10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

The film “Lolita” is an adaptation of the work of the same name by the Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov. It received many positive reviews, but was a failure. The film was released in limited release, so the box office was very low.

Professor Humbert comes to England. He stays with the widow Charlotte, who graciously agrees to rent him a room. The woman has a 12-year-old daughter – Lolita, she reminds Humbert of his first love. At the age of 14, he lost his beloved, the young girl died of typhus. This event greatly shocked Humbert. He realizes that he can be happy again, this time with Lolita. Soon the professor will marry Charlotte, so he hopes to get closer to Lolita…

Excellent screening. It will especially interest fans of Nabokov’s work, but even those who have not read the novel will be satisfied with the film. If you have already watched it, pay attention to our selection of films similar to Lolita.

10 Elusive Beauty (1995)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

A young girl from America goes on a trip to Italy. Recently, her mother died, she committed suicide. The girl is going to spend the summer at a villa with old friends. She has big plans: Lucy wants to lose her virginity, and most importantly, to find her father…

“Escaped Beauty” sure to please women. This is a sensual film, there is not a hint of vulgarity in it, it creates a special atmosphere of love, passion and sexuality.

9. American Beauty (1999)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

Lester is 42 years old, and his life cannot be called happy. A man has a midlife crisis, he is dissatisfied with his job, wife and daughter. Nobody cares about him, the closest people are not interested in his life.

Soon everything will change. Lester meets his daughter’s classmate, Angela. He will remember what it is like to “desire”, and this passion will become a powerful impetus, it will make him change …

Film “American Beauty” was highly acclaimed by critics. He received many awards, including five “Oscars” (one of them in the nomination “Best Film”).

8. Pretty Child (1977)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

The film is set in New Orleans. 1917 Hattie has been working as a prostitute in a brothel for a long time, her daughter is also growing up there. Violet is already 12, and the owner of the brothel makes a decision that will change the girl’s life. She wants to sell Violet’s innocence at auction…

Film “Pretty Child” became one of the most talked about of its time. He was praised and criticized, an indelible impression on every viewer was made by actress Brooke Shields, who, despite her young age, starred naked.

The film has a lot of fans, they consider it a sensual and emotional story. Maybe you will be one of them too…

7. Stepfather (1981)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

The protagonist of the film, pianist Remy, loses his wife, she dies in a car accident. After the death of his wife, the man takes custody of her daughter Marion.

The girl is 14 years old, and she looks at her stepfather not as a father, but as a man. Remy didn’t even think about it, he was always interested in older women. But Marion has her own opinion on this matter. Remy soon realizes that he too can’t resist his feelings…

“Stepfather” This is a story of love and loneliness. The film is often compared with “Lolita”, their plot is very similar, only “Stepfather” is more sincere and pure feelings.

6. White wedding (1989)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

Matilda is a 17 year old girl. She is lonely and unhappy. The father is obsessed with his problems, the mother regularly tries to commit suicide, and the brothers are addicted to drugs, Matilda herself moonlights as a prostitute.

François is a teacher, he teaches philosophy. He was interested in the unfortunate girl, he wants to get her out of this mud, to help her. But when passion broke out between them, Francois got scared, he tried to return to his ordinary, unremarkable life. But it’s not easy to do this, Matilda is standing in his way …

“White Wedding” – a gentle and touching film, but after watching it, it becomes hard on the soul. The heroes of the film will face cowardice and the wrong choice. Everyone has made these mistakes at least once in their lives.

5. Security guard for daughter (1997)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

Leon has been working in the special forces for a long time. His wife leaves him, she takes the children. Leon does not know how to continue to live and goes on a drinking binge.

The leader of the criminal group Jozef became interested in his personality, he is looking for a bodyguard for his daughter. Leon was able to prove himself during the interview, he saved Jozef, who was assassinated.

Soon, Leon takes on the duties of a security guard. Young Sarah is not very happy to meet you. After a man saves her life, she falls in love with him. Leon realizes that he is also not indifferent to this girl. Their relationship is going too far…

“Guard for Daughter” – a romantic melodrama about the feelings of an adult man and a young girl. The film shows the viewer that everyone has the right to happiness, and the age difference is not a hindrance to true love.

4. Young and Beautiful (2013)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

17-year-old Isabelle is a girl from a good family. She goes on vacation to the sea and there she meets a guy with whom she loses her virginity. That’s just sex did not bring her any pleasure.

When Isabelle returns home, she registers on a dating site and starts selling her body to rich men. All of her clients are much older. Isabelle doesn’t need money, she needs pleasure…

“Young and beautiful” – a film-revelation, not every viewer will be able to understand it.

3. Sense Education (2008)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

16 year old Jenny is a good girl. She plays the cello, dreams of getting an education and leaving the boring gray town where her family lives. The most important point of her plan is Oxford.

Acquaintance with David will make her forget about her dream. The man is much older than her, but he attracts her by the fact that he knows absolutely everything about a chic life.

“Education of the senses” is a simple story that could happen to any girl. The film is lifelike and that is why the audience likes it so much.

2. Passion (1993)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love

Journalist Nick Eliot is happy with his life. Most recently, he got a new interesting job and started an affair with a beautiful girl.

Nick rented a house from a wealthy couple. His attention was drawn to their 14-year-old daughter Adrian. The girl seemed to him very beautiful and smart. Adrian lost her head from Nick and now she is ready to do anything to take possession of him. She is not even embarrassed by the fact that Eliot does not have any feelings for her …

Film “Enthusiasm” It’s a psychological thriller with a lot of tense moments. He will quickly capture your attention and will not let go until the final scenes.

1. Lover (1991)

10 Movies Like Lolita About First Love


1929, Vietnam. A French family lives here. Mother works as a teacher, but there is not enough money. She has two sons and a daughter.

A young girl meets a wealthy Chinese man. This meeting becomes fatal. They both experience passion, and soon become lovers. A Chinese man cannot offer a girl anything serious, his parents have long chosen a bride for him. The lovers are trying to convince each other that their relationship is not serious, it’s just a passion that will soon be forgotten…

Good and romantic movie “Lover” will interest women, because, in spite of everything, the picture is not about sex and passion, it is about love.

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