10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Everyone, including preschool children, has probably heard about the mysterious and dangerous Bermuda Triangle. This topic is very “hyped” in popular culture: hundreds of books and articles have been written about the numerous dangers associated with the Bermuda sea area, a lot of documentaries and feature films have been shot, etc.

And even at the beginning of the last century, no one had the slightest idea about this “amazing phenomenon”. Yes, ships have been sinking here for a long time, but, firstly, this area has been very busy in terms of navigation for almost five centuries, and secondly, in fact, wooden sailing ships often went to the bottom in other parts of the ocean that differ unstable weather.

In fact, this section in the Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, with an area of ​​u1bu1970babout XNUMX million km², received the status of an unsolvable mystery and supernatural phenomenon only in the early XNUMXs.

It was at this time that a book by Charles Berlitz was published, in which he vividly and interestingly described the most “mystical” stories of inexplicable disappearances of modern ships and aircraft in this area.

The “sensation” was immediately picked up by numerous journalists, and this was the start of the hype around the Bermuda Triangle.

By the way, the “unofficial name” of the region in which the compass allegedly does not work, the clock goes backwards, suddenly giant funnels and 30-meter waves appear out of nowhere, etc., was invented back in 1964 by Vincent Gaddis, who published in the magazine, dedicated to the most inexplicable phenomena, the article “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle”. (For some reason, this topic did not arouse interest then).

Since then, both serious scientists and amateurs (and simply “fans of the Bermuda Triangle”) have put forward many hypotheses that more or less plausibly and adequately explain the causes of the phenomena occurring there. Here are just 10 of them:

10 Human factor

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle A very significant number of researchers who have ever been interested in the topic of the Bermuda Triangle and the “anomalous” number of ships and aircraft missing here are sure that more than 90% of such cases occurred due to the banal “human factor”.

Have you ever seen photos of Bermuda? This is the real paradise on earth! It has a warm tropical climate, clear sea, sandy beaches scattered over more than 180 picturesque islands (looking like twins from a height).

Naturally, these parts are always full of tourists, including very non-poor people who come here on their own yachts and arrive on private planes.

And they do not want to know that, in general, the weather in this region is very changeable, and that any vessel (sea or air) is obliged to follow the route and strictly follow the instructions of the dispatchers.

They simply ignore security measures, often go to sea in storms, and end up wandering between the islands without the possibility of refueling.

9. Difficult weather (and natural) conditions

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle And now more about the weather and other conditions in the Bermuda Triangle. All more or less experienced captains and pilots are aware that this region is very difficult to navigate: there are a huge number of reefs and shoals, air and water currents, more than 80 days a year storms, cyclones and hurricanes rage in this rather big area.

Therefore, it is not surprising that reports of new disasters or searches for missing ships and aircraft come from here very regularly.

Local weather “excesses” are explained quite simply: it is over this region that huge warm and cold air masses collide, generating powerful whirlwinds and tornadoes.

In addition, all this is aggravated by the fast and warm current of the Gulf Stream, which often generates dense fogs and easily knocks small ships off course due to the speed of its flow alone.

By the way, in addition to the Gulf Stream in the Bermuda region, other currents periodically arise – irregular, the direction of which is sometimes difficult to predict. And if a ship or plane crashes here, then it can be carried very far in a short time, which often makes the search for the wreckage useless.

8. Compass points to true north, not magnetic north

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Yes, indeed, in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, the compass often behaves “inadequately”, pointing not to the magnetic, but to the geographical (true) north. And the deviation between them is, for a moment, more than 700 miles (or about 1300 km).

Experienced sailors and pilots, of course, take this into account. And in fact, this magnetic anomaly is not unique: in some parts of the Gobi Desert (and not only there!) Natural deposits of magnetic ore create the same “special effects” with the compass needle.

In the case of Bermuda, the cause of magnetic deviations is high seismic activity in this region, generating unstable electric fields and, accordingly, magnetic disturbances. As a result, navigation systems begin to go crazy, and ships (and aircraft) deviate from their course.

7. Atlantis

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle And here are some much more fantastic (if not crazy) theories that explain the “mystical” phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle. One of them is based on the fact that the legendary Atlantis was located (and sank) in this area.

The adherents of this hypothesis are sure that the Atlanteans were very advanced in terms of “energy” – they allegedly invented special powerful crystals capable of accumulating and converting solar energy.

