10 most popular museums in Moscow

Millions of tourists come to the Russian capital every day. So in 2018, more than 21 million people visited Moscow. Moreover, this figure is increasing from year to year, so in 2019 there will definitely not be less!

Indeed, there is something to see here. Historical buildings, parks, but perhaps the most visited places are museums.

No one knows how many museums there are in the city, and this is not necessary. After all, most tourists when choosing are guided not only by their own interests, but also by the popularity of the museum. Of course, everyone wants to visit an institution that is known even outside of Russia.

Below is a rating of the most popular museums in Moscow. By visiting the establishments from our list, you can not only admire the expositions, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

10 Museum of Optical Illusions

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Museum of Optical Illusions – A new format of the museum, but without a camera there is absolutely nothing to do here. The fact is that every visitor can become a full participant in the exhibition exhibits.

Various paintings and models in 3D format are applied to the wall, you need to choose the ones you like and take a picture.

To the uninitiated, the exhibition may seem incomprehensible. The effect of presence is expressed only in photographs.

You can sail on the Titanic, run away from angry predators, or receive an award from the president himself. This is a great way to have fun, and amazing photos will remain as a keepsake.

It is better to visit the museum with a large group. There are several similar museums in Moscow, the most popular are located on the Arbat and VDNKh.

9. Museum of Entertaining Sciences Experimentanium

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Museum of Entertaining Sciences Experimentanium – an interactive museum. Here you can get a lot of new, interesting information about the world around you and different fields of science.

First of all, it is designed for children, but adults will definitely not be bored either. A distinctive feature of the museum is that all the exhibits can be touched by hand.

Visitors can see with their own eyes how sea waves are formed, or how the universe works.

On weekends, various master classes and entertainment shows are held. Experiments reveal the laws of physics and chemistry, riveting the attention of even the most restless children.

There is an opportunity to visit a spherical cinema, listen to lectures by scientists, attend classes on modern trends (quadcopters, robotics).

8. Mosfilm Museum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

There is no such person in Russia who at least once has not heard of Mosfilm. Many cinematic masterpieces were filmed at the legendary film studio.

Now Mosfilm is still working, and guests of the capital can visit museum and see familiar exhibits, as well as learn more about the history of cinema.

A unique collection of retro cars, costumes, scenery sketches, film sets and pavilions. Museum visitors come here more than once.

The museum differs from other institutions in that the exhibits are constantly changing: some are taken away for filming, others are returned to the exposition.

7. Moskuririum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

The Moscow Oceanarium is a building with an area of ​​more than 53 square meters. These are more than 80 aquariums with various types of fish, a contact pool with marine animals, pools with dolphins.

Visitors can see more than 12 thousand species of marine animals and inhabitants here. Killer whales, beluga whales, stingrays, swordtails…

Moskuririum provides a unique opportunity to swim with dolphins. In addition, water performances and entertainment shows are regularly held here.

In the lecture hall, you can listen to lectures by famous people whose activities are somehow connected with the underwater world.

6. Pushkin Museum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Pushkin Museum foreign art. Founded in 1912, received the name of the great poet in 1937. Today it has five branches.

The museum impresses with its exposition, it is more than 700 thousand pieces of art (for 2018). Mosaics, icons, paintings, statues, historical casts, old coins, photographs – this is not all that can be seen in the Pushkin Museum.

Of course, there was a place for thematic expositions associated with the name of Alexander Sergeevich.

If you are indifferent to his work, do not refuse to visit the museum, there are many interesting things here. The museum gives you the opportunity to see many historical masterpieces with your own eyes, to return to the distant past for a while, to understand how our ancestors lived.

5. Paleontological Museum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Paleontological Museum – is one of the largest natural history museums in the world. Bears the name of Yuri Orlov, zoologist and paleontologist.

The exposition is all periods of the evolution of the organic world of the planet Earth. Skeletons of ancient animals, prints of plants in stone, shells of mollusks. Perhaps most visitors go here to see dinosaur skeletons.

To spend time with benefit, use the services of a guide who will tell you in detail about all the exhibits of the museum.

4. Darwin Museum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Darwin Museum dedicated to Darwin’s theory of evolution. It is considered one of the best museums in the capital. Here you can immerse yourself in the history of the development of the planet.

The exposition is more than 400 thousand items. The collections are striking in their diversity. This is the evolution of animals, human habitation, works of art.

Do not think that the museum will be interesting only for adults. You can safely visit it with small children. The museum features dinosaur models (moving) that will interest every child.

Every hour a film is shown in the central hall, which tells about the origin and development of life on Earth. Very often the museum hosts master classes, practical classes, holidays dedicated to a certain topic.

3. Tretyakov Gallery

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Tretyakov Gallery – Art Museum, founded in 1856. The largest collection of Russian art for 2019. The exposition includes about 180 thousand pieces of art: paintings, sculptures, antique items made of precious metals.

The museum has a more complete collection of art objects from the second half of the XNUMXth century. Famous paintings by famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Isaac Levitan and many others. If you wish, you can listen to lectures on Russian art.

2. State Historical Museum

10 most popular museums in Moscow

The biggest historical national museum country, located on Red Square. It must be visited by every resident of Russia who is interested in the history of his state.

In addition to the main building, the museum complex includes the Pokrovsky Cathedral, the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Romanov Chambers in Zaryadye.

The museum is dedicated to the history of Russia from ancient times to the present. The museum’s fund is more than 5 million items. Each hall (there are 40 in total) corresponds to a certain historical era. Excursions and theatrical performances are regularly held in the museum.

1. Moscow Kremlin Museums

10 most popular museums in Moscow

Moscow Kremlin Museums – a unique and famous museum complex, consisting of 7 museums: the Armory, cathedrals (Annunciation, Assumption, Arkhangelsk), the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, the Patriarch’s Chambers, the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

The exposition of the Armory contains more than 4 thousand items. This includes not only weapons, it is a collection of carriages, precious items, gifts from foreign ambassadors.

Churches were also transferred to the status of museums. In them you can see collections of church works of art: icons, frescoes.

In the Patriarchal Chambers there are collections of personal belongings of the patriarchs and members of the royal family.

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