10 most powerful clairvoyants in Russia from the “Battle of psychics”

The show “Battle of Psychics” started on Russian television in 2007, immediately gathering millions of viewers in front of the screen. At the end of 2018, the program has 19 released seasons and the same number of strong finalists who have proven their psychic abilities to viewers and skeptics.

We will talk about the brightest winners of the Battle of Psychics, find out interesting details of their biographies and find out what the future awaited the finalists after the end of the filming of the program.

10 Vitaly Ghibert

Vitaly Gibert became the winner of the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics, having won the hearts of all the viewers. Vitaliy practices healing, and on the program he has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to hypnosis.

Gibert won by a wide margin from his rivals: 90% of all viewers of the program voted for the esoteric.

Charm and incredible charisma seemed to affect everyone, except for Vitaly’s rivals, who did not like a strong competitor.

9. Lily Khegai

Lilia participated in the 5th season of the “Battle”, but, unfortunately, she did not reach the top three finalists. Rivals on the show believed that Khegai was blocking their information and preventing them from passing tests fairly, Lilia herself denied this slander.

The woman’s abilities manifested themselves even in childhood, and when the girl survived a clinical death, she learned to use the gift in full force. Now Khegai can remove the evil eye, damage and clearly see the past and possible future of other people.

On the project, the girl helped the son of the famous hockey player Valery Kharlamov, Alexander, a lot. Alexander was struck by the information he heard about the last hours of his father’s life. And until now, the son of Kharlamov maintains good communication with the clairvoyant.

8. Victoria Rydos

The winner of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics and a strong witch. She, too, like Lilia Khegay, was suspected by the rivals of blocking information, referring their failures to the dishonest fight of Rydos.

Almost nothing is known about Victoria’s biography to the general public; the psychic keeps information about her family and close friends under lock and key.

A woman conducts courses where you can personally meet with her and learn fortune telling on Tarot cards. Victoria herself was taught to read cards by her grandmother, passing on to her granddaughter all the magical knowledge that she herself possessed.

However, Rydos did not stop at the knowledge gained: the girl has several official diplomas, which indicate the end of esoteric schools.

7. Alexander Litvin

During the filming of the 6th season of the Battle of Psychics, Alexander’s wife died. After the funeral, Lytvyn could not stay in his hometown, and even more so in the apartment, he said that he was afraid to go crazy with longing. He took his sons and moved to Moscow, and then the final episode of the 6th season was broadcast on television, in which Alexander became the winner.

Litvin immediately lined up for consultations, and years later this queue has not thinned at all. Alexander, thanks to his inner charm, makes a good impression, because a lot of people reach out for a consultant.

Litvin is even consulted by many Russian pop stars about making difficult decisions and moments that bother them. Alexander himself says that he is able to learn everything about a person, one has only to shake hands with him.

6. Alexander Sheps

Alexander’s abilities manifested themselves as early as childhood, but he was finally convinced of the existence of the supernatural after going to the cemetery to visit his grandfather’s grave.

That day, Alexander heard a stern cry ordering the boy and grandmother to leave the grave of their grandfather. The voice frightened Alexander so much that he followed the demand, stepping aside with his grandmother. A moment later, lightning struck the place at the grave where Sheps and his grandmother were standing. Since then, Alexander has no doubts about the presence of the other world.

Sheps became the winner of season 14 thanks to the souls of the dead, whose voices he still hears clearly and clearly. And for better contact, Alexander uses various magical attributes, such as tarot cards or a pendulum.

5. Roman Fad

Roman took part in the 4th season of the Battle of Psychics, having come to the project after his father, Alexei, who participated in the 3rd season. Both were finalists and placed second among the participants.

Roman calls himself a hereditary sorcerer, because the abilities in their family are inherited from man to man. Aleksey Fad “adopted” the ability at the age of 5 from his great-grandfather, but Roman became a sorcerer at the age of 18, having received approval from his father.

On the project, Roman made an ambiguous impression: outwardly, he was a very modest and quiet guy, but when he got involved in the work, strong energy began to emanate from him, which attracted and frightened at the same time.

After the show, Roman, together with his father, conducted consultations and magical practices, and after the death of Alexei Fad, Roman continued this business on his own.

4. Mehdi Ebraghimi Wafa

Mehdi is originally from the city of Tehran, and at the age of about 20 he went to Moscow to get a medical education. As a result, the psychic has three diplomas in medical specialties: therapist, dentist and psychologist.

The ability to predict appeared in the boy already at the age of 6, they manifested themselves in the form of disturbing prophetic dreams.

The boy often warned others about the coming dangers, but, of course, no one listened to the child. Even when the boy’s sad predictions came true, he was only accused of slandering misfortune on a person.

But, despite the rejection of the gift by others, Mehdi’s abilities developed. And in the end, the psychic became the winner of the “Battle” in the 3rd season. The victory brought the man popularity and recognition.

Mehdi focused on the study of psychology, realizing that the purpose of his life was to help people with their psychological ailments.

3. Marilyn Carro

Marilyn participated in three seasons of the Battle, but she failed to reach the long-awaited first place, for which the girl returned each time. Marilyn all three seasons was a finalist with an honorable silver place, that is, the second.

The girl comes from Estonia, and inherited the gift from her great-grandmother. Marilyn always had abilities, but the girl stubbornly did not believe in them until she was visited by the spirit of her late great-grandmother, who was a strong witch during her lifetime. After a “conversation” with the spirit, Kerro believed in her abilities and began to develop them.

Marilyn says that she is able to feel the pain and emotions of other people, communicate with the dead and see the past.

2. Mohsen Norouzi

Mohsen became the winner of the 10th season of the Battle of Psychics, surprising viewers with his abilities more than once. He unmistakably saw the past, could predict the future, and showed himself especially well in tests related to the search for people.

Mohsen explains that during the predictions, strange symbols are visualized in his head, which Norouzi pronounces to the rest of the people as words they understand.

1. Natalya Vorotnikova

Natalia is the winner of the 1st season of the Battle of Psychics. The woman positions herself as a psychic, healer and clairvoyant, and strong energy from Natalia came from the days when she was a child. Even then, Natalya began to predict misfortunes to her acquaintances and family friends, for which the girl was nicknamed a witch.

With age, Natalia learned to control her powers, and began to predict joyful events, concentrating less and less on the negative. The woman believes that the purpose of her life is to help people, so at first Natalia became a qualified doctor, and then plunged into the study of healing practices.

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