10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

«Topi”- the project is definitely relevant today and addictive from the first frames. Not having time to play the 1st season, many viewers began to ask the creators when they should expect the second season. Judging by the rating, the authors will delight fans and make a sequel. On KinoPoisk, the project received 7 stars out of 10 (and this is so far).

Interesting but very confusing seriesTopi“- a godsend for those who like to wander in a dark labyrinth in search of a way out and solve puzzles. The picture looks with interest literally from the first minutes, and with each story it becomes more and more confusing … Many, in addition to the plot, were impressed by the cast and modern shooting from the height of nature. If you are looking for a similar movie or series, then you should definitely take note of our selection.

10 One Hour Before Dawn (2021-…)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

In the Russian cinema library you can find very interesting pictures. “An hour before dawn” – one of them. An amateur detective will tell the story of Zhuravlev, who returned to civilian life after the war.

1946 Captain Denis Zhuravlev returns to civilian life and gets a job in the police. There he meets Satan – the major received such a nickname because of his difficult character. He deftly achieves his goals, which can be envied. A gang of criminals is operating in the town, who called their group “Tick”, and to catch him, an original plan is required … Zhuravlev just has one. However, it soon becomes clear that the war continues in peacetime. It is not entirely clear who is the enemy and who is the friend.


9. Coma (2019)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

Despite the weak cast, “Coma”impresses, in addition to the main plot, with incredible graphics. The film is sure to be appreciated by fans of the post-apocalyptic genre. The idea, of course, is not new, and borrowed from Hollywood filmmakers, however, this does not make it less exciting.

The main character has long been buried in gray everyday life. He supports free love and he likes the state of carelessness. All the people around him have no idea how to live and what to do in life – everyone is experiencing a “crisis of 20 years”. At one fine moment, the usual life of the protagonist collapses when he meets one girl …


8. Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone (2014-2017)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

Unfortunately, Russian cinema is not rich in quality mystical films, but “Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone“, many will agree, the best film about Pripyat of all. This hasn’t been filmed yet!

Five guys jump into an old Volga and go looking for a thief who stole 8 rubles from one of them an hour earlier. The attacker is a Moscow guy working in IT. Instead of hiding with the stolen money, the guy records a video message in which he says that the final point of his journey is Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Interesting fact: part of the film’s scenery was exactly reproduced from pictures of real places in Pripyat.


7. In the forests of Siberia (2016)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

«In the forests of Siberia”is one of the best films made in recent years about the meaning of life. A simple film with a minimum of dialogues without special effects on the subject of self-discovery will definitely be appreciated by those who, like the main character, are lost in the bustle of everyday life.

Teddy wants to find himself, so he runs away from civilization to nature. He buys a hut near Lake Baikal and begins to enjoy peace. One day, a man gets caught in a snowstorm and nearly dies. He is saved by Aleksey, a local resident who has been searched for for many years for the murder of a man. Teddy finds a new friend, and he asks him: “Go back home, there is no life here. There is nothing for you to do here.” Will he listen to the advice of a new friend? Will he be able to find answers to questions about the meaning of life?


6. Text. Reality (2020)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

In 2020, the audience got acquainted with the creation Klima Shipenko. Opinions on the movieText. Reality”, as always, were divided, but many believe that the strength of the film is in its realism and believability. Alexander Petrov, who is positioned as an actor of international level, coped with his role perfectly.

In the film, we learn the story of 27-year-old Ilya, who served 7 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Once in the wild, the guy takes revenge on his offender. He accesses his phone and lives someone else’s life through text on the screen.

For your information: «Text. Reality» – a film based on the novel Dmitry Glukhovsky.


5. Green Carriage (2015)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

Russian filmmakers have proven that they can shoot not just good, but excellent films! “The Green Coach”, released in 2015, showed an amazing acting game Andrey Merzlikin. The plot seems to be not new – a famous successful director, nominated for an Oscar, is faced with a tragedy in his life, and his life is falling apart, but it’s interesting to watch!

Vadim Raevsky has everything: money, universal recognition, he is surrounded by beautiful women. His film is even nominated for an Oscar, but at one point the world familiar to him collapses … His son dies. Vadim plunges headlong into the investigation – can he find out what happened?


4. I’m Not Kidding (2021-…)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

The release date of the 2nd season of the Russian comedy series is still not exactly known to the audience. Perhaps the sequel will be released in 2021. On the one hand, the story consecrated in the series is banal, but on the other hand, this is exactly what the audience liked – many saw themselves in the main character.

The 49-year-old woman has two children, as well as loans and a dog. For people like Lena, they calculate the cost of a consumer basket, and, by the way, she often puts wine in hers and talks about it on stage. Her friends offer Lena to get a husband and inject Botox, but she has other dreams – a woman wants to be greeted with applause, because she has every chance of becoming a comedian, because there are more than enough comical events in life …


3. Survival Game (2020)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

Adventure Series “Survival game” from the TNT channel talks about an extreme reality show in which brave people who are thirsty for adventure agreed to participate. The film received excellent ratings and even formed an army of fans.

16 brave people go to star in a reality show. They come to the Siberian taiga for an impressive amount of money – the winner will receive one million euros. The rules of the game are simpler than it seems: participants will not have food, personal belongings, and they will not be able to maintain contact with civilization. There will be only one winner. But none of those who arrived had any idea that the show would turn into a struggle for survival…


2. Darkness (2017-2020)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

«Dark” is a Netflix series about a small town in which children go missing. In fact, “Dark”is a real hodgepodge in which different genres are mixed. Basically, the series became so popular due to the atmosphere of the 80s and 90s.

The series tells us about 4 families living a calm measured life. Their idyll collapses when two children disappear without a trace and the dark secrets of the past are resurrected… A film with a story about a time loop is not a fresh idea, but everyone interprets it in a new way. The atmosphere of the series is reminiscent of “One hundred years of solitude”, and addictive from the first minutes.


1. Territory (2020)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Marsh in 2021

The slogan of the series “No Way Back” sounds quite intimidating and fully corresponds to its theme. “Territory“- one of the few series that looks in one breath, you are unlikely to want to move away from the screen. The whole reason is the gloomy addictive atmosphere and the fate of the main characters.

A 19-year-old boy goes to the Perm region to find his parents, who disappeared during an ethnographic expedition. Egor, along with his uncle and random companions, is moving deeper into the isolated territory. Here the nature is gloomy, and hermits hide in the forest dugouts. In these parts they believe in magic, and the tricks of witches are considered the cause of the turmoil. At first, the main character is skeptical about everything, but soon realizes that the world is much wider than his ideas. Will the boy find his parents?


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