10 Movies George Martin Loves

George Martin is an American science fiction writer and winner of numerous prestigious literary awards.

World fame came to him after the publication of his famous cycle of novels “A Song of Ice and Fire”, which formed the basis of the plot of the cult TV series “Game of Thrones”.

Undoubtedly, Martin is a very authoritative figure in the world of literature and cinema, which is why he has compiled ten of his favorite films recommended for viewing by fans of science fiction and fantasy genre.

Here are the top 10 films according to George Martin.

10 Mad Max 2: Road Warrior | 1981

After Max Rockatansky was able to carry out his plan of revenge, several years have passed, and he still continues to travel through the endless sandy wastelands.

In search of fuel, he finds a handful of survivors, oppressed by a gang of defiant motorcyclists who are fighting with all their might for existence.

Max decides to help these people with the transfer of gasoline across the highway, but the brutal bandits are already on their trail.

The hero will have to fight for freedom again, and he will go to the end …

9. Beauty and the Beast | 1946

A long time ago, there lived a merchant with his son Louis and three daughters.

Once, during his next trip, he got lost in the forest and wandered into an enchanted castle. There, in a beautiful garden, he saw a flower of incredible beauty and plucked it for his beloved daughter Belle. But at that moment, a terrible monster appeared – the owner of the castle.

Enraged by the act of his uninvited guest, the monster promised to kill the merchant, but in the end agreed to replace him with Belle.

When the girl comes to the castle, she realizes that his ugly master is not so terrible, and that a beautiful soul is hiding in this ugly body…

8. Princess Bride | 1987

This story will allow you to immerse yourself in the fantastic world of delightful castles, gloomy dungeons, endless sea spaces, fabulous forests and picturesque mountains.

To save his beautiful bride, the brave hero overcomes unthinkable trials and performs unprecedented feats.

7. Star Wars Episode 5 – The Empire Strikes Back | 1980

The war in the galaxy is not over yet. Rebel base destroyed by Imperial forces.

Luke Skywalker is summoned by the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi to the planet Dagobah. There is no life on it, and nothing at all, except for wildly growing shoots.

There Skywalker is met by the legendary Jedi Master Yoda. His goal is to teach Luke lessons that will help him gain the Force.

Darth Vader is at the head of the Empire’s forces. He is preparing a trap for Princess Leia and the rebel mercenary Han Solo.

While meditating, Luke had a dream that his friends were in trouble. Master Yoda is trying to explain to his student that he must first complete his studies, otherwise there is a risk of being defeated by Darth Vader.

But despite all the warnings, Skywalker refuses to continue his studies and goes to Bespin to help his friends.

6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail | 1975

Many adventurers would give anything for the opportunity to find the mysterious Grail, but no one succeeded.

The action of the picture takes place in medieval England. The legendary King Arthur decided to find the Holy Grail and, having equipped the best knights on a campaign, went in search of it.

Their path promised to be difficult, because ahead of them were many funny adventures, both good and difficult, from which they had to get out, showing unprecedented ingenuity and cunning.

5. Pan’s Labyrinth | 2006

Even in the difficult years of the Second World War, when it was hard for people to hope for a miracle, there was a place for magic and fairy tales.

The main character of this amazing story is a cute 10-year-old girl with a poetic name Ophelia. She didn’t know her father. He disappeared when she was barely born.

Vera, her mother, had to marry a terrible man who, moreover, was a fascist and an officer in Franco’s army. He immediately disliked the girl.

But her mother, who was already expecting a child, had nowhere to go. She put up with his atrocities and bullying, she could only quietly shed tears at night.

One day, in the midst of the war, fate brought Ophelia to the dungeon where the real Fairy lived with her courtiers. Since that time, Ophelia finally made friends, thanks to whom she learned a completely different world, unlike her gloomy reality.

And as it turned out later, Ophelia was the very princess that her own father had been looking for for a long time …

4. Wizard of Oz | 1939

A beautiful and captivating story about the journey of friends walking along the yellow brick road towards their dream. They have a difficult and interesting path, full of dangerous adventures and unexpected encounters.

But in the end, they will reach the Emerald City in the distant Land of Oz, and enter a world where even the most fantastic dream becomes a reality…

3. Dragon Slayer | 1981

The cruel dragon systematically takes the girls of the kingdom to be eaten, whom he chooses by lot.

A young fair-haired student of the magician boldly challenges the monster for the sake of his beloved and other beautiful girls who may also suffer this terrible fate.

2. Dark city | 1998

If you can’t even remember your own name and find yourself in a very dangerous situation in which you are pursued by the police, mysterious strangers and a spouse who is thirsty for the protection of her husband, then you should not immediately move away from everyone, because the wife, most likely, should help.

Migraines, fragments of memories, creepy neighborhoods – the “dark” city does not sleep…

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | 2001

Many years ago, the army of the dark lord Sauron rushed to conquer Middle-earth. Not only ordinary people, but also elves stood up to fight them.

In this battle, they defeated the army of darkness, forcing the necromancer to lose a magical artifact – the ring of omnipotence. For a long time, this ring was considered irretrievably lost, but one day the old hobbit Bilbo Baggins found it, and, unable to control his greed, he takes the ring for himself.

But soon the hobbit realized that his find had incredible power and could fulfill whatever the owner wished. The ring gave many years of life.

After living for 111 years, he realized that his existence was mired in routine, so during the celebration of his last birthday, he informed his comrades that he was going to retire. He gave his ring to his nephew Frodo Baggins…

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