10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder

American television series “How to Avoid Punishment for Murder” Shonda Rhimes (Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice) was released in 2014. It became the most successful novelty of the season.

The story of Professor Annalize Keating, a brilliant lawyer, captured the audience. The series tells not only about the teacher herself, but also about her law students, who had to prove that they did not attend lectures of the professor in vain.

The main role went to Viola Davis. She became the first African American to win an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.

In total, the series has 6 seasons, the premiere of the last one is expected this fall. According to representatives of the ABC channel, it will be the final one. But fans of this film should not be upset and worried. You can watch 10 TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder.

10 Shark (2006)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder Those who love series about lawyers will like “Shark” (or “Shark of Justice”). This is a drama in which we meet Sebastian Stark, a professional in his field. He was brilliantly played by James Woods.

This is a charismatic, slightly cynical, self-confident lawyer. He was a brilliant lawyer, successfully won another case. But due to a personal tragedy, his brilliant career was cut short.

He saved his client from prison, although he was accused of using physical violence. But then the man killed his wife.

Stark, who could not work as a lawyer after the incident, becomes a merciless accuser. The audience saw the first season of the series in 2006, and exactly one year later the premiere of the second season took place.

9. Law & Order (1990)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder In the series “Law and order” 20 seasons already says a lot. The first episode aired in 1990 and the last episode aired in 2010. He has his own spin-offs, video games, TV movie.

In 2015, it was planned to shoot the 21st season of the series, but instead an anthology series was released. Its creator is Dick Wolf, after the premiere the whole world learned about him. He showed the work of the US police and prosecutors.

Each episode consists of 2 parts. In the first we see how detectives work on the streets of New York, and in the second – how the same case is considered in the courtroom. Some of the crimes shown in the series are based on real events.

8. Proper Wife (2009)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder Another title for the series “Good wife”. It has a total of 7 seasons, the first of which was released in 2009, and the last in 2016.

The main character of the series “Proper Wife” — Alicia Florrick. She was the wife of the prosecutor, bore him 2 children. But Peter Florrick was imprisoned, accused of corruption. And before that, he was involved in a sex scandal.

A woman who has always relied on her husband is now forced to take care of the family herself. After 13 years, she has to start her career from scratch, getting a job as a junior lawyer in a law firm. And it is not so easy for her to start a new life after the endured public humiliation.

The series is interesting, exciting, with superbly selected actors. He won many prestigious awards, including the Golden Globe, Emmy.

7. Scandal (2012)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder It is also a series created by Shonda Rhimes. It has 7 seasons. The first one came out in the spring of 2012, and the last one in 2018.

In the series “Scandal” tells about the anti-crisis manager Olivia Pope. She has her own team. Together they try to solve all the complex problems of their wealthy clients.

The show was co-produced by Judy Smith, former head of the George W. Bush press center. It was she who became the prototype of the main character. It turned out to be an intriguing and exciting series, in which not only political intrigues are played out, but also human destinies are shown.

6. Law & Order: Los Angeles (2010)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder This is the fourth spin-off of Law & Order. Only 1 season was released, which was broadcast on television from the fall of 2010 to the summer of 2011. It has 22 episodes.

Protagonist “Law & Order: Los Angeles” – Former Marine Rex Winters. He joined the LAPD in 1991. At this time, riots broke out due to the fact that the police beat a black resident.

5. Lincoln for Lawyer (2011)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder Crime detective based on the book by Michael Connelly. When the writer saw the draft version of the film, he made no secret of the fact that he was pleased with the adaptation.

Viewers “Lincoln for the Lawyer” also liked, it received 85% favorable reviews. They write that this is a good film that constantly keeps in suspense. It is without rudeness and violence, but energetic, saturated.

The lead role was entrusted to Matthew McConaughey, and he coped with it superbly. He managed to show a charismatic, strong, cunning lawyer. This is Mickey Holler. He is a professional in his field, bright and interesting, and his beloved Lincoln luxury car emphasizes his lifestyle.

His next job promised to be easy. A wealthy client attacks a prostitute and Mickey easily justifies him. But everything turned out to be not so simple. The lawyer finds out that the client lied to him. Further, events unfold in such a way that Cholera needs to try hard not to go to jail himself.

4. Justice (2006)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder There was only 1 season of this series, in which 13 episodes. It tells about the lawyer Ron Trott. He is the owner of a prestigious law firm in Los Angeles that only works for huge fees but promises top-notch protection.

But sometimes Ron gets down to business out of friendship or for publicity purposes. He has his own great team, and Tom Nicholson is his right hand.

Сериал “Justice” turned out to be inimitable, each main character has his own destiny and his own character. Each episode tells a different story that ends with another victory for the lawyers, even if they defended another killer.

3. Fight (2007)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder American television series “Fight” aired on cable channel FX. A total of 5 seasons were filmed. He was nominated for 19 Emmys, and 4 times the TV series “Fight” managed to get an award.

He received most of the awards thanks to the actress who played the main role – Glenn Close. These are two Emmy awards and one Golden Globe award. She played a ruthless and unprincipled but highly intelligent woman who heads one of New York’s most powerful law firms.

A promising and talented law school student, Ellen (Rose Byrne), got a job as an assistant to Patty. A prestigious job is no longer so pleasing to the girl, because. Hughes decides to file a lawsuit against the influential billionaire Arthur Frobisher, because of which the well-being of not only Ellen herself, but also her family, is at risk.

2. Fracture (2007)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder In the thriller, Gregory Hoblit was played by such outstanding actors as Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling. The plot of the film captures, does not let you relax until the very end. There are no empty scenes in it, all dialogues are meaningful. The unexpected denouement could not but please the audience.

The plot of the movie “Fracture” also not banal. The wife of the protagonist cheated on her husband. He shoots her in the head, fires several shots into the air and waits for the police to arrive. It looks like he signed his own sentence.

But everything is not so simple. It turned out that no one fired from this pistol, and there were no traces of gunpowder or the victim’s blood on the hands of the suspect. He was interrogated by the same lover who caused the family tragedy. Does that mean the man is innocent? Whether this is so, you will find out by watching the film.

1. Secrets and Lies (2015)

10 Movies and TV shows similar to How to Get Away with Murder This American TV series is an adaptation of the Australian TV series of the same name. “Secrets and Lies”. It has 2 seasons. The protagonist Ben Crawford, played by Ryan Phillippe, finds the body of a neighbor’s boy in the woods and becomes a suspect in the murder.

An investigation begins, during which all the secrets of the town where the crime took place emerge. Ben’s life turns into a living hell. He loses his job, suffers from insomnia, is forced to endure the condemnation of his neighbors. A worthy series that fans of the genre will enjoy.

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