10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously

In fact, in almost every action movie or science fiction film, the death of one or even several characters (and sometimes the main characters) is a common occurrence.

But here’s what’s interesting: if we perceive the death of some as something inevitable and expected (well, it’s a pity, of course, but according to the plot, someone must die), then the “tragic end of the storyline” of others for us is almost personal emotional disaster.

It’s just that movie characters are sometimes really very bright on their own, and if they are also played by our beloved, besides, very talented actors, then in the event of a sudden (or even quite obvious from the beginning) death, it’s a pity especially strongly – just to tears and nervous breakdown.

And here in front of you are only 10 such movie characters:

10 Johnny Cage (“Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation”, 1997)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously A brash, self-confident, but very charming character from the Mortal Kombat universe, Johnny Cage won the sympathy of the audience in the first part of the film “Mortal Kombat” (1995).

This “collective image” of an actor from martial arts films (then still played by Linden Ashby, who was replaced by handsome Chris Conrad in the second part), stubbornly proving that he is not just a narcissistic Hollywood star, but also a really strong fighter, turned out to be very attractive for fans of both the game and its adaptation.

When Johnny died at the very beginning of the film “Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation” during another attempt to save his ex-wife Sonya Blade from the forces of evil, the audience was in real shock and longing (well, how is that?!).

9. Harry Stamper (Armageddon, 1998)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously According to the film “Armageddon”, critics at one time swept a real skating rink – large and heavy. Only the lazy did not speak out that it “does not smell” even of elementary logic, in technical terms the film is absolutely illiterate, and the obvious disregard for the laws of physics in Armageddon acquired simply enormous (really cosmic) proportions.

The film was recognized as one of the worst in 1998 and was nominated for as many as 7 nominations for the Golden Raspberry Award. By the way, he received only one of them – for the worst acting work (yes, the very role of Harry Stamper performed by Bruce Willis).

Nevertheless, the character of Willis for the audience turned out to be the most sympathetic of all the others – this is a real man, brutal and sometimes harsh, but brave. And he’s fucking sorry!

8. Joe Brody (Godzilla, 2014)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously Convinced that the accident at a nuclear power plant near Tokyo that killed his wife was not accidental, obsessed scientist Joe Brody is a character who initially evokes sympathy, because he feels both longing for his Sandra, and feelings of guilt, and the desire to somehow correct the situation (or at least prevent other possible consequences of those terrible events).

In addition, Joe is the only one who guesses that the story of the accident will get (sooner or later) its continuation, and it turns out to be right. Therefore, the death of Brody seems to be expected, but still the viewer wants to believe in the best to the last.

7. Boromir (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously The ambitious Boromir, of course, made the audience feel not the best feelings for himself a couple of times. But, let’s be fair – both when he opposed Gandalf’s plan to destroy the Ring of Omnipotence in the flames of Orodruin, and later, when he tried to take the ring from Frodo by force, Boromir thought, first of all, not about his own power (which, no doubt, would increase many times), but about the fate of their people, pressed “on all fronts” by hordes of ferocious orcs.

And he, in the end, took a heroic death – protecting the hobbits Merry and Pippin from the Uruk-hai (and managed to repent before Aragorn and recognize him as his sovereign).

6. Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby, 2013)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously As DiCaprio himself said, he really wanted to play this man who was absolutely nobody and created himself, relying on his own imagination alone, in 5 short years.

This former poor man who suddenly became rich – a hopeless romantic arranging luxurious parties (hoping that one day Daisy Buchanan – the love of his life, but long ago someone else’s wife) will honor one of them with his presence – evokes different, sometimes conflicting, emotions.

And yet, Jay Gatsby is very charming, and his life path “from rags to riches” is a complete tragedy, where illusions collapse at a terrible speed, and there are always more lies than money. His death as a result of a very unfortunate set of circumstances and a fatal mistake causes shock and regret.

5. Luke Skywalker (“Star Wars: The Last Jedi Episode VIII”, 2017)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously The grizzled and bearded Luke Skywalker’s final showdown with Kylo Ren was (emotionally) one of the film’s most epic moments.

It turned out to be unlike any lightsaber battle shown in previous Star Wars episodes. This fight was, perhaps, not so spectacular, but it was very tense.

And how effective was its ending! Only at the very end did the new Supreme Leader realize that he had been deceived (but how!). And few of the spectators expected that after completing his task (to give a chance to escape the remnants of the resistance), Luke Skywalker would simply calmly dissolve into the Force …

4. Professor Severus Snape (“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”, 2011)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously It would seem that how much blood Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger (and not only them) were spoiled by the malicious and eternally gloomy Professor Severus Snape, a teacher of potions and protection from the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

And only in the last episode of the franchise about the “boy who survived” did the audience (who had already guessed for a long time that Snape was not such a negative character) “with all responsibility” felt what this courageous man had to go through as “double agent” between evil and good.

The moment of his death made many impressionable people mourn.

3. Jack Dawson (Titanic, 1997)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously Be honest: did you cry at the end of Titanic? It seems that among us there are 90 percent (including men, who, of course, will “refuse” to the last). Still would!

We knew in advance how everything would end, and still believed that at least the main characters would be fine – Jack and Rose would survive, get to America and live happily ever after.

Yes, it was a pity for the designer of the Titanic, Thomas Andrews, and Captain Smith, and the numerous passengers floundering in the icy water (especially those from the third deck).

But the death of Jack Dawson – a cheerful gouging and cheerful, charming and spitting (and literally too) on any class rules and conventions of a simple guy was beyond our moral strength. Tears flowed by themselves.

2. Loki (Avengers: Infinity War, 2018)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously Loki is perhaps one of the most beloved characters among all the superheroes and gods of the Marvel Universe. And how can you not like this irresistible and cunning … wise bastard, who constantly comes up with more and more tricks and intrigues and does not allow other supernatural beings to relax?

Moreover, in his film incarnation, Loki is Tom Hiddleston, who is in no way inferior in charm, for example, to the same Leonardo DiCaprio.

And how unexpectedly for the audience he was killed by Thanos (and then, when, for once, he tried to save not only his friends, but, in fact, all of humanity)!

1. Robb Stark (“Game of Thrones”, season 3, 2013)

10 movie hero deaths that audiences took very seriously The eldest son of Lord Winterfell Eddard Stark and his heir Robb Stark, unlike his father, is less impulsive and more reasonable and pragmatic.

Robb is a real knight, honest and noble (but, of course, in vain he implicitly expects the same from everyone around him).

Those who read Game of Thrones before the series (well, or simply knew George Martin quite well, who loves to “kill” even the main characters very suddenly and cruelly) guessed how it would all end for the young King in the North.

And still, the death of most of the Stark clan at the Red Wedding turned out to be a real shock for many viewers.

Yes, one could expect anything from the insidious and two-faced Walder Frey, but that’s it… And it was also very pitiful for the poor pregnant Talisa…

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