10 Movies and TV shows similar to “The Ex”

A huge number of novelties of domestic cinema no longer surprises anyone. Among them are many worthy projects, very successful. One of these was the drama series “Former”. The premiere took place in 2018 on the START video service. The series fell in love with the audience, a total of three seasons were filmed.

This is the story of a young girl Yana. Her parents are very rich. But the beauty prefers drugs and alcohol to great opportunities. Soon she ends up in a rehabilitation clinic. There she meets a new psychologist-consultant Ilya, who in the past was also fond of alcohol. The difficult road to recovery begins. At first, the man perceives Yana as another difficult patient, but gradually sympathy arises between them …

If you have already enjoyed this plot, we bring to your attention 10 films and series similar to The Former.

10 Horny (2015)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Light comedy serial film. The main character Sasha Gvozdikova from Yekaterinburg understands that it is no longer possible to live like this. She decides to leave everything and go to the capital. Although “everything” is a strong word. A boring job and a married lover – nothing else keeps a girl in her hometown. Moreover, her friends Katya and Alena have long conquered the capital. So at least Sasha thinks. She has big plans, the girl writes stories and dreams of being published … Will she be able to achieve her goal, and how will Moscow meet her?

9. Love Them All (2019)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

A dramatic thriller that deals with a very touchy subject. The film is dedicated to kept women – women who are used to living at the expense of men. Vera is a virtuoso of her craft. In her life there is no place for feelings and emotions. She knows how to find an approach to any man, easily changes images and behavior. But this cannot go on forever, Vera is tired and wants to change everything. She decides to quit. The last victim is a rich publisher, it is necessary to pump out as much money as possible from him. Vera finds a partner. She teaches Natasha everything she knows herself. The implementation of her plans is hindered by an old love, which, as it turns out, really does not rust …

8. Unprincipled (2020)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Comedy series that started in October 2020. Received great success with the audience, so it was decided to shoot the second and third seasons. The series is a collection of novellas, short stories, each of which is devoted to a specific problem.

“Indecent stories about decent people” – this phrase perfectly describes the essence of “Unprincipled”. The main characters are rich people. A righteous way of life is not about them. They do not know what boundaries are, because almost everything is possible for them. The details of the personal life of the oligarchs and their relatives are so interesting to ordinary average people.

7. Major (2014)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

One of the most popular TV series on Channel One. The main role was played by Pavel Priluchny. The project brought him many professional awards, and something much more valuable – the love of the audience. This is the first Russian series that interested American Netflix. In 2016, the company acquired the rights to broadcast it.

Igor Sokolovsky is the son of an oligarch. He received an excellent legal education, but the guy is not interested in a career. Alcohol, drugs, beautiful girls, expensive cars – the typical life of a major. Soon, Igor gets into a fight with the police. This situation becomes the last straw for Major’s father. Sokolovsky Sr. decides on a cardinal step. He sends his son to work in the police department. Of course, Igor is not welcome there, but his father leaves him no choice.

6. Buy me (2017)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

A drama about three girls who take the shortest path to their dream. An expensive car, a secure life – in exchange for beauty and youth. Is it easy to get what you want?

Katya, Lisa and Galya have recently been living in a rented odnushka in the capital. Work, career is not for them. The girls have other plans for life – to sell themselves at a higher price. Get married, find a rich lover. The game has gone too far, and sooner or later the beauties will have to pay the bills.

5. Spiritless (2012)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Psychological drama, which was called “a modern version of Eugene Onegin.” The film topped the box office in 2012.

The main character Max is 29 years old, but he has already made a dizzying career. The man works as a top manager of a large international bank. A good position, a high salary, an expensive car, a penthouse – one can only dream of such a life. Max works hard and easily spends money on unnecessary trappings of a glamorous life. One day he realizes that all this does not make sense. Reassessment of values, identity crisis – life will never be the same, but what then? He does not yet have an answer to this question.

4. A Short Course in a Happy Life (2011)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Drama Series. The plot revolves around four women who work in a recruiting agency. Each of them has their own ideas about a happy life, their own problems, their own pains.

Sasha starts an affair with a married boss, Katya is mired in everyday life, Lyuba dreams of a child, Anya is unsuccessfully looking for a soul mate. Four stories about women’s disorder – but perhaps not all is lost…

The series received mixed reviews. It is called too one-sided, as the main characters are only interested in men. Apparently, the main idea of ​​the film: happiness without love and sex is something beyond the bounds of possibility. If you do not share these views, you can hardly appreciate the work of Valeria Gai Germanika.

3. Sweet Life (2014-2016)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Drama series, at one time was one of the most popular.

Single mother Sasha is forced to earn money dancing go-go in a nightclub. She was unlucky tonight. The birthday of the governor’s son ended in scandal. Sasha agreed to dance a striptease, and the guy hoped for something more. The lively girl fought back, but now her life is in danger. Sasha takes her daughter to her grandmother, and she herself comes to Moscow to her friend Lera. From that moment on, her life will never be the same. And not only her…

2. Keepers (2019)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

Another drama series about the glamorous life. Dasha is a provincial, an artist from Saratov comes to Moscow. Her school friend Marina has already arranged her life, she lives off her relationship with a married official. This is not just luck, Marina owes her well-being to the well-known Moscow matchmaker – Alice, who in the past was also a kept woman.

Investigator Lena Shirokova is not familiar with the world of glamor, but soon she will be able to look into it with one eye. She has to investigate the murder of a young girl. The body was found in the toilet of the capital’s restaurant.

1. Treason (2015)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to The Ex

16-episode tragicomedy. The series received many positive reviews. The ratings were pretty high. He even interested an American television company, the rights to adapt were bought in 2019.

Asya is an ordinary woman. She is married and works as a designer. Although there is something interesting in her life – two lovers. Asya gets into an accident and meets with a school friend. Dasha is married to a rich man. Boring and monotonous everyday life – she was so tired of all this. Dasha asks Asya to teach her to live the same “full life”. It seems to her that a man on the side is the path to happiness.


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