10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Taboo is a dark series from British directors that attracts with shocking secrets, mysticism and an abundance of lust. It is unlikely that while watching you had a desire to move away from the screen – “Taboo” refers to those films in which you do not want to miss a single moment. The series, released in 2017, was praised by critics, and the showrunners immediately swung 3 seasons ahead.

The 3rd season has already been scheduled for March 16, 2022, but while you are waiting, we suggest not to be bored, but to take note of similar pictures. They will perfectly help you brighten up your leisure time – you will not even notice how quickly the time flies, and you will again be able to plunge into the labyrinths of secrets along with Taboo.

10 Gangs of New York (2002)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Dramatic and shocking with its cruelty the film “Gangs of New York“On Martina Scorsese not suitable for relaxation – each new episode you will ponder and strain your convolutions of the brain. But this is exactly what works for us!

New York, 1863 Then in the slums of the city, where many now dream of living, the law of power was in effect. It is appropriate to use any weapon – no one mourns the loss of loved ones. In one of the battles, the head of the Irish gang, Vallon, dies. His son Amsterdam is locked up in a reform school for a long time. But years later, he grows up and wants to avenge his father’s death…

Interesting fact: the plot of the film was based on the famous book in the United States Herbert Osbury “Gangs of New York”. It was published in Russian in 2004.

9. Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

The main role went to a brutal actor Ron and Perlmanwho did a great job in his role. “Sons of Anarchy” differ in a tense plot. The series strikes, shocks, and these are the ingredients of its success. Many actors from the series are known from the pictures “Shield“,”Wiretapping” and etc.

In the center of the plot is a group of bikers. They have gathered to cleanse the city of drugs and influence from outside, although they themselves earn on the sale of weapons. The young leader of the group, Jax, doubts the correctness of the chosen path and wants to change something in life. But his mother and stepfather are unhappy with this …

8. Border (2016-2018)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

«Border“- a series with great potential. If you like dramatic films, then you will definitely like the story covered in it. As in all similar foreign films, this series has everything that attracts: nature rich in “living spirit”, costumed scenes, an abundance of intriguing transitions, and so on.

The series tells the story of the bloody struggle for wealth and power in the North American fur trade in the XNUMXth century. Doing business in the harshest conditions is not easy, especially when you have to confront indigenous tribes and Europeans who have fled to the continent.

7. City of Dreams (2012-2013)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Perhaps not outstanding and not perfect at all, but so high quality that you want to watch it series after series, the series “City of Dreams» can become part of your bookmarked collection!

The series shows us the luxurious life at the Miramir Hotel, which is located in Miami. Stay here for happiness even Frank Sinatra! The manager’s worries are higher than the roof – he has to solve problems not only with his family, but also with the mafia. The hotel itself has 2 sides: light and dark. During the day it is fun, and at night the hotel becomes a haven for gangsters who are invited to enjoy an exciting show with strippers …

6. Mindhunter (2017-2019)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Another detective story from Netflix has gained a lot of fans. Without exaggeration David Fincher (project director) is one of the best directors of our time. Each of his films acquires the status of “cult”. “Hunters behind the mind“- another creation from a brilliant director, which is worth paying attention to.

In the late 70s, 2 FBI agents decide to expand the boundaries of forensic science. But how will they do it? To do this, they will have to have conversations with real monsters in order to understand the psychology of the killer.

Interesting fact: The series is based on the book of the same name. Douglas John и Olshaker Mark. Douglas’ personality inspired Thomas Harris on the image of Jack Crawford in “The Silence of the Lambs».

5. Narco (2015)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Since the series has high ratings, it is likely that viewers will see a new season. So far, the exact release date of the 5th season has not been named, but it would be wrong to close the project “Drugs”, when the audience became so attached to the main characters and intrigued by the plot.

The picture keeps in suspense until the very end, it is not surprising that many “swallowed” 4 seasons in a few days. The plot tells about the most authoritative Colombian drug lord of all time Pablo Escobare. He himself believed that he was doing everything right, and did not understand why he was accused of terrible atrocities …

4. Scary Tales (2014-2016)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Not very scary, but terribly interesting! “Scary stories“may well take a place next to a film like”Supernatural“. There are few horror films in it, and the monsters do not have the features of characters and fairy tales. Rather, this film can be attributed to the detective genre.

Victorian London has never known security and tranquility. The townspeople are worried about everyday problems, and they do not pay attention to the coming changes. However, they should have been more careful, because all kinds of evil spirits are gathering on the streets of Britain, capable of terrifying the locals … By the way, you know many of them: this is Dorian Gray from the novel Wilde, Dr. Jekyll with his alter ego, Mr. Hyde and others.

3. Stepmother (2007-2008)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Surely after watching the series will crash into your memory, and there are reasons to believe so. “Stepmother“tells the story of a teenage girl, her relationships in the family and with peers. The film touches upon the subject of youth subcultures – you can get to know them better.

In a small town near Moscow, the main places of leisure are 2 establishments: a restaurant and a youth club. The club brings together representatives of various subcultures. One day Olga Simonova, the founder of the club, dies. Her husband does not grieve for a long time – he finds himself a new bride, but his daughter Olesya cannot come to terms with the death of her mother. Meanwhile, the owner of the restaurant “Arthur” wants to take over the club’s establishment …

2. Duelist (2016)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

It is worth paying tribute to domestic filmmakers – in recent years they have gotten the hang of making high-quality trailers that lure them to a movie show. But the hopes of the audience, in most cases, are not justified when they come to the cinema. Luckily, “Duelist” fully justified them!

The action of the exciting film takes place in St. Petersburg of the XNUMXth century. In the center of the plot is a young officer Yakovlev, who, due to certain circumstances, becomes a duelist. He participates in duels and this earns his living. As Yakovlev begins to defeat his opponents one by one, some questions arise: “What deal did the officer make with the devil that he dodges bullets so deftly?”, “What are his goals?” …

1. Peaky Blinders (2013-…)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to Taboo

Fans of the seriesSharp peaksare looking forward to season 7, as the last episode of season 6 was very intriguing … The resourceful Thomas Shelby, played by Cillian Murphy, has been winning the hearts of viewers since 2013, and doing so very successfully.

At the center of events is the Shelby crime family. Viewers are invited to learn about the dark affairs of Birmingham in the XNUMXth century. The Shelby family was the most violent and powerful gang after the war. The brothers make all decisions together with their aunt, who is distinguished by cunning and intelligence. Shelby started out with petty robberies, but as a result they were able to get rich and become influential people.


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