The Atlanteans themselves died, but their great invention is still working somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. And these most amazing crystals are the cause of failures in the operation of modern navigation instruments and the ongoing disasters.

6. UFO or aliens

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Another hmm … a very eccentric theory – aliens are to blame for everything. Somewhere out there, in the depths of the ocean in the Bermuda region, there is an alien ship (or even a whole UFO base!).

The “aliens” who settled there are studying both us – earthlings, and our technologies. That’s why they “steal” from time to time aircraft and ships, along with crews.

And sometimes human technology just accidentally falls into portals to other worlds, which regularly open right into the sea so that aliens can move to their dimension and back (at the same time sending fresh “trophies” and experimental earthlings “home”).

5. US government secret tests

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle The third fantastic hypothesis is that the “devilry” taking place in the Bermuda Triangle is the result of experiments by the US government. Well… It turns out that many Americans (and residents of neighboring countries) have a low opinion about the “ethics” of the scientific methods of their own government.

It is known that the completely official (but, of course, secret) Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) operates somewhere here. In fact, he “runs in” the latest American submarines, sonars, etc. Hmm… Although, for sure, – and some kind of underwater weapon…

But after all, no one guarantees that other, much more dangerous experiments are not being performed at AUTEC! Maybe some kind of alien technology is being tested here, for example? Why not? Remember Roswell and the persistent rumor that crashed UFOs were being studied there.

Or here’s another story with the destroyer Eldridge, which the US Navy allegedly made invisible in October 1943 and moved tens of kilometers in a few seconds. And all those terrible stories about sudden infrasonic waves that drive the crews of ships and planes crazy? It’s all for nothing…

4. “Vortexes of Time”

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle But this theory is in many ways in contact with the previous two. Its essence is that in the Bermuda Triangle there are either time loops, or something like time funnels.

Falling into them, ships and planes, as a result, end up in the same place, but in a different time, or, conversely, manage to overcome huge distances in a matter of minutes. Allegedly, the reason for this is the “curvature” of time and space.

Why in this area? Because (see points 6 and 5) either this is the work of aliens living somewhere in an underwater base, or it is the result of experiments by the American government that slightly “broke” space-time in the Bermuda region.

3. Methane hydrate

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle And here is a much more plausible (hmm … although not completely …) theory. As we mentioned above, seismic activity is high in the Bermuda region. Deep at the bottom there are a large number of cracks that appeared as a result of the activity of underwater volcanoes. And methane is still actively rising from them, dissolving in sea water and forming, accordingly, methane hydrate.

But from time to time, small bubbles of methane (and with it hydrogen sulfide, resulting from the decay of algae, which are not just a lot, but a lot in these parts) gather into much more impressive bubbles. And these bubbles, merging into one huge gas ball, begin to rise to the surface.

Imagine the situation: a ship is sailing, the weather is excellent, the sun is shining with might and main, visibility is excellent, no one expects any danger. And then, right under the ship, a gas bubble bursts, and it falls into the resulting funnel instantly, without having time to send a distress signal. And if the ship manages to pass along the edge of the funnel, then there is no one to save it anyway – the crew suffocated with methane vapor.

“But what about the planes?” – you ask. “They fly high above the water!” “About the same!” – supporters of this theory will answer you. A bursting methane bubble ejects gas (which has a density less than air) high up.

And a plane flying at that time just above it can simply crash into this rarefied “air hole”. Or methane, in contact with a hot engine, will simply explode, blowing the plane to shreds.

2. Pirates

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Here, too, it would seem, a fairly sensible version – ships in the Bermuda Triangle are drowned by pirates. If we were talking about the XVII-XVIII century, then no one would have doubted it. Yes, then the pirates felt very at ease here.

But in our time, and with modern equipment, both civilian and (especially!) Military courts, well-armed and having excellent communications. Hardly… And, by the way, how then to explain the disappearance of the planes?

1. Comet

10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle And finally, the most (in our opinion) grandiose theory. About 11 thousand years ago, a tailed space wanderer, a comet, fell exactly in the Bermuda region. Yes, not just a comet, but some kind of special, completely electromagnetic.

Since then, it has been lying somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, continuing to emit all sorts of radiation, which make the navigation instruments of ships and aircraft “furious”. Beauty is not a hypothesis! I just want to say: “How do you like it, Elon Musk?”

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