10 Movies Similar to 2018’s Quick Family – They’ll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think…

Pete and Ellie Wagner adopted three adopted children. They could not even imagine what big problems they would have to face.

Lizzie, the eldest girl, does not trust the spouses and tries to take care of her sister and brother on her own. Juan runs into trouble all the time and is very responsive to every problem. Lita is a very naughty girl and only wants to eat potato chips. Then the children get used to new parents, but one day their mother comes out of prison.

Quickie Family is not only a comedy, but also a deep lyrical drama. This is a very smart, heartbreaking film. This article discusses films similar to “Quick Family” 2018.

10 Three Men and a Baby (1987)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Three successful friends lived a calm and measured life, but one day the ex-girlfriend of one of them throws a six-month-old baby. After that, everything turns upside down in the world of a few men.

The main characters try in vain to learn how to handle a baby and offer each other money to change diapers. At the end, three friends realize that they do not have a soul in this baby and do not even want to give it away.

The film can be called a guide for new fathers. “Three Men and a Baby” – a kind and very funny film that leaves behind only positive emotions.

9. Baby for Rent (1995)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Before Thanksgiving, the director of the orphanage goes to rest and asks his father to replace him. My father owns a small company that rents used clothes. An enterprising businessman who finds himself in the role of director decides that he can rent out children and make money from it.

The Syracuse couple take Kyle, Brandon and Molly. Then they realize that they can not do without each other.

“Baby for Rent” – a comedy with philosophical overtones. In today’s consumer society, there are processes that need to be fought.

At the same time, the film looks easy, it has a very good ending. After viewing, a smile, tranquility and a pleasant aftertaste remain.

8. Foster/My little angel (2011)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Zoey and Alec were having trouble having children and were completely discouraged. One day, Eli knocked on their door – a seven-year-old boy, smart beyond his years. The child walks in glasses, a jacket and claims that he came to the spouses from the orphanage.

This boy changed their lives. He turned out to be the very miracle that the spouses needed. However, sometimes doubts arise that Eli is an ordinary boy from an orphanage.

This is a simple and inspiring film for people who know how to enjoy life and still remember their childhood. “Adopted” – it’s a good story.

7. Big Daddy (1999)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Sunny is thirty years old, and he allows the little foster boy absolutely everything: not making the bed, not sleeping, spitting, not washing his hands, walking in flippers down the street, eating a lot of ketchup. Any child would wish for such a father.

Sunny is a carefree and frivolous person. He is constantly required to succeed in something, to set a goal in life, to find a normal job. He goes through a lot with his adopted son, but then he still begins to think that he is a very bad parent, and decides to give the boy back. However, they became so close that it was not so easy to leave.

“Big Dad” – an incredibly funny and at the same time very touching film that leaves no one indifferent.

6. Martian Child (2007)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... David Gordon is a science fiction writer. He is trying to cope with the pain of loss: his girlfriend died. The protagonist thinks that the adopted child will help him survive this grief. He chose Dennis: a strange boy who sheltered from the sun’s rays in a cardboard box.

David wants to help the child cope with his problems, relying on his ability to handle fantasy worlds. However, the boy is so difficult, “alien”, that Gordon often comes to a standstill.

In film “Martian Child” real life, great grief and true love are shown. This picture is remembered for a long time.

5. What to Expect When You’re Expecting (2012)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... This film shows the story of five families in which a child is expected. For some, the pregnancy was unexpected and caused great confusion. Others have been planning the birth of a baby for a long time, but nothing happens. Still others decide to adopt a child. Someone has had children for a long time, and they are very happy, despite the hassle and responsibility.

The main advantages of the film “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” – a wonderful cast, sincerity and humor.

4. Fashion Mommy (2004)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Helen is trying to cope with a great grief: her own sister has died. The main character led a rather idle life, worked in a modeling company, but now she will have to take responsibility for three orphaned nephews.

Helen tries hard, but things don’t go well: Henry doesn’t want to play basketball and barely smiles, Sarah constantly sheds tears, and the older Audrey is dating a very dubious suitor. Pastor Dan begins to help the main character, with whom she begins an affair.

“Fashion Mom” – sometimes romantic, somewhere funny, and sometimes tragic picture.

3. Parents (1989)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... This film tells about a family in which parents want a decent future for their child. To do this, they have to give all the best, try to earn as much money as possible.

Gil Buckman is very tired of all the duties that have piled on him, he does not know what to do next. Providing for the family lies on his shoulders.

The main character is torn between family and work. How will he deal with all the problems? Will he be a good husband and father?

motion picture “Parents” excellent script, great acting. This is a good real life movie.

2. Instructions Not Included (2013)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Valentin Bravo from Acapulco is a local playboy. One fine day, a baby was handed to him, saying that it was his daughter.

For several years, Valentine searched for the girl’s mother from Los Angeles to Mexico City. To provide for himself and the child, the main character became a Hollywood stuntman.

One day, the real mother of the baby still comes back for her, but Bravo realizes that he does not want to be separated from the girl who has already become her own.

“Instructions not included” – a very peculiar film, in which equally funny and sad moments. The main idea of ​​the film is the struggle of people with their own fears.

1. Life as it is (2010)

10 Movies Similar to 2018s Quick Family - Theyll Make You Laugh, Cry, Think... Eric Messer works with sports broadcasts, Holly Berenson owns her own candy store. They were on a date that turned fatal and started to hate each other, but they have something in common: love for their goddaughter Sophie.

Circumstances develop in such a way that this girl has only Eric and Holly left of her close people, so the main characters will have to forget about hatred. They will settle under the same roof, so you need to find at least something that unites them.

“Life as it is” – a very touching, sincere film that makes you think a lot.

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