10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century

Despite the decadent moods that reign in the current century in society, technological progress continues to increase exponentially.

We are talking about fundamental disciplines and achievements in them, which are capable of turning the world upside down in the present and future.

The best dynamics is demonstrated by biology, physics and astronomy, where scientists have made downright revolutionary discoveries.

Today we present you with a ranking of the 10 most famous and useful scientific discoveries of the 21st century.

10 Two secret rooms in Tutankhamun’s tomb

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century And our list opens with another achievement in the field of Egyptology (when will the ancient Egyptian culture finally be thoroughly explored?).

This time, archaeologists re-examined the tomb of the ancient pharaoh Tutankhamen, and found in it 2 secret rooms, previously unknown.

Experts believe that the tomb, where they put the young 14-year-old ruler of ancient Egypt, was originally intended for Queen Nefertiti … What a surprise! And the boy rests in a luxurious tomb only because he died prematurely and suddenly.

9. Unique properties of artemisin or wormwood

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century The notorious American scientists arrived in time, who this time considered the properties of the domestic wormwood plant familiar to us.

It turns out that wormwood can neutralize and kill up to 16% of malignant cells in just 98 hours. For example, an annual wormwood reduces the progression of lung cancer by an average of 28%. Combining wormwood is advised with the unique properties of the trace element iron.

The substance artemisin, which was found in a field plant, controls the process of division of malignant cells without disturbing the vital activity of healthy ones, which is confirmed by experiments.

8. Rapid melting of glaciers

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Unfortunately, among the optimistic and encouraging discoveries of our century, some sad ones have also been made. Despite experts’ forecasts, the rate of melting of the largest glaciers on the planet is growing inexorably, which is facilitated by an increase in the average daily temperature.

Every year the situation is getting closer to critical. According to some scientists, after a certain time, many states will simply be buried under water, as happened once with Atlantis.

7. Prosthesis control by brain signals

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Some decades ago, instead of lost limbs, plastic dummies were substituted, and then the first iron prostheses appeared, far from perfect. In our century, biological prostheses have already been invented, which, moreover, can be controlled by the “power of thought”.

Nine years ago, an English corporation presented the first example of such a “bio-hand”, which can open doors, break scrambled eggs, count money and hold a mug.

Three years ago, a bionic prosthesis was also developed, which was equipped with sensitivity sensors connected to the nerve fibers of the stump. This allows the prosthetic limb not only to squeeze fingers under the influence of brain impulses, but also to feel heat and touch.

6. The presence of water on Mars

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Did you know that even though life on Mars has not yet been found, but traces of water are 100% complete. This happened in 2002 thanks to the Odyssey orbital device. It was he who determined the signs of the presence of ice under the earth of Mars.

Three years later, the Mars Express device took pictures of the craters, where traces of water flows are clearly marked. In 2008, the Phoenix probe even managed to extract water from Martian soil.

Well, this fact makes possible the colonization of the planet in the future. The US even plans to launch a mission to the red planet by the year 30.

5. “Youth elixir”

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Remember those alchemist pundits of the Middle Ages who tried to get hold of the secret of eternal youth. So various “philosopher’s stones” and “rejuvenating apples” were invented, and the truth was hidden not so far.

Recently, experts have found that a simple transfusion of young blood into the body of an old person gradually leads to rejuvenation.

This is how the GDF11 factor was determined in young plasma, which increases muscle tone (including cardiac) and stimulates the development of a neural network in the brain.

4. Discovery of gravitational waves

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century One of the most iconic achievements belongs to Weiss, Thorne and Barish, for which they received the Nobel Prize. Thanks to American observatories, gravitational waves were first detected, formed by the merger of two black holes.

This experiment, in fact, finally confirmed the theory of relativity discovered by Albert Einstein. After a while, a couple more gravitational bursts were also registered there. The value of the experiment is that it confirms the curvature of space and time.

3. Discovery of dozens of exoplanets

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Modern heavy-duty and properly tuned telescopes make it possible to identify unique cosmic bodies. In recent years, dozens of exoplanets have been discovered one after another.

What is this interesting term? An exoplanet is a space object, the conditions of which allowed or allow the development of life, as on our planet. That is, there is a chance that we are not the only inhabitants in our vast universe.

2. Obtaining stem cells through ethical application

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century Let us recall how earlier stem cells were extracted either from fetuses or from the umbilical cord blood of newborns, which caused a wide ethical outcry.

But 7 years ago, Yamanaka and Gerdon managed to get stem cells from ordinary ones. They simply took rodent tissue cells and introduced 4 genes into them, as a result of which fibroblasts took shape in young stem cells.

It is noteworthy that any internal organ can be grown from such a “building material” in the future, facilitating the process of transplantation and providing a cure for a number of serious and severe diseases, defects, and pathologies.

1. Confirmation of the existence of dark matter

10 Most Significant Scientific Discoveries of the XNUMXst Century The review is closed by a confirmed theory that the Universe does not consist of objects at all (galaxies, cosmic bodies, holes, etc.), but of dark matter. As it turned out, “solid material” is about 5% of the total matter of the cosmos. True, scientists have not yet determined what, in fact, dark matter itself consists of.

Such unique developments will help increase the duration and quality of human life, explore new previously unexplored territories, use nano-materials to facilitate life and try out a number of previously inaccessible opportunities.

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