10 Movies Like The Cube – Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

At one time, the film “Cube” became a cult film. Its premiere took place in 1997, at that time nothing like this was filmed, so the “Cube” made a splash.

Five strangers are trapped. The huge room consists of rooms in the form of a cube. Some rooms are safe, while others have deadly traps.

These people have nothing to do with each other, and they do not know how they ended up here. When meeting, it turns out that one member of the group is an engineer who once designed the frame of such a structure.

The captives build various hypotheses and try to get out of the cube. Not everyone will get…

Horror fans will love the movie. If you’re looking for something similar, check out our list of movies similar to The Cube.

10 Mindhunters (2004)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

The film takes place on an island. Seven FBI students must pass their final exam. The best will be able to get into an elite department called “Mindhunters”.

A few pieces of evidence are enough for these specialists to draw up a psychological portrait of criminals. But the students did not think that the exam would be so difficult.

A real serial killer is operating on the island, the first victim appears. Now the students need to understand who is following them and what to do next. Time is too short, soon there is a second murder…

9. Nine on the Dead List (2010)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

An unknown maniac kidnaps nine people. They do not know each other and do not know what connects them, although the masked man claims that he collected them for a reason. He announces that he will talk about the similarities between them, and kill one prisoner every 10 minutes.

Panic sets in, but the kidnapped are not as simple as they seem. Each of them has their own secret, which they carefully hide.

“Nine on the Dead List” – a good film for fans of the horror genre, although you should not expect anything supernatural from it.

8. Saw: The Game of Survival (2004)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

The film was so successful that its creators hurried to shoot a sequel as soon as possible. Unsurprisingly, the box office grossed $103 million against a budget of $1,2 million.

The story of two men who woke up in a closed basement. Adam and Lawrence don’t remember how they got here. They find the player and listen to the recording. Someone invites them to play. The rules are simple, one of the two must survive. Adam is offered to kill Lawrence, otherwise his family will die.

Someone is watching the prisoners, a video camera is installed in the basement. Men only have 7 hours to make the hardest decision of their lives.

In motion picture “Saw: The Game of Survival” there are very unpleasant scenes, it is better not to watch it for children and impressionable people.

7. Exam (2009)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

A large company is looking for an employee. Eight people were selected from a large number of candidates. Now they have to take part in the final interview. They are invited to exam.

Candidates are closed in a room where there are eight tables. On them are sheets of paper and pens. Exam participants are asked to answer one question. They are also read the rules, anyone who breaks them will be disqualified.

The guard leaves, the door closes. The candidates are left alone in the room, but the sheets of paper are empty. They begin to wonder what the question was? The situation is heating up more and more, everyone wants to fill a vacant position …

6. West Farm (2007)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life


An unknown person gathered four mathematicians in an abandoned house. He gave them the names of great scientists, and he called himself Fermat. Now he invites them to solve one puzzle.

The prisoners have only two days. If they fail to give the correct answer, the walls of the house will begin to move and the mathematicians will die.

“West Farm” is a captivating psychological thriller. It is ideal for people who lack thrills. Unlike many similar films, there is no blood and “meat”, this is an easier option for particularly impressionable individuals.

5. Death Maze (2004)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

Another story about a deadly kidnapping. Nine people woke up in an isolated room. A voice from the speaker tells them the rules of the game. They are under the sights of video cameras.

Out of nine people, one must survive. He will receive a good monetary reward – $ 5 million. The captives are not ready to kill each other for money, but the situation is heating up.

A victim appears, another and another … This is a battle for survival. But can the winner leave death maze?

4. What Would You Do (2012)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

Iris finds herself in a difficult situation. Her parents died, and her younger brother is seriously ill. A familiar man Shepard Lambrick invites her to a dinner party, he wants the girl to be distracted from sad thoughts.

At dinner, terrible things begin to happen. It turns out that Shepard gathered in his mansion eight people who fell into difficult life circumstances. He says that they will have to fight each other. A lot of money and lives are at stake.

At first, the players do not want to accept the rules of the game, but each of them wants to live, they have to choose: kill themselves or an opponent. Iris has the opportunity to solve all her financial problems and cure her brother, but for this you need to win the sadistic game “What would you do”.

3. Death Room (2008)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

Several people take part in the government program. They are locked in an isolated room, they must perform various tasks.

Soon, the lives of the participants are in jeopardy. At first, the victims of the experiment do not believe that they can be killed. They hope that this is a prank and they are being filmed by a hidden camera, but the events taking place will make them believe in the terrible truth.

“Room of Death” no different from all previous films. The picture has rather low ratings, it is constantly compared with similar films and against their background it loses. However, some people really like the movie.

2. Maze Runner (2014)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

Thomas enters the Glade. This space is surrounded by a labyrinth. There is no way out of it. More than 50 teenagers live here, the first one was in the Glade three years ago. They all dream of getting out of here, so every day a group of “runners” goes to the Labyrinth looking for a way out.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the labyrinth is full of strange poisonous creatures that attack them. Also every night the labyrinth changes. The events that are taking place force the teenagers to leave the Glade and go towards danger. Soon they find out that they have become victims of the experiment, and all this time they are being watched …

The Maze Runner – a film in the genre of youth dystopia. Despite the fact that it has nothing to do with horror, the picture was included in our selection.

The viewer will have to go through many tense moments, and the heroes of the film will have to get out of a limited space. There is too much at stake – their lives.

1. Cabin in the woods (2011)

10 Movies Like The Cube - Movie Thrillers And Horrors That Make You Think About The Cost Of Life

Three young men and two girls are going to spend the weekend in nature. The cousin of one of them bought a cabin in the forest. What could be better for city dwellers tired of the hustle and bustle?

In the hut, the guys find an ancient book. They cast a spell to resurrect zombies. Travelers do not believe that the dead can rise from the graves and continue to have fun.

Soon one of the girls is killed by a zombie. The rest will have to save their lives. That’s not all, scientists are watching what is happening.

“Shed in a woods” – this is not a banal horror film, it is distinguished by the originality of the plot and an unusual idea. Critics and audiences alike have praised this film, despite the fact that it has many inconsistencies and crazy ideas.

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