10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a disease that occurs as a result of a chromosomal abnormality. Such children can be born in any family. This has nothing to do with their lifestyle or place of residence, but there is a relationship between the age of the parents and the appearance of a sick child: the older the expectant mother, the more likely it is that she will have a baby with disabilities.

Doctors can make a diagnosis already in the hospital, because. these children have their own characteristics. Babies are often born with a weak immune system, most of them have mild or moderate mental retardation, there are many concomitant diseases.

But, despite the fact that modern doctors are not yet able to treat chromosomal abnormalities, children with Down syndrome can lead a normal life. Much depends on parents and teachers. They must instill in them the skills they need in everyday life. There are patients who have achieved great success in sports, in art, were able to get higher education.

10 Tim Harris

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome When Tim was born, the boy’s diagnosis was a real blow to his parents. But they did their best to make him live a normal life. He grew up among 3 brothers, but his parents never singled him out, he, like others, performed his duties around the house.

In 2004, at his graduation, he was chosen as King. He was able to graduate from Eastern New Mexico University. The boy studied and simultaneously worked in various catering establishments, and after graduating from college in 2008, he got a job as a waiter. He loves sports and has won awards in Paralympic competitions.

Tim dreamed of owning his own restaurant. His parents helped make his dream come true. In 2010, he became general manager of Tim’s Place, popularly dubbed “the friendliest restaurant in the world.” In addition to the ordered food, all visitors here received a portion of hugs from the owner himself, as well as a smile and a good mood. It has become a landmark in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

9. Madeleine Stewart

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome She became the first professional model in the world to suffer from Down syndrome. In childhood, like other patients with this diagnosis, the girl suffered from excess weight.

But Madeleine really wanted to become a model, so she was able to lose 20 kilograms. She refused high-calorie foods, swam in the pool, danced and exercised.

At the age of 18, she and her mother went to a fashion show in Brisbane, after which she made a firm decision to become a model. The media wrote about her dream. In 2015, Madeleine’s mother started the company, doing her best to secure her a modeling contract.

After some time, she began to receive offers. She appeared several times on the catwalk of New York Fashion Week, participated in a photo shoot. She now lives with her mother in Brisbane.

8. Pablo Pineda

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome Pablo is 44 years old, but by this time he was able to achieve a lot. The fact that he was special, the boy learned at the age of 7. He studied at a regular school, but was always an outcast. Because of his illness, other children shunned him, but he did not despair.

After graduating from school, he was able to enter the university, and graduated from it with a bachelor’s degree. Received a specialty “Psychopedagogy”. Pablo decided to become a teacher, he was the very first teacher in Europe with such a diagnosis.

In 2009, the film “Me Too” was released, in which Pinedo played the main role, for which he received the “Silver Shell”, as well as the “Shield of the City” from the mayor.

Now he lives in his hometown of Malaga (Spain), does charity work, helps people with Down syndrome find work. He lectures and teaches.

7. Jamie Brewer

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome She was born in California. It is not surprising that she was attracted to cinema and theater. While still at school, she participated in productions, and in 1999 she graduated from acting classes.

She first appeared on screen in 2011, in American Horror Story. After that, she was repeatedly offered small roles in films. In 2018, she made her debut on Broadway, and received 2 prestigious awards for this role.

Jamie is not only an actress, but also a model that could be seen in 2015 at New York Fashion Week. She devotes a lot of time to the fight for the rights of people with disabilities.

6. Maria Langovaya

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome The girl was born in 1997 in Barnaul. Like other children with a similar diagnosis, she was constantly sick due to her weak immune system. Parents decided to improve her health and gave Maria for swimming.

The girl immediately conquered everyone with her perseverance, desire to win and cheerfulness. Her coach Sergei Tolkachev decided to send her to the qualifying round of the Olympiad. Everyone was surprised that a little girl with Down syndrome was able to win silver and bronze. It was her first victory of many.

Now other children with similar diagnoses are making great strides, but she was the first in the history of swimming in Russia.

5. Maria Nefedova

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome She is already 50 years old. Her whole life is proof that special children can achieve a lot in life success. Once an obstetrician advised mother Maria to abandon the child, but she did everything possible for the girl to adapt to life in society.

Mary went even further. She became an assistant teacher at the Downside Up Foundation, learned to play the flute and percussion, dance, and performs at the Theater of the Innocent.

She was officially employed in Russia. Maria not only leads a full life, but also helps other children to believe in themselves.

4. Karen Gaffney

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome The whole world knows her. It was this American who became the first person with Down syndrome who was able to swim across the English Channel.

Karen was born in 1977, she had a severe hip dislocation. The girl’s parents devoted all their free time to their daughter. The girl’s father, Jim, was sure that water would help her recover. He started teaching her how to swim even before she could walk.

Studying was not easy for Karen, but her parents prepared her well: already before school, she knew how to count and write, read, and then constantly studied with a tutor. She was able to finish school, go to college, and then became an honorary doctorate from the University of Portland.

3. Miguel Tomasin

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome Now he is called the guru of experimental music. Miguel became the leader of the Argentine fashion group Reynols. He is a famous drummer. His band has already released 2 albums.

2. Paula Sazh

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome She was born in Scotland. Despite her illness, she was able to become an actress, starring in the film After Life (2003), where she played the protagonist’s sister, Roberta, a woman with Down syndrome. For her, she received a couple of awards.

In addition, Paula works as a lawyer, defending the rights of people with the same diagnosis. She plays netball and competes.

1. Stephanie Ginz

10 Most Successful People With Down Syndrome She also became popular as an actress, playing in the 1996 film “Duo”. It became a worldwide sensation, as the girl is the first actress with Down syndrome. The painting received many awards. But Stephanie didn’t stop there.

She was able to earn her degree from Walter Johnson University, becoming an MD.

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