10 Movies Like “Lucy” That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love

Sometimes there is such a mood when you want to turn off mobile phones, send all your affairs and problems to hell and just relax like a human being. Armed with popcorn (or crispy wings) and a nice drink, we sit at the screens, choosing a driving action movie with elements of fantasy, for example, “Lucy”.

The story tells about the girl Lucy, who went to study the language in Taiwan and found herself in the cycle of the most unexpected events. She became involved in the scheme of the Chinese mafia and drug trafficking. At the same time, all the drugs that got into her body suddenly began to cause unique abilities: super strength and extraordinary intelligence.

New skills should help the girl get out of a delicate situation and, perhaps, radically change the outcome of events.

Agree, such a theme fits perfectly into the picture of an exciting movie marathon.

We offer you a list of the most interesting science fiction films similar to “Lucy” that are sure to entertain you on a gray weekday.

10 Tree of Life (2010)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love “Tree of Life” is a story about three brothers, or rather about one of them, eleven-year-old Jack. A teenager sees the world in “rose-colored glasses”, enjoying the actions of his mother with all his heart. She is for him an example of mercy and love, while the father instructs his son that in reality you can always and should rely only on yourself and your own strengths.

Both a benevolent mother and a scrupulous father are trying to get the attention of their son and lure him to his side, and he is trying to reconcile their claims for a comfortable coexistence.

But here comes the harsh reality when a young guy has to face death for the first time and the subsequent wild pain. The rose-colored glasses are cracked, and a cruel life becomes visible, reminiscent of a labyrinth of events.

9. Matrix (1999)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love This cult work of the Wachowski brothers thundered, thunders and will thunder in world cinema. A film with a strong semantic range and raised sharp topics cannot leave any viewer indifferent, and if you have not watched it yet, then do not waste your time. The film raises questions about the illusory nature of worldly life and the material world.

An ordinary programmer Tom, tired of his everyday life, incarnates at night as a hacker Neo. He is followed by interesting individuals – the sage Morpheus and Trinity, who lead a certain army of rebels against the matrix system.

And what kind of system it is and how it is connected with the civilization of machines, find out for yourself by watching the cult film “The matrix”. Will the almighty Chosen One win?

8. I am the Fourth (2011)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love Film strip “I’m fourth” tells about a simple guy John Smith, who concurrently (well, by the way) turned out to be one of the last surviving inhabitants of a distant planet.

John is constantly pursued by dangerous enemies whose goal is to wipe the boy off the face of the earth. In this regard, he has to change names and identities, forever looking for new places of residence under the guardianship of a certain Henry.

In various places, John appears as a newcomer with no past. Once in Ohio, the guy met his girlfriend and discovered in himself unique abilities that gave him the power to confront the forces of evil and restore balance.

Will the guy reveal his amazing destiny?

7. Supremacy (2014)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love Scientific researcher Will Custer has been nurturing an interesting idea for a long time. He would like to create such an artificial intelligence that would have all the knowledge of mankind and, accordingly, the ability to control any processes on Earth.

Of course, such a perfectionist concept will have opponents. The latter seek and destroy all the followers of the scientist and prevent experiments.

Caster has a dilemma: is his offspring worth such sacrifices? And if they become the closest and dearest people who most support the idea?

But it is no longer possible to stop, because scientists are not driven by a desire to help humanity, but by a thirst for power and unhealthy ambitions superiority over others.

6. Especially Dangerous (2008)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love The viewer meets a typical clerk, Wesley Gibson, who is ready to sit in the office all day, enduring the humiliation of the director. In Wesley’s personal life, nothing is going well either – the girl is cheating, relatives are tired of his excessive tedium and whining.

And here is the main character of the film “Extremely dangerous” discovers that the father who left him as a child was brutally murdered. So Gibson became involved in a secret society of assassins for hire called the Brotherhood.

A strict mentor Fox was assigned to the recruit, who from an “office rat” and a squishy makes a professional killer with superhuman speed of movement and excellent reaction.

The very first task is given to Wesley hard, because he got access to the fate of other people and his own.

5. The Fifth Element (1997)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love great movie “The fifth Element” With Willis in the lead role, many remember: these are chic computer shootings for those times, wonderful casts and locations, excellent dialogues and meaning, meaning!

We are talking about another capture of our planet by extraterrestrial beings. For thousands of years, there were good creatures who protected the inhabitants from the destruction of their homes with the help of 5 element stones.

In the 23rd century, it so happened that the guards were destroyed, and an ordinary New York taxi driver, a retired military man, will decide the fate of mankind. A man risks his life in pursuit of 4 saving elements, and the fifth one helps him in this – a higher being, concurrently, a beautiful lover.

4. Divergent (2014)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love Chicago of the future… Society is divided into 5 factions, and every 16-year-old teenager must decide in life which one to join, which ultimately will determine his future and life skills.

The choice cannot be changed, so one has to be torn between erudition and sincerity, fearlessness and renunciation. Or maybe stop at neutral friendliness?

Experimental teenagers first pass a test that allows you to identify the appropriate fractions of character traits. If there are several of them, then the child is declared divergentum and pursued to destroy. One of these children turned out to be Beatrice, an outcast from society, who is being wiped off the face of the earth. This is a fight not for life, but for death.

3. X-Men (2000)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love Epic cinema saga “X-Men” about mutants is a great choice for fans of supernatural abilities and beautiful fights.

People appeared in the world whose genetic mutation contributed to the development of unique abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, physical invulnerability, etc.

Society is afraid of “not like everyone else” and seeks to get rid of them from the light. Professor Xavier is looking for such mutants and collects them within the walls of his school, thereby hiding from the cruelty of people.

Of course, in every company there are traitors who are ready to join the ranks of Magneto, a mutant who wants to exterminate humanity and establish “Eden” for all mutated ones.

2. Fifth Dimension (2009)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love The average American immigrant knows firsthand how to use telekinesis. He has to hide in Hong Kong from a large corporation that wants to recruit him for their own purposes.

On his way, the guy meets an ex-girlfriend and a girl who can predict the future. The latter says that only by acting synergistically will they be able to resist the enemies and survive.

What happens next, see the movie “Fifth Dimension”.

1. Areas of Darkness (2011)

10 Movies Like Lucy That Sci-Fi Fans Will Love The ordinary writer Eddie had a black streak in his life. He decides to try NZT’s secret drug, which allows the brain to work beyond the limits known to mankind.

The guy’s life changes dramatically: he becomes very rich and successful, but also notes the side effects of doping. In his search for NZT partners, Eddie comes across dangerous information that he must use wisely.

“Regions of darkness” This is a film that can be watched over and over again without disappointing the viewer.

We hope we managed to occupy your leisure time for 10 evenings. Happy viewing!

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