10 most unusual celebrity plastic surgeries

The appeal of celebrities to plastic surgeons today is considered quite common. Surgical interventions are carried out along with minimally invasive procedures, such as beauty injections.

Plastic changes some stars almost beyond recognition, for some it is beneficial, but for others it is not. It is worth noting that some famous personalities resort to rather interesting types of plastic surgery.

In our article, you can learn about the 10 most unusual plastic surgeries of stars.

10 Beyonce – Otoplasty

The famous American R’n’B singer, actress and dancer, from childhood she was distinguished by lop-earedness, this defect aroused complexes in the girl.

The parents of the future star went to meet her and took her to a plastic surgeon who did everything right. Looking at a celebrity, no one would have thought that her facial features previously did not harmonize much with the shape of her ears.

It should be said that otoplasty is one of the most harmless surgical interventions, there are no complications after it, and the effect after the procedure is always positive.

9. Anita Tsoi – Voice rejuvenation

The Honored Artist of Russia decided on a very specific procedure – voice rejuvenation. The operation was performed in Berlin, belongs to microsurgical types of surgical interventions, is performed under general anesthesia, and consists in cleaning the vocal cords with a laser.

After the surgery, the singer was silent for 10 days, then she began to study with a vocal teacher, training her voice. The artist is satisfied with the result, but is not going to repeat it.

8. Valeria Lukyanova – Rib Removal

The girl, nicknamed “Barbie”, due to her resemblance to a popular doll, as many say, removed her 11th and 12th pairs of ribs in order to achieve the thinnest possible waist.

This type of surgery has no medical indications and aesthetic necessity, so many surgeons do not perform it. Rumor has it that the girl went to China for surgery.

However, this beauty is far from the first to resort to such a procedure. The first to remove the ribs was a Frenchwoman named Louise Julie de Brionne, it happened in the 18th century.

7. Maidi Motang – Neck Liposuction

The star of the American reality show became famous not only due to her participation in it, but also due to the fact that she did a huge amount of plastic surgery. All procedures were carried out in one day, and this is a very big burden on the body.

One of the operations that the celebrity decided on was neck liposuction, it is performed in order to get rid of excess fat in the chin area. After undergoing surgery, the actress began to look better and does not regret them.

6. Renee Zellweger – Changing the Shape of the Eyes

The American actress and producer is known to many viewers for the films “Bridget Jones’s Diary”, “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason”.

She could never be called a fatal beauty, but the appearance of the actress has always been very pretty. But in 2014, she shocked fans when she appeared in public, much changed.

The plasticity of the actress cannot be called unsuccessful, she did not look worse or older, she just became different, many viewers decided that the celebrity decided on such an operation as changing the shape of her eyes.

5. Ariana Grande – Changing the shape of the eyes

The rather young and beautiful American singer Ariana Grande could not resist contacting a plastic surgeon.

Many celebrity fans believe that the girl did blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid, as this procedure allows the look to become more open.

If you compare the old and new photos of the beauty, you can really notice how the shape of her eyes has changed.

Some fans of the singer, despite this, still continue to argue that the change in the shape of the eyes is just the result of a successful make-up, but nothing more.

4. Blake Lively Mentoplasty

It is believed that the star of the American TV series “Gossip Girl” resorted to such surgical intervention as mentoplasty. This type of surgery involves changing the shape of the chin.

The operation benefited the actress, her chin became more elegant and less heavy. She continues to receive tempting job offers from filmmakers and is actively acting in films and TV shows.

3. Courteney Cox – Mentoplasty

The performer of the role of Monica in the most popular American TV series “Friends” for quite a long time could boast of natural beauty. Courteney Cox has never seemed like an actress willing to change her appearance.

Later, in an interview, the celebrity admitted that she desperately did not want to grow old, so she resorted to plastic surgery, one of her operations was mentoplasty, that is, changing the shape of the chin.

However, the actress admitted that she was very sorry about all the artificial manipulations with her face. The fact is that surgical procedures greatly changed the appearance of the actress, her natural beauty became unrecognizable and artificial, which negatively affected her career.

2. Sharon Stone – Modeling cheekbones

The actress who starred in the erotic thriller Basic Instinct, despite her age, still looks great today.

In her youth, she was simply beautiful. However, despite the attractive appearance, the celebrity still resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, one of the operations that Sharon did was modeling the cheekbones.

High and clear cheekbones are in trend today, so this type of surgery is in high demand. The cheekbones are modeled either with the help of special preparations for facial contouring, or the procedure is done using implants.

1. Demi Moore — Plastica Kolen

The famous actress did plastic surgery not only on her face, but also on her knees, deciding to make all parts of her body beautiful.

Such surgery is carried out in several ways. The first of them involves the introduction of a special drug based on hyaluronic acid into the desired area, and the second is called lipomodelling.

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