10 Movies Men Secretly Love

It is believed that all men are very harsh and do not like to watch certain films.

However, some representatives of the stronger sex are still not indifferent to films that are considered to be more popular with women.

Men are ashamed, they don’t tell anyone about it – but they still watch such “forbidden” films.

So, let’s find out what these mysterious films are.

10 Beauty | 1990

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Edward Lewis is a financial tycoon who once stopped by a beautiful woman while driving through the city at night. The name of his new acquaintance is Vivien, and she works as a prostitute.

In the morning, Edward realizes that he is not at all ready to part with this amazing woman. He invites her to stay for a while: of course, for an additional fee.

The girl found herself in a world of lies, duplicity and brilliance. But Vivienne liked the new acquaintance, he ceased to be just a client for her, and for his sake she has to endure the disrespectful attitude of other people.

9. Stylish thing | 2002

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Melanie Carmichael, a fashion designer from New York, is suddenly infatuated with the city’s most popular bachelor. However, it keeps a large number of secrets of the past.

Melanie has a husband who does not want to divorce her: the woman has been married to him since high school. To finally deal with this obsolete marriage, she decides to return to Alabama. It turned out that a woman can leave the South, but the South will always remain in a woman.

8. Diary of memory | 2004

10 Movies Men Secretly Love In the center of the plot is the relationship between a girl and a boy from different social strata. Ellie and Noah spent an unforgettable summer together. Then the lovers were separated by their parents, and after that – the Second World War.

After these events, their lives became completely different. Noah restored the old house and stayed there, reminiscing, while his lover was about to marry a wealthy businessman. After learning about how Noah lives, Ellie decided to still meet with him and sort out her feelings.

7. Fall in love with me if you dare | 2003

10 Movies Men Secretly Love This pair was harmonious, but very strange. They played a very unusual game that they invented themselves. It was called “Dare – Dare Not”.

When the main characters matured, they suffered, hurt each other, had fun – but did not at all seek to make concessions. They had no doubt that fate had rewarded them with true love, but the game never left them for long.

The main characters have a special box that is directly related to this game. The whole question is who will have it next time.

6. Titanic | 1997

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Rose and Jack are young lovers who met while sailing on the Titanic. At that time, it seemed to everyone that this ship simply could not sink, but it collides with a huge iceberg and sinks very quickly.

Death spares neither the poor nor the rich. The main characters have to fight for life and test their feelings for strength.

Jack loved Rose so much that he was willing to sacrifice his life for her. The girl forever remained true to this love and held Jack’s hand until the very last minute.

5. Twilight | 2008

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Bella is a seventeen-year-old girl who moves to the small town of Forks to live with her father. She draws attention to an unusual classmate and very quickly realizes that he awakened great love in her.

However, it turned out that this is not a simple guy, but a vampire: he has to restrain himself so as not to kill his beloved. This love turns out to be painful, beautiful and very romantic.

Bella dreams of Edward making her a vampire, but he absolutely does not want such a terrible fate for her. The situation is greatly aggravated due to the confrontation of the vampire clans.

4. Water shape | 2017

10 Movies Men Secretly Love The plot takes place in the early 60s, against the background of the confrontation between the USA and the USSR. Eliza Esposito is a woman with a monotonous and boring life who earns money by cleaning a science lab. They are studying the captured amphibian man. The Indians in the Amazon revered him as a deity.

Scientists are unable to make contact with this creature, and besides, it is treated very badly. A woman tries to save an amphibious man, and as a result, strong feelings arise between them.

3. Mean Girls | 2004

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Cady Heron’s parents work as zoologists, which is why she spent her entire childhood in Africa. The girl was sure that she knew everything about the “survival of the fittest” rule, but it turned out that living in a city is more difficult than in the wild.

When Cady was 15 years old, her family moved and she had to go to a regular school. The situation was greatly complicated by the fact that the girl fell in love with Regina’s ex-boyfriend George, the “Queen of the Hive”. Regina is vindictive, mean and sharp-tongued, and the relationship between the girls immediately becomes very difficult.

2. Ghost | 1990

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Molly and Sam are happy lovers who go home in the evening. During this trip, they are attacked by a robber. Trying to defend himself, the young man dies and becomes a ghost.

After a while, Sam finds out that he did not die by accident, and his girlfriend is in mortal danger. In an effort to warn his beloved, the ghost begins to look for the best medium, and his search was crowned with success.

Sam found a woman who really knows how to communicate with the other world, but she does not want to help him at all and considers the ghost too annoying.

1. Diary of Bridget Jones | 2001

10 Movies Men Secretly Love Bridget Jones is an ordinary woman, whose age is just over 30. She does not have a husband, but she does have some very cheerful friends with whom she likes to gather, drink and discuss male scoundrels.

Bridget has a complex because of being overweight, smokes a lot, keeps a diary and spends holidays at her parents’ house. They introduce the girl to rich but boring Mark Darcy, but she is in love with her “dangerous” and gorgeous boss, Daniel Cleaver. Bridget writes down all the important events in her life in her diary, doing it in her own unique manner.

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