10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

A city built on bones; the city where suicides most often occur; the city, which is afraid of the sun … As soon as they do not call the Northern Capital of our Motherland.

Indeed, when Peter the Great was building St. Petersburg, many dark stories constantly appeared about people walled up in the walls of the city, about terrible ghosts in the swamps in the area, and even about mysterious mermaids that can be seen right in the Neva.

Mysterious and gloomy rumors still haunt the city. There are several places in St. Petersburg that are considered the most mystical and attractive for lovers of everything mysterious.

10 Damn wasteland in Yekateringof

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

The damn wasteland is named so for a reason. Once upon a time, on the site of an ennobled park, there was a gloomy-looking wasteland, about which the most terrible rumors circulated.

People claimed that they saw strange transparent silhouettes at night and heard otherworldly sounds every now and then. Many, because of these rumors, did not dare to approach the wasteland.

But there were also people whom the mystical mysteries of this place did not repel, but attracted. It was such a curious hunter of mysticism that turned out to be the manufacturer Shakanidi.

The man was known for his craving for the occult, mysticism and séances. Therefore, at the very beginning of the XNUMXth century, Shakanidi decided to build a promo mansion in the center of a wasteland.

During the Revolution, he was shot dead in this mansion, and the bag with the body was thrown into a pond in a wasteland. The new inhabitants of the dwelling complained that they were frightened by a ghost. Some still claim to see the spirit of Shakanidi in the park.

9. Nikolskoe cemetery

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

They say that it is most dangerous to meet a black cat at the Nikolsky cemetery at night. They say he can attack people, because he is actually a sorcerer in the guise of a black cat.

Rumors are connected with a terrible legend that has been spreading among Petersburgers for more than a century. Referring to him, once near the Nikolsky cemetery lived a warlock, healer and sorcerer named Procopius. He was preparing a potion to heal people based on crushed bones, which he obtained by digging up corpses in the cemetery.

Procopius dreamed of inventing the elixir of immortality and for this he made a deal with the devil himself. He said that Procopius should find a sinful woman, deprive her of her eyes and tongue, and collect the blood of a sinner and drink it before dawn.

Procopius did not have time to drink blood and began to weaken, and then died right in the cemetery. One leg at the corpse of Procopius became a cat’s paw. Since then, they began to talk about a black cat that guards people who linger at the Nikolsky cemetery until late.

8. Rotunda

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

Peter is truly a city of rotundas. There are a lot of them, each has its own unique history. The rotundas in St. Petersburg are beautiful, they are loved by tourists and citizens. But there is one very special rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street. It was built so that Masons could gather within the walls of the round building.

Secret meetings were to take place in a top secret setting. Inside, the rotunda looks beautiful and at the same time gloomy. People who go inside claim later that while they are inside they do not leave the feeling of someone’s invisible, but very sinister presence.

7. Rasputin’s apartment

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

On Gorokhovaya Street in the very heart of St. Petersburg, there is the famous Rasputin’s apartment, which is associated with a lot of rumors, legends and secrets. The doctor of the king’s son lived here with his daughters.

It was in this house that all the cream of society came to Rasputin for treatment for a variety of diseases. On the night of his death, Rasputin left the house and went to the Yusupov Palace, where he was killed.

However, many argue that the ghost of Rasputin returned to his house after death and still lives in it. The elder’s apartment has now become communal, and its inhabitants claim that at night they hear a voice and the sound of footsteps.

6. Bypass channel

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

The mystical Obvodny Canal in the city of St. Petersburg has a reputation as a place where people commit suicide since ancient times. Suicides have been thrown from the bridge directly to the bottom of Obvodny since pre-revolutionary times. The sad tradition continues to this day.

Those who decide to commit suicide very often choose this channel. One of the legends of the city says that it was at the bottom of the Obvodny Canal that a strange granite altar was discovered at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

Unknown symbols and signs were carved on the granite. A dead body was found under the altar itself. What was the meaning of the altar and symbols, has not yet been unraveled.

5. Sphinxes in front of the Academy of Arts

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

Majestic sphinxes are located near the Academy and look like they are protecting the buildings in the area. These decorations were brought from Thebes.

Many say that supposedly on the statues you can find carved spells that Pharaoh Amenhotep used. This cruel Egyptian ruler founded a cruel cult in his country and used corpses for rituals.

Sphinxes were brought to St. Petersburg in the middle of the XNUMXth century. A terrible fact that has nothing to do with rumors and is reliable information: for some reason, all drowned people from all over the Neva are drawn to these sphinxes.

4. Field of Mars

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

The gloomy atmosphere of the Champ de Mars is largely due to the history of this place. Since the time of the Karelian-Finnish epic, one can trace mystical notes in the legends about the Field of Mars.

When Petersburg did not yet exist, and instead of the city there were solid swamps and islands, mermaids and other water evil spirits lived in the mouths of the rivers, judging by the fairy tales.

In the place where the Field of Mars is now located, they organized festivities. If during such holidays people happened to get on the field, then they died at the hands of mermaids.

And only one person managed to save his life, because he had a musical instrument with him.

And if we talk not about fairy tales, but about real history, then there were mass graves under the Field of Mars during the October Revolution, which also speaks of the heavy energy of this place.

3. Malookhtinsky cemetery

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

A small cemetery is located right in a residential area. This is the very first Old Believer burial place in St. Petersburg. In the 2nd quarter of the XNUMXth century, people began to bury their loved ones on Malaya Okhta and gradually populate it.

Many mystical stories are connected with this Old Believer cemetery. It is said that sorcerers, witches and suicides were buried there. Indeed, in this cemetery one could very often see how people who call themselves magicians perform rituals.

Until now, the inhabitants of Malaya Okhta claim to hear strange sounds at night and see figures in the cemetery.

2. Elagin Island

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

One of the most mysterious inhabitants of St. Petersburg, Count Cagliostro, lived on Elagin Island. They say that this man lived during the time of the Great Flood and was personally acquainted with Noah and even escaped on his Ark.

Cagliostro himself denied the rumors and said that he was born from an ordinary princess. Cagliostro experimented on dead people in St. Petersburg, trying to resurrect them. It is said that he is still alive and hiding in different countries under different names.

A few years ago, when the Yelagin Palace was being restored, flasks and vessels of Cagliostro were found under a small rotunda, but no one was able to establish their purpose.

1. Mansion of Princess Golitsyna

10 most mystical places in St. Petersburg

Residents of Malaya Morskaya are sure that the spirit of the princess still lives in her former mansion, which now houses a clinic.

It was Golitsyna who served as the prototype for Pushkin’s heroine, the famous Queen of Spades. Many say that the nephew of the princess revealed to Alexander Sergeevich the secret of her three cards, described later in the story.

Tchaikovsky was also inspired by Golitsyna when writing one of his works.

It is noteworthy that both Pushkin and Tchaikovsky lived at one time near the princess’s mansion and died 3 years after writing their creations about Golitsyna.

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