10 Motivating Movies Like 2018’s Start Over

American melodrama “Start from the beginning” attracted the attention of the audience by the fact that Jennifer Lopez herself played the main role in it. The plot is banal, a lot of films have been shot on this topic, but this makes it no less interesting.

Maya is a grown woman. But she still has not been able to achieve success in life. Soon she gets a unique chance. She gets a job at a big company.

Now Maya faces a difficult task – to prove to her colleagues that the main thing in work is not a diploma from a prestigious university, but talent and creativity. Maya will try to start all over again and maybe this time she will succeed.

This good movie is perfect for women to watch. Men are unlikely to be interested in the problems of female self-realization and motherhood.

If you’ve already seen this movie and liked it, check out our selection of films similar to 2018’s Start Over.

10 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Andrea recently graduated from university and has big plans for her life. The girl dreams of building a career as a journalist. She comes to New York, but all she manages to do is get a job as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of Miranda’s fashion magazine.

Andrea did not expect that it would be so difficult to achieve her goal. Miranda is demanding and despotic, but if Andrea stays in this job for at least a year, all the doors in the world of journalism will open before her.

“The Devil Wears Prada” – a good kind film that shows how the world of fashion looks from the inside, although its main idea is that in any situation you need to remain yourself.

Most women are crazy about him, so it’s definitely worth watching.

9. View from the Top (2003)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

The provincial Donna has a dream – she wants to become a flight attendant. For this, she even ran away from home. Her dream has come true, she gets a job on local airlines, but that’s not enough for Donna. She dreams of international flights.

After working a little, she decides to try her hand at a major airline. Donna calls her friend Christina and they take the test together. The results are shocking: Christina is offered a position on international airlines, and Donna gets the suburbs.

Later it turns out that a friend changed the numbers of forms, and all of Donna’s efforts were in vain. Nothing can be returned, the girl agrees to work on suburban flights …

“The view from the top is better” is a great way to relax and forget about your problems for a while. The audience speaks of him with warmth, they like this simple story.

Interesting fact: despite the recognition of the audience, Gwyneth Paltrow, who played the main role, called the film terrible. She told fans that she decided to shoot only because of the fee.

8. Big Boss (2016)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

This is the story of a woman who in the past was a business woman and a real industrial magnate. She did not conduct her business with integrity. That is why Michelle received a prison term.

A few years later, the business woman is released. She wants to regain the trust of the people who have suffered from her machinations, but it is not easy to do so.

Will Michelle be able to become “big boss”? You will find out the answer to this question if you watch this light comedy.

Funny movie, but the humor here is typical American.

7. Business Woman (1988)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Typist Tess is 30 years old. She has a goal, but so far the woman has not been able to achieve it. The girl wants to take a leadership position, for this she even receives an economic education.

Soon Tess gets a job as a secretary in a well-known company. Her boss, Katherine, breaks her leg, giving Tess the opportunity to show off her abilities.

Plain film “Businesswoman” recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. Despite this, he is still popular with the audience. One of his most daring features is “film-antidepressant”. Indeed, he gives the audience hope for the future and makes them believe in themselves.

6. Good Morning (2010)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Becky Fuller is going through not the best moment in her life. She was fired from her job, there are also many problems in her personal life. Becky is not discouraged, she quickly finds a new job. True, there is nothing to envy here – a third-rate morning show that few people watch.

Becky decides to change the situation. She will achieve high ratings and return the viewers’ love for the TV show. “Good morning”.

An optimistic and bright film will brighten up the evening and cheer you up.

5. Legally Blonde (2001)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

El Woods is the envy of many girls. A beautiful blonde leads the university sorority, but her main envy is her boyfriend Warner. El hopes to become his wife, but he has completely different plans.

Warner is going to go to Harvard and find himself a better match. He openly admits to Woods that she is not suitable for the role of his wife, as she is too windy. Elle does not give up so easily, she is also going to Harvard …

“Blonde in law” – an interesting and light film that will appeal not only to young girls, but also to adult women.

4. Portrait of Perfection (1997)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Kate works for an advertising agency. She wants to move up the career ladder, but her boss considers the girl not the most valuable employee. The fact is that she does not give the impression of a serious person. For the boss, seriousness is primarily a stable relationship (family or partner).

Kate is ready to do anything to change the boss’s mind and achieve her goal. The girl meets a prestigious clip maker, who is not really one, and passes him off as her lover.

“Portrait of Perfection” It’s a typical one time romantic comedy.

3. Mistress Maid (2002)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Another movie with Jennifer Lopez. Marisa is forced to raise her son alone. A woman works as a maid, and she can only dream of a better life.

Christopher, a future senator and just a very rich man, moves into the hotel. A misunderstanding arises, and now he is sure that Marisa is a rich lady.

The stranger really liked Christopher, he begins to look after her. Marisa is also crazy about him, it’s hard for her to admit that she’s just a maid…

“Lady Maid” – a wonderful comedy film, the story of a modern Cinderella.

2. Intern (2015)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

70-year-old Ben is not used to sitting around doing nothing. He lost his wife and does not want to end his life like other lonely old people.

Ben finds a way out. He gets a job in an online clothing store. Now he trainee, but there is one problem. His colleagues are too young, they do not know how to react to a new unusual employee.

In addition, Ben could not establish contact with the boss. This further complicates the situation. Will Ben succeed in making friends with his colleagues or will he abandon his plan?

A delightful and heartfelt film that will make you want to watch it again and again.

1. Beauty on the whole head (2018)

10 Motivating Movies Like 2018s Start Over

Renne is an ordinary girl. She is overweight and tries to lose weight all the time. True, so far this is not working out well. She enrolls in a fitness club.

Renna fails to lose weight, she falls off the machine. But now the girl is confident in her attractiveness and considers herself a real beauty. The surrounding people see the same Renne in front of them …

Comedy “Beauty on the head” – A great option for viewing with a group of friends. In addition, the film will make you think about serious things.

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