10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Do you think that men in female beauty only have a deeper neckline, but appreciate shorter skirts? Or are they only looking at girls with a perfectly flat stomach?

Quite the contrary, and in our top 10 we will prove it to you!

10 Points

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

At school, it was believed that glasses were the lot of losers and this accessory was not at all associated with beauty. But as they grow older, both men and women reconsider their attitude to wearing glasses. After all, this item can be a great accessory for a variety of female image. Men, of course, do not care about the whole image, but they will immediately notice the glasses on the girl. The fact is that the corrector of vision adds fragility and defenselessness to a woman, a man immediately wants to help and show attention.

Or glasses can look on a woman’s face as a bold element. Red lipstick, long arrows and strict glasses – the image of the “bitch” is ready, and there will definitely be a man who will be enchanted.

9. No makeup

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Many men admit that, in principle, they do not like makeup on a woman’s face. Products for the lips do not endure at all: after all, oily sheen leaves marks on anything, and especially on a man’s cheek. But with red lipstick, not a single girl will allow you to kiss her on the lips: did she draw a contour for half an hour?

Some women without makeup are shy and uncomfortable – this extra modesty and insecurity is incredibly exciting for men. They love naturalness in women, so don’t worry if you appear in front of him without makeup.

8. A good appetite

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Going on a date – do not order a salad only from cabbage leaves. A man will not appreciate it and will be sure all evening that you are not full, that you need to be fed, and you will put him in an awkward position with your refusals.

Believe me, men are aware that we are people too and love to eat delicious food. In addition, by ordering normal human portions, you unconsciously signal that you are smart and confident enough to not fall for the public stereotype of women who should eat no more than a grain of rice a day.

Confident girls like healthy men.

7. morning sips

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Men love women without makeup also for the feeling of comfort, because most often girls do not put on makeup at home. And men are more connoisseurs of the hearth, so they appreciate women’s comfort and simplicity. Of course, men are turned on by short skirts, but they are just as turned on by slightly disheveled hair and plush pajamas, because you are so homely in it and so … dear?

Do not pretend to be a diva in silk lace – remember that men are very excited by our natural naturalness and spontaneity.

6. wrinkles

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

And again about naturalness! And also about the fact that in society, in principle, they do not like unnaturally rejuvenated people. Agree, looking good for your age is a great art and work on yourself. But it’s better than Botox injected into all parts of the face and immobilized lips.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips generally indicate that you often laugh, which means you are a cheerful person. Well, how can you not like it?

5. Anger

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

You’ve heard the phrase from men: “You’re so beautiful when you’re angry.” From your man or from the TV screen – you definitely heard. And all because men are excited by female anger. Of course, not frenzied aggression and throwing things at the walls – no one likes it. But a frowning forehead and a heavy look with an indignant cry, which only a girl is capable of, are very valuable for men. And in principle, the manifestation of a woman’s temperament and character is very much appreciated by men.

Therefore, in life there is conciliatory sex.

4. White patches on a tanned body

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Women try to tan evenly so that there are no annoying white stripes from the bikini. While you are dodging in your swimming suit so that the marks from the clothes are as little as possible visible on a tanned body – your man at this moment only thinks that the marks from the straps of the swimsuit stand out in the end! And all because the white patches of skin on a tanned body look even more naked and innocent, and this sight of men is very exciting.

Have you noticed how many things women consider their shortcomings, although men consider these “flaws” to be real virtues?

3. small tummy

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Do you pull in your stomach when a man puts his hands on it? Stop, they love your tummy! The fact is that female and male bodies are visually very different, women themselves have rounded shapes. Round hips, round belly, bulging chest – stop hiding it and consider yourself imperfect, men love the female body for its dissimilarity to the male!

And lying on a soft tummy is generally a real pleasure for your man.

2. Low voice

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

Men really do not like women’s squeak, as it causes irritation and always seems to be feigned. But what really turns them on is the low and calm feminine voice. And if you add more hoarseness and whisper something bewitching to a man’s ear, he will definitely be fascinated by you.

1. Long skirts

10 most unexpected things that turn men on

The shorter the skirt, the more a man likes you.

No, this is a stereotype – forget it. In our time, men are fed with naked bodies: from the TV screen, telephone, on the streets – everywhere you can meet frankly dressed (undressed) women. Therefore, now men really appreciate closed women’s dresses, simply because it creates intrigue and the question of what is under your clothes. The inability to look at bare skin drives a man crazy. In a good way.

Indeed, earlier men trembled at the sight of thin female wrists – this was the sexiest part of the body, because everything else was covered with a dress with a wide skirt, a hat, and sometimes even snow-white gloves.

Men appreciate female modesty, especially in public.

Well, are you sure? You can also ask your man for an opinion on this matter, he will confirm our words. So wash your lipstick and jump into bed in comfortable pajamas – your man will be very grateful to you.

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