10 most popular versions of the end of the world

Fantasts and scientific researchers have scared us of the end of the world more than once. The most amazing versions were born, starting from the explosion of the Sun, and ending with the attack of alien forces. There were also options for a zombie apocalypse, mass glaciation, meteorite falls, etc. Some variations may correspond to realities and, under certain conditions, really come true. Other doomsday scenarios are designed only to frighten little children who do not eat tasteless porridge in the morning.

Well, we are a little bit scientists, at least we have logic and sober thinking, so we will try to draw the real prospects of our planet. Thus, we will figure out whether the popular 10 versions of the end of the world could be realized, or, as always, they hung “noodles on our ears” for us.

10 solar catastrophe

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

And again, our great scientists miscalculated, focusing on the famous Mayan calendar. According to him, the unthinkable cosmic flare of our huge Star, or the release of gases from it, was designed to devour the planet in a matter of minutes. All mankind was supposed to die from high temperatures in 2012. I remember that the excitement was significant – the end of the world was discussed on TV, and then with a happy look they were glad that they had “swept through”. Or maybe it was just another PR move for people to buy dubious bunkers, ask for paid indulgences from priests and stock up on long-term provisions, and what if it helps to survive on an incinerated planet?

9. Alien invasion

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

This option seems more real, despite all the fantasticness. H. G. Wells, in his famous work The Wars of the Worlds, did a good job on the topic of the invasion of the “green men”, which sowed panic among his followers. Everyone was unanimously afraid of the evil inhabitants of Mars, despite the fact that no evidence of the existence of any intelligent life forms there was found. Mass appearances of UFOs, accidents of mysterious objects on the planet, etc. also mislead people. And periodically, scientists “catch” some awkward babble from space, which can be an interference or reflection of sound in the process of redirection. Don’t take anyone’s word for it – the facts must be there!

8. The Third World War

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

The possibility of a large-scale conflict of our time, and even with the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, has been weighing on countries since the Second World War. For more than 50 years, there has been no crisis exchange of nuclear strikes, and many countries are abandoning such weapons in support of humane values. However, unfortunately, we are not immune from this version of the destruction of most of the planet. Scientists predict that the Third World War can cover two or more continents, involving several dozen countries in political strife and demonstration of technology. According to sociologists and political scientists, the first harbingers of the Third World War are already being observed, for example, military operations in Iraq.

7. Planet Nibiru

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

And again we are led by the nose, like little children. Back in the late 60s, the famous writer came up with the remote planet Nibiru, which every 3700 years in a special orbit crosses the inner orbits of other planets in the solar system. Followers even believe that Nibiru is a brown dwarf star, the sister of the Sun, so to speak. According to members of the forum and bloggers, an unthinkable collision with the Earth should happen already in our century, which will be the end for the entire civilization.

6. Global warming

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

Scientists and geologists around the world are chanting the mantra that critical climate change is coming. Like, ozone holes, radiation and other problems will lead to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which will force huge glaciers to melt, burying all life under them. In contrast, other scientists say that over the past decade, the world has just “cooled” a little, and the average temperature has decreased. It is not known who to believe, since the person has not yet noted tangible changes. And as the processes really go, we hope that the great minds of the planet will come up with effective methods of reaction in advance.

5. Pandemic

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

In fact, this version of the end of the world is even more likely than you think. Exactly a century ago, the Spanish flu pandemic unfolded on the planet, which led to the infection of about 550 million people (almost a third of the population). At the same time, for 1,5 years of the deployment of the disease, according to approximate estimates, 50-100 million (up to 5,3%) of the inhabitants of the globe died. The active work of scientists with viruses, mutating cells and genetic material makes you think, what if something gets out of control in one laboratory? What if a deadly virus spreads beyond test tubes and buildings, massively infecting people who do not have immunity to it?

4. Galactic impact of planets

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

Almost every year we hear the “old song” about the fact that a meteorite, asteroid or other space body will crash into our Earth. The news reached its apogee in December 2012, when on the eve of the New Year, scientists decided to spoil the holiday for people by proclaiming a possible end of the world. According to their calculations, on December 21, a unique Parade of the Planets was to take place, which occurs once every 26 thousand years. The event is really amazing, our ancestors were even afraid of it, because the risk is allegedly increased that the planets will go out of orbit, and there will be a massive collision. But, as you can see, no special mysticism happened, and we successfully celebrated another routine year of our happy life.

3. Displacement of magnetic poles

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

Many world physicists appeal to this topic because of the annual change in the field of the Earth’s magnetic poles. According to them, significant processes can affect the process of rotation of the planet around the axis and the Sun, which will cause catastrophic events. According to the studies of the ancient Egyptians and the Mayan tribe, the last time the magnetic poles migrated was about 780 thousand years ago. And some modern scientists believe that during the period of the reversal of the poles, the magnetic field temporarily disappears for a couple of hundred / thousand years. Of course, this will not cause mass destruction of mankind, but the Internet (as well as other communications) will disappear abruptly. There are also possible violations of biorhythms, the work of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, and the brain.

2. Oil crisis

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

With such forecasts, employees of Gazprom, as well as Eastern and Arab princes, should grab their hearts. Analysts have calculated that literally in 2 years the demand for oil will sharply exceed supply. Some esotericists have managed to connect this again with the end of the Mayan calendar (but after all, any document has a beginning and an end, what is there mystical about?). According to forecasts, the shortage of oil will lead to the destruction of the economies of states, against which social and political unrest may flare up, followed by military conflicts.

1. supervolcano eruption

10 most popular versions of the end of the world

Until now, active large volcanoes in Africa, America, etc. are kept in fear. True, they have nothing to do with a fictional supervolcano. Yes, in the event of their eruption, million-plus cities will have a hard time – real Pompeii will occur. But while volcanologists keep their finger on the pulse of the population of nearby areas, nothing threatens. If the imaginary supervolcano is found and awakens, it will sharply raise the level of magma in the crust of the globe, provoke tons of debris and toxic fumes. The result of the eruption is a nuclear winter and the subsequent ice age, which can plague humanity. So far, the probability of the existence of a “horror story” tends to zero.

Once again, we advise our readers to keep their “ears on top” and double-check the facts. In magazines, online publications and on TV, we can throw the most unthinkable ideas and even generously sprinkle them with pseudo-numbers and statistics. Study only data from studies and scientific papers that are officially published.

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