10 Movies Similar to 1+1

This French tragicomedy of 2011 will not leave anyone indifferent. The story is quite simple, but I want to watch it to the end.

The rich aristocrat Philip becomes disabled – he is paralyzed. He has lost interest in life, he no longer has any desires. The man is very rich, he has the opportunity to pay for the services of an assistant.

An unusual candidate comes to the interview. Dries is a native of Senegal, he often has problems with the law, dabbles in drugs, loves women and rhythmic music. Philip takes him to work. Since then, his life has changed 180 degrees. It is filled with chaos, and the aristocrat realizes that, in spite of everything, he wants to live.

Dries was able to prove that all is not lost. Philip still has a chance for a happy life, Dries will also draw some conclusions and become a completely different person.

The film is based on real events. He fell in love with viewers from all over the world. This touching story is perfect for evening viewing.

If you have already watched it, then pay attention to our selection. Below is a list of movies similar to 1+1.

10 Rust and bone | 2012

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Ali is having difficulty finding work and housing. With his 5-year-old son, he goes south in search of a better life. His sister lives there, Ali’s life is getting better. She looks after the child, and Ali manages to find a job.

Fate brings him together with the beautiful Stephanie. This girl is not his circle, she is young, beautiful. Stephanie has an interesting job, she is a killer whale trainer. It seems that they will never be together, but a tragedy occurs at the performance. The girl loses her legs. Ali is not afraid, he wants to help Stephanie.

What will be the ending of this story, you will find out if you watch the movie “Rust and Bone”.

9. Life is beautiful | 2011

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Movie hero “Life is Beautiful” Adam is 27, but he has no more plans for life. Doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis – cancer of the spine. The beloved girl is cheating on him, he breaks up with her, because he understands: further relationships are meaningless.

Everyone around sympathizes with him, trying to provide support, this only makes it worse. Soon only the closest people remain nearby.

Adam must fight the disease, although he understands that there is no chance of recovery. Next to him will be a friend Kyle, for whom life is an eternal holiday …

8. Sea inside | 2004

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Film “Sea Inside” Filmed based on real events. Ramon Sampedro was paralyzed for 30 years, he wanted to die and sought his own euthanasia in court. The filmmakers did not change the name, they only slightly supplemented the story with fiction.

Ramon hires a lawyer. Julia is supposed to represent him in court. The viewer will see how his relatives and representatives of the church relate to the decision of the patient.

Ramon meets a woman and falls in love with her. She is terminally ill, soon Rosa also loses the ability to move.

They decide to leave this life together, but the woman experiences a strong fear and refuses this idea. Ramon is waiting for a court decision and dreams of leaving this world as soon as possible.

7. Cartagena | 2009

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Spanish town of Cartagena. French Leo is looking for a job. Muriel needs a nurse, she is paralyzed. She rejects all women who come for an interview and prefers a man with a questionable appearance.

Lucia is Muriel’s friend and she also acts as a nurse. Leo is not at all easy, Muriel is sometimes unbearable, she behaves like a capricious child.

A man understands how difficult it is for her, so he endures all her whims. He realizes that these two women need him and decides to end his past life.

Leo quits drinking and decides to go in for sports. The former boxer has to prepare a homeless girl for a fight, this is her only chance for a prosperous life.

Three women, so different, but they all need Leo’s strong shoulder. How will his fate turn out? You will find out the answer to this question if you watch the movie. “Cartagena”.

6. And in my soul I dance | 2004

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Movie hero “And in my soul I dance” Michael is 24 years old, but he hasn’t seen much in his life. The guy has a serious illness – cerebral palsy, he has been living in a nursing home for a long time.

Rory O’Shea gets there, he is chained to a wheelchair. But Rory does not despair and continues to live “to the fullest.” He enjoys life and endures all the blows of fate. Michael has a lot to learn from a new patient at the clinic.

5. Awakening | 1990

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Movie protagonist “Awakening” Dr. Sayer is doing research. Fate is preparing a surprise for him: he must get a job in a regular hospital. All of his patients had been ill with encephalitis. They are unable to move or speak.

Sayer decides to experiment, he wants to awaken these people. His first “victim” is Leonard. The experimental medicine helps, the patient returns to life.

Sayer gives the drug to the rest of the patients. Everything goes according to plan, but after a while the doctor realizes that the awakened patients are returning to their previous state.

But Sayer is not one of those people who give in to difficulties, he continues his research …

4. The king speaks! | 2010

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

“The King speaks!” – Historical tragicomedy. George V asks his son Duke Albert of York to give a speech. The occasion is the British Imperial Exhibition. Albert does not cope with the mission assigned to him, he stutters, his speech is interrupted every now and then.

Albert will spend the next 9 years getting rid of his stuttering. No one can help him, the duke is already ready to surrender. His wife Elizabeth finds a famous speech therapist.

Lionel Logue heals in unconventional ways, but they are quite effective. Only a speech therapist is too principled and does not even try to find an approach to such a majestic person …

3. The scent of a woman | 1992

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

“The scent of a woman” – American drama. Frank Slade is a retired lieutenant colonel. He has big plans for Thanksgiving. He wants to go to New York and have fun there. Expensive hotel, alcohol, casino and, of course, beautiful women.

There is one problem – Frank is blind. Relatives hire student Charlie Simms to accompany Slade on the trip. The lieutenant colonel is not at all happy about this.

Charlie, overwhelmed by the Lieutenant Colonel’s harshness and terrible attitude, wants to give up the part-time job, but stays anyway.

This trip will change the lives of Frank and Charlie, they will never be the same again …

2. Universe of Stephen Hawking | 2014

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Physics student Stephen Hawking – the hero of the film of the same name “Stephen Hawking Universe” shows great promise. Professors predict a bright future for him.

Stephen meets Jane Wilde. Dates, parties, physics classes – all in the past. After all, the doctors gave Hawking a terrible diagnosis. He only has 2 years left. Stephen is 21 and wants to live.

The scientist, contrary to the predictions of doctors, lived a happy life. He built a career, started a family, and all this time Jane was next to him.

1. See you | 2016

10 Movies Similar to 1+1

Movie heroine “See you before” Louise is left without a livelihood. The cafe where she worked for 6 years is closed. At the labor exchange, she is offered to take care of a paralyzed person.

Will is 31 and bedridden. But two years ago he lived a full life. He was working out, dating a girl. The tragedy divided his life into “before” and “after”. Now he wants to die.

The man does not want to see anyone, and Louise is no exception. She will have to make a lot of efforts to establish contact with Will.

Nevertheless, the girl manages to bring him back to life, at least she thinks so. Soon Louise learns that Will is going to die…

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