10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

The capital of Russia is not only the most expensive city, but also the most popular. Millions of people want to live here, study, work, or all of these together, as it is not only a city of opportunities, but also another cultural capital of the Motherland.

Today we will talk about the 10 most popular places in Moscow, famous sights, famous museums that are definitely worth a visit (you can do it several times).

10 Moscow International Business Center “Moscow-City”

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

Moscow International Business Center “Moscow-City”, located in the CAO (Central Administrative District) is one of the main attractions of the capital.

The towers of the complex are visible from almost anywhere in the city, which some residents are unhappy with: they believe that their architecture spoils the historical appearance of Moscow. However, given that now it is the center of active business life, such a place is simply necessary.

Already now you can admire the majestic structures of the Bagration bridge, the tower on the Embankment, the Expocentre, etc.

9. Apothecary garden of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

“Apothecary Garden” was founded in 1706 by Peter I, which makes Botanical Garden the oldest in Russia.

A picturesque park over 300 years old, palm greenhouses, an arboretum, descendants of royal cats, turtles, collections of carnivorous plants, orchids, etc. – there really is something to see here.

Before going to the Apothecary Garden, you can appreciate its beauty in the official Instagram account, which is the most popular among botanical gardens.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from different countries come to festivals, exhibitions and just for excursions, since the garden at Moscow State University can not only compete with European ones, but even give them a head start.

8. Museon Arts Park

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

The largest in Russia open air sculpture museum was founded in 1992 and covers an area of ​​almost 23.5 hectares.

Here you can see the unique monuments of the “leaders of the proletariat”, sculptures of the Heroes of Socialist Labor, creations of the era of socialist realism and much more (there are more than 800 works in the exhibition).

There are no restrictions on visiting: you can freely walk in the park for at least a whole day, especially since there are plenty of exhibits in it.

In addition, “Museon” regularly becomes a venue for music festivals, master classes in choreography and DJing, sporting events, etc.

Thanks to the designers from Charsky studio, since 2016 the museum has its own souvenirs and corporate identity, which allows it to stand out from other similar establishments in Moscow.

7. GUM (State Department Store)

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

State Department Store in Moscow is a place that has everything. It appeared in 1893 and until 1921 was called “Upper Trading Rows”.

The huge building is made in the pseudo-Russian style with many borrowings: the twin towers decorating the main entrance are taken from the architecture of the Historical Museum located next door, some fragments of the internal and external decor resemble monuments of the XNUMXth century, etc..

The interior decoration is really amazing: Tarusa marble, Finnish granite, antique chandeliers and fancy stucco. GUM more like a museum than the mall it is.

However, given the prices in local stores, many come here just like a museum – just to look and admire.

6. Manor “Kuskovo”

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit


The ancient estate of the Sheremetev family (they owned it for more than 300 years, until 1918) is a whole ensemble consisting of several architectural and historical monuments.

A classicist palace built in the XNUMXth century, a greenhouse, several thematic pavilions, even its own “Hermitage” is available here.

“Kuskovo” is a favorite place not only for ordinary visitors, but also for directors. So, in 1975, Viktor Titov filmed part of the scenes of the film “Hello, I am your aunt!” “.

5. Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit


Tsaritsyno appeared thanks to Catherine II in 1776, who invited two of the greatest architects of her time, Vasily Bazhenov and Matvey Kazakov, to work on the project. They have worked hard for 20 years, creating a unique complex in the Russian Gothic style, which is now the largest in Europe.

There are both architectural, historical and natural beauties here: the Ceres Temple pavilion, the Milovida pavilion with a pond, a landscape park, the Greenhouse Dam near the Bread House, the Semicircular Palace and the pyramid hill, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source” and much more.

4. Observation deck on Sparrow Hills

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

All the beauties of Moscow have not been seen even by the indigenous inhabitants of the “non-rubber”, and the guests of the city do not even have time to see all the most interesting things, especially if the time of stay is limited.

Observation deck on Sparrow Hills – if not ideal, but at least a partial solution to the problem. The view that opens from here (80 meters high) is later dreamed of by many, especially if you know where to look. This is the easiest way to see the whole city, standing in one place (we do not take into account the road to the site).

Be prepared for the fact that standing and admiring Moscow in solitude and silence will not work: the site is part of most sightseeing tours, so it is almost always noisy and crowded. In addition, you can visit it for free, which, of course, is a big plus, but it affects the number of tourists.

3. TsPKiO them. Gorky

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

The most visited park in Moscow TsPKiO them. Gorky, was restored in 2011 and is now in no way inferior to analogues in other countries. Every day, about 40 Muscovites and guests of the capital rest here, and on weekends their number increases to an incredible 000.

It was founded in 1928 and now is not only a place with picturesque places for walking, but also an excellent space for outdoor activities.

The local sports complex has its own chess and running club, badminton and football grounds, special equipped areas for cyclists, skateboarders, roller skaters and much more.

If you have enough activity outside the park, then you can just sit on a bench with a book or smartphone, as there is Wi-Fi coverage.

2. Old Arbat

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

If we consider Moscow to be the heart of Russia, then Old Arbat – its main artery, located in the Central District. This street appeared in the XNUMXth century and is now one of the oldest in the capital.

Despite its modest length (only 1 meters), the Arbat is full of attractions for every taste. Here is the wall of memory of Viktor Tsoi, and the house of Bulat Okudzhava, and the memorial apartment-museum of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and the Vakhtangov Theater.

Even the architecture of houses here can bewitch and make you stop in the middle of the street.

1. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

10 most popular places in Moscow that every Russian must visit

We simply could not finish the selection with another attraction: there is no place in Moscow more popular and famous than Kremlin and Red Square.

Here the Spasskaya Tower flaunts, grandfather Lenin lies, the Armory is located, etc.

Many people, upon arrival in the capital, go to the Kremlin before they have time to check into a hotel and unpack their things. Everyone admires the grandeur and beauty of this place: from impressionable inhabitants of the hinterland to Hollywood stars who visited Moscow.

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