10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Jurisprudence is a complex and multifaceted thing, and drafters of laws need to work hard to interpret this or that article as unambiguously as possible. So, legislators are also people, and not without a sense of humor. To prove this, we present the top ten, which includes the most stupid laws of the world, completely officially operating on the territory of different countries. Since most of the state decrees listed below are really absurd, we have tried to describe them with a smile and frivolity – that is, with the same components with which these laws were issued. Let’s begin!

10 Members of Parliament banned from entering the House of Commons in armor | Great Britain

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Hmm, where else can you get these same armor to show up in the House of Commons … Today it’s really not easy to do, but 700 years ago (the law was adopted at the beginning of the 7th century) it was not at all difficult to figure out the armor. The law itself, according to one of the versions, is exclusively mercantile in nature. The fact is that a man in armor is perceived as a warrior. That is, he fights and theoretically can die within the walls of the Chamber. Another law states that everyone who dies in this building has the right to be buried with state honors. So they limited the waste from the budget in this way. It is not known whether the UK economy has strengthened greatly over XNUMX centuries, but the law has not been repealed to this day.

9. It’s illegal for pig owners to name a pig “Napoleon” | France

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Immediately before the eyes appears the following picture. Churchill, Franklin and Roosevelt frolic in the mud at the local farmer Jacques Fermeriac, Lenin, Washington and Lincoln sip from the trough, and Caesar and Hitler rub their backs against the fence. Someone is missing here, right? However, this very law does not allow our Jacques to call the piglet left without a nickname Napoleon for the sake of completeness. Note that it is not forbidden to call Napoleon a piglet. In addition, the name of a famous commander and emperor can be called a donkey, a goat and a ram – also absolutely nothing to worry about. And this is not to mention the cake (although in France they hardly heard anything about the puff delicacy “Napoleon”). One way or another, the law rather discriminates against pigs than protects the honor and dignity of Bonaparte.

8. It is against the law to save a drowning person, as this is an interference in his fate | China

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

No, not even Destiny, like that. In China, as nowhere else in the world, they believe that a person is destined for a certain series of events with his participation, and it is absolutely impossible to interfere in the course of these events. It is this judgment that underlies the law, according to which a drowning person may not even count on help. Apparently here you really need to understand the Chinese mentality well in order to understand this game. Interestingly, in the Celestial Empire they did not think that the fate of a person might not be death in the water, but salvation from the hands of onlookers who contemplates a drowned man and says that fate decreed so? By the way, there is a case when a drowning man was rescued in China, and surprisingly, the local media were proud of the brave man (it was a tourist from Russia who did not know about the strange law).

7. It is an offense to step on any coins and banknotes of the national currency | Thailand

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

At weddings in Thailand, they certainly don’t throw change at the feet of the newlyweds, and the point here is not entirely about saving. Here the situation is approximately the same as with the pink Napoleon. In Thailand, stepping on a local money or crushing a banknote is considered a crime, since every banknote and coin has an image of the king of the country. In general, it is logical that trampling on the portrait of the head of state is a manifestation of great disrespect for his person. However, such a procedure as folding money or carrying it in your back pocket also amounts to an offense. Agree, not a very justified requirement for tourists in a country where it is not yet clear what gender you have communication with until the matter comes to an end (sometimes illogical and undesirable).

6. Exploding a nuclear device within city limits could result in a $500 fine | USA

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Where without America when it comes to absurd legislation? In general, each state has its own legal atmosphere, but we paid attention to the stupidest law in force in the town of Chico, in California. According to this wonderful piece of bad legal fantasy, anyone who detonates a nuclear device within city limits will be fined $500. A couple of questions immediately arise. Is the entire settlement called Chico, with its houses and inhabitants, the American government has estimated at only 500 bucks? And yes, who the hell is going to levy this fine if, when the above action is implemented, only a funnel remains at most from the whole Chico?

5. Prohibited the import of condoms | Ireland

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Well, world legislation is penetrating deeper and deeper. Now we get to the intimate details. Ireland is a Catholic country, and this religion is most militant about human control over procreation. Like, sex has a place to be only to reproduce like yourself. And now let’s try to combine sex a couple of times in life and Ireland, where alcohol flows from almost all cracks. Something doesn’t quite work, does it? However, it was only in the 80s that the country’s government managed to achieve the stingy and tacit approval of the church for the sale of condoms, and the import of rubber products is prohibited even today. As they say, the import is still there.

4. It is forbidden to land or park flying saucers in vineyards throughout the country | France

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Well, what can I say – you can’t go into the bushes! The law is the law, so you citizens of Jupiter are charged $10 for a parking space in our comfortable parking lot. In general, there are no comments here. It is enough just to smile with the mayor of a French town who does not want to repeal the stupidest law adopted half a century ago. At the same time, the mayor calls the decree some piquancy – they say, it’s both fun and fair, and no one will be deceived. In the end, the French really cannot be denied strict observance of this law. It is unlikely that the police will ever deliver an interesting catch to the station, so let this funny law continue.

3. Male doctors are prohibited from examining women, and women are prohibited from practicing medicine | Saudi Arabia

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Wow, what a twist! And who, then, examines and treats women in Saudi Arabia? Calm down, in fact, not everything is so categorical, and theoretically a woman can work as a nurse or doctor. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of sexual segregation, and almost the entire life of any woman here depends entirely on a male guardian, who can be a father, husband or brother. Therefore, the choice of a profession for a girl is also the prerogative of a man. Given this fact, and also the fact that women’s work in Saudi Arabia is not initially welcomed, female doctors cannot be found in the afternoon with fire.

2. All signs must be written in French | ???

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

We did not immediately disclose the city and country of origin of this law. Where do you think this decree is distributed? Paris? Nice? Toulouse? Marseilles? Here and no. Well, at least it’s definitely about France, you think. And in vain, since an unusual law operates in the city of Quebec, in Canada. And again, here is the twist! Indeed, in this Canadian city, an entrepreneur must put an inscription on a sign first of all in French, and only then duplicate it in English, and on the condition that the text in English will be 2 times less than the main words. Dear visitors, forgive us for our French!

1. The pillow officially belongs to the so-called “passive” weapon | Germany

10 most stupid and ridiculous laws of the world

Well, for the last legal comic for today, we go to Germany, where an ordinary pillow can take you not only to the world of dreams, but also to the police station. The fact is that this bedding is regarded here as a “passive” weapon. In general, it’s no secret to anyone how to use a pillow with bad intentions, but, for example, in the same kitchen there is a much more serious military arsenal. One way or another, remember that starting pillow fights in the middle of Berlin or just kindly hitting a German with a sleep accessory is a bad idea. They do not understand all these charms there. Well then, good night, dear Frau and Herr!

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