora’s Gifts. After a terrible epidemic, a small number of people remained on Earth, they all live in isolated military bases. Those who were less fortunate turned into carnivorous creatures with no signs of intelligence. They are called “hungry”, they are thirsty for blood and try to get into closed areas.

The only hope is the children who were infected in the womb, the second generation. They are in a special bunker. They are dangerous, but they have developed intelligence. Scientists suggest that by properly studying children, they will be able to invent a vaccine against this disease. But no one thought that the situation would get out of control …

2. Separator (2011)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

New York is under nuclear attack. Nine people manage to go down into the bunker. Mickey, the fireman takes charge”separator“. From now on, he will distribute food and water. He occupies a whole room into which he forbids other rescued people to enter.

After a while, masked men come to the bunker. The survivors think they are the rescuers, but the men are behaving strangely. Mickey and the other guys decide to kill them. Life in the bunker continues, the survivors are once again left alone with their fears and the unknown…

1. Child of Man (2006)

10 Movies Similar to 2019s Robot Child

2027, humanity is on the verge of extinction. The reason is infertility, the last child was born 18 years ago. Theo Faron is not interested in these questions. He recently lost his son and divorced his wife, he no longer has plans for the future.

His ex-wife Julian, the leader of a terrorist group, kidnaps Theo and invites him to do business. For a small fee, he must deliver the young refugee Key to another country.

Julian dies, and the girl tells Theo that she is pregnant. Julian planned to take her to the scientists, the Humanity Project. Theo decides to help Key, because perhaps her child is the last child of man, last hope…

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