10 most ridiculous male pregnancy misconceptions


Although … Do you remember how human biology was taught in our time? For example, in our class the teacher in the lesson devoted to the section “Reproduction”, bashfully left the class, instructing to read the paragraph on her own. Although there would be something to be ashamed of – the compilers of the textbook approached the question “where do children come from” as if they were describing the operation of a mechanism. However, this is probably correct. And if the girls then faced the delights of the nuances of the functioning of this mechanism, let’s say, from the inside, then the guys, as it turned out, remained in blissful ignorance.

healthy-food-near-me.com studied women’s forums, where the participants mock men a little, and collected the most incredible misconceptions of men about the female body, pregnancy and childbirth.



2. “It doesn’t hurt to give birth”

For some reason, some people think that giving birth to a child is no worse than going to the toilet. And even the experiments that were carried out on some dads, connecting them to devices that simulate pain during childbirth, are not convincing. “It’s all blessed,” they brush it off. “I was told that some even enjoy childbirth.” There is only one way to treat this delusion: by being present at childbirth. Nyusha’s husband, for example, received an indelible impression.

3. “The waters will go away as if from a bucket”

How is this process usually depicted in films or in pictures? This usually happens somewhere in the subway or at a business meeting, a puddle suddenly forms under the woman, and everyone immediately knows that they need to call an ambulance. However, this is not the case in life. Water can leak for weeks. They can really move away quickly, or maybe in a few steps. Or they may not leave at all, but pour out when the doctor in the hospital pulls out the mucous plug.

4. “Ailments of pregnant women are fictions to get more attention. Pregnancy is not a disease “

“It’s all in your head,” the husband of one of the members of the forum once said, patting her on the shoulder. At that time she was sitting, exhausted, at the toilet. If her strength had not run out in an attack of vomiting, she probably would have killed her husband. Wow in your head! Toxicosis, after all, can turn into a serious complication, due to which some women end up in the hospital completely exhausted and even go bald.

5. “Childbirth is a couple of hours”

No, they really think so. One man was seriously wondering if he would have time to get home before his wife gave birth, but he had just brought her to the hospital. “Well, okay, I’ll wait for you in the corridor,” her husband admonished her other optimistically. Then, however, he changed his mind about sitting in the corridor, and was with his wife at childbirth. “I realized that I would not be able to leave my closest, dear person alone with this pain and with these strangers,” he said. Childbirth lasted 18 hours.



7. “You can not be present at childbirth, you can remain impotent.”


8. “A child is born handsome”

Yeah. Wrinkled, bluish – a handsome man anywhere. Some babies even look old after giving birth. Although some women sin with such a delusion – they believe that the baby will be born cute and rosy. But he, too, spent a lot of energy until he got out into the light! After all, no one requires a woman to look after childbirth, as if she just walked in the forest. That’s not necessary from the child either.

9. “Wait, don’t give birth yet, I’m still at work”

Yes, childbirth, it seems, can be delayed. Or hurry up. As if there was at least something in the power of the woman herself. Although one of the women in labor, even a midwife shouted: “Wait!” They just did not have time to take the woman to the delivery room; they had to take the child in the prenatal room, right on the squeezed couch.

10. About menstruation


Did the guys ask you stupid questions?

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