10 most popular destinations on Instagram

Social networks have entered the era of promotion and development. If earlier LiveJournal was used for blogging space, now people can write their own thoughts, scientific articles, fiction stories on any social platform: Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter and many others.

A huge number of thematic blogs have appeared, gathering around them like-minded people and similar speakers who want to convey their thoughts to the people. Today we will get acquainted with the 10 most popular destinations that bloggers write about on Instagram.

10 Books

10 most popular destinations on Instagram There are many accounts with recommended literature on the vastness of Instagram, so finding a blog to your liking will not be difficult.

Love The Hunger Games? Welcome to the teen dystopia blog for similar franchises with equally powerful plots. Do you like to read reviews of high-profile novelties or reviews of scientific literature? Subscribe to blogs that meet your requirements.

Blogs of novels, blogs of classic literature, blogs that only write about books that have been made into films and then compare the two products. Book blogs are visually very aesthetic: minimalist photos, beautiful layouts or landscapes against which the book is shot. Thanks to such blogs, you can easily find new literature that you will definitely not be disappointed in, and, you see, this saves a lot of time.

9. Medicine

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Now the topic of medicine is extremely popular on Instagram. Blogs of young doctors, blogs of medical students, blogs of professionals with the ability to make an appointment with them.

Most often, doctors use the Instagram platform to advertise their competence for free and recruit new clients.

After all, you see, it is much easier to decide on an appointment with a doctor who shows himself as a person in stories or proves his professionalism with useful and scientific articles.

It is useful to read medical blogs for a simple layman, because doctors share verified and correct information on health issues in them for free. Of course, we do not advise you to be fully treated only on medical blogs. Remember the main rule written on any box of pills: “Before using it is necessary to consult a doctor!”

8. Feminism, body positivity

10 most popular destinations on Instagram The 21st century is saturated with tolerance, feminism, freedom of speech, new genders and other terms that are incomprehensible to an unenlightened person. Now bloggers use the Instagram platform for open statements and discussions of women’s freedom, equality, love for themselves and their bodies.

Blogs with similar topics are gaining millions of subscribers and there is nothing wrong with that, because first of all, competent bloggers carry to the masses that all people are equal and should treat each other with respect. Girls are told about the importance of consent before sex, boys are told not to be raped. It would seem that everyone understands the settings, but read the comments under such posts and be horrified at how many girls and even guys are sexually abused and discriminated against.

If you want to learn more about the issue of feminism in Russia or the wave of body positivity, we recommend reading articles from popular bloggers whose publications are in the top of the hashtag “feminism”.

7. Sex

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Restrictions have fallen, freedom of speech is flourishing, and it is now common for young people to discuss sex, sex toys, and role-play lingerie. Thousands of bloggers review products from intimate shops, discuss first sex, rape, virginity and Soviet myths about sex life.

Blogs are useful in many ways, if only because they are engaged in sexual education among young people, because this education is completely undeveloped in our country. Teenagers are told about the importance of contraception, they warn about contraceptives, they talk about sexually transmitted diseases.

Blogs are useful, but controversial, because we should not forget about the difficulty of conveying information to a large mass of people, especially for teenagers. Still, people, due to their upbringing, mentality and life experience, are able to hear the same phrase in different ways, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

6. Photo processing

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Instagram was originally created as an application with a personal photo album: users applied standard filters and indiscriminately filled the feed with photos of their breakfast. Now there is a lot of text on Instagram, but the visual has not lost its relevance, but has become even more important! Even according to statistics, it is known that bloggers with poor visuals are poorly subscribed to by a new audience, because aesthetics are still important in this application.

Therefore, Instagram has many blogs with mobile processing. People are taught to pose, look for angles, make independent filters, retouch, change the background, correctly arrange photos on the tape and understand relevant applications.

5. Yoga, meditation

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Yoga has a positive effect on both the quality of the body and our psyche, because during yoga, muscles are stretched, clamps disappear and stress goes away, and meditation generally clears the head of an unnecessary flow of information.

Such blogs are usually run by professional spiritual mentors or just yoga instructors. The accounts host videos with detailed instructions on how to do the elements, how to breathe during meditation, how to warm up the muscles before stretching, and so on.

Accounts about yoga are most often very aesthetic, bright and sunny. You can subscribe to them just to be inspired by people who can fold their body in half.

4. SMM, promotion

10 most popular destinations on Instagram In order for a blog to grow in the number of subscribers, it must be properly promoted. Someone does it on their own, looks for advertising platforms, selects hashtags, makes cold calls, and someone entrusts the promotion of their blog to the SMM administrator.

Blogs from Instagram administrators often touch on the topic of self-promotion. They talk about shadowbans, trending topics, high-profile headlines, statistics analysis, and even evidence of which photos get the most likes on Instagram.

Given the large number of thematic accounts, it is not surprising that promotion blogs are among the most popular among them.

3. Sport

10 most popular destinations on Instagram The fashion for sports reached its peak a couple of years ago, when there were probably more sports accounts on Instagram than all the rest. Bloggers began to destroy the myths about proper nutrition with one buckwheat and dry chicken, began to talk about proper training, about the dangers of daily training, about psychological problems that affect excess weight.

Such blogs often run their own weight loss marathons, supervising people remotely for a month so that they achieve their dream figure.

2. Self-development, business

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Many people now earn money on the Instagram platform, and then they write about how they achieved this with a detailed algorithm of actions. The topic of money and business is now very popular on Instagram, and therefore blogs with a business theme are developing rapidly. In such blogs, they write about the necessary literature, talk about sales, about interaction with customers, about the development of a personal brand.

Moreover, there are a great many speakers: from adult men to young 20-year-old girls who, despite their young age, study business themselves and begin to teach this to other people.

1. Relations

10 most popular destinations on Instagram Relationship blogs have a huge following and are growing fast. And this is explained quite simply: we are all interested in reading about other people’s problems and ways to solve them. And in such blogs they write about family troubles, about the beginning of a relationship, about abusive relationships, about sex and related problems or personal experiences.

Such posts are commented on, problems are discussed and the girls willingly help each other and give advice on exciting issues.

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