10 most interesting places in Albania

Among tourists, Albania is not very popular, although the neighboring states of Greece and Montenegro do not suffer from a lack of tourists. This trend can be explained by the fact that for a long time Albania was a closed country, but now the situation has changed. However, most tourists still choose other destinations. Infrastructure is not particularly developed in Albania, and there are no traditional excursion routes, as in other countries.

But the tourists who nevertheless visited Albania did not regret for a minute that they went here. There are a lot of attractions, beautiful places. Again, the sea, the beaches. Everyone will find something to their liking. And a small number of tourists (compared to the same Greece) can be considered rather an advantage, a more relaxed atmosphere, there are no long queues. Of course, all this is secondary, because after visiting this country, you will be delighted with what you saw, and you will learn about the most interesting places in Albania from our article.

10 Berat

10 most interesting places in Albania

An amazing city located in the south of Albania. By some miracle, it was preserved in the form it was many years ago. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Part of the city is located on the mountain. There is an old castle there. At the foot of the mountain there are historical quarters, old buildings, houses, buildings. There are many churches here, which, unfortunately, you will not be able to visit, they have not been working for a long time. There is a beautiful view from the top. The city of a thousand windows is the name of Berat, each building has many windows. The Anufri Museum, the Red Mosque, the statue of Emperor Constantine, the list of city attractions can be continued for a long time. We can say that almost every building there has a historical value. Once in Berat, you will forget that the XNUMXst century is in the yard, it differs so much from modern cities.

9. Tirana

10 most interesting places in Albania

Capital of Albania. There are many more tourists here. This is understandable, because the city has many hotels and hotels, developed infrastructure, cultural activities, restaurants, cafes, clubs. There are many historical sights in Tirana: the National Historical Museum, the Etem-mei Mosque, the Palace of Culture and many other museums. The historical part of Tirana is located very compactly, so you don’t have to drive, you can get around it on foot. Also a local attraction is the Albanian market, which you will not find anywhere else. This is a real oriental bazaar. There are enough shopping centers in the city, shoppers will be satisfied. Many buildings are painted in a bright color that uplifts the mood. Unfortunately, the city looks like this only in the center, it is better not to visit its outskirts at all.

8. Shkoder

10 most interesting places in Albania

An ancient city in which all conditions for living of tourists are created. International class hotels with swimming pools and fitness rooms, small hotels, cafes, restaurants. You definitely won’t be bored here, to see all the sights of Shkoder you won’t have enough vacation. Rozafa Fortress is very popular with tourists. It has existed for 24 centuries, it was from it that the history of Shkoder began. Ancient towers, wells, barracks, from the fortress walls you can look at the city, admire the beautiful view of the lake. It is striking that the city seems to be divided into two parts: modern and historical. Every tourist must visit the Shkoder Museum, mosques, Catholic churches.

7. Ancient settlement of Butrint

10 most interesting places in Albania

Butrint, in the past a city, now a museum-reserve. It was founded by the Greeks in the XNUMXth century BC. e. For a long time it flourished until the Turks captured it. The city began to die out, it was finally abandoned in the XNUMXth century, which is why it was preserved in its original form. There are always a lot of tourists in Butrint, each of them wants to touch the centuries-old history. Ancient Roman theater, statues, ruins of the acropolis and many other buildings. It is better to come here early, otherwise you will spend most of the day in line for tickets.

6. Gjirokastra

10 most interesting places in Albania

The city is located on the top of a mountain, it was founded in the XII century. The buildings form a single complex – a fortress. They are built of stone, each house has a tower, an amazing sight, it is not for nothing that Gjirokastra is called the stone city. It is under the protection of UNESCO, the city has been preserved due to the fact that Enver Hoxha was born here. The most important attraction is called the fortress museum. Here you can see the collection of weapons. In Albania, the weapons were created by themselves, so they are not like the weapons of other countries. Even a simple walk around the city will give a lot of impressions: unusual architecture, narrow streets. Surprisingly, Gjirokastra remains true to the past not only “outside”, the life of local residents is no different from the life of their ancestors.

5. Vlore

10 most interesting places in Albania

Those who prefer a comfortable stay will love the city of Vlorë. There is a huge selection of hotels for every taste and budget. Developed infrastructure: cafes, restaurants, wide pavements, comfortable beaches. Yet there are still places untouched by civilization. The perfect balance of nature and excellent service is what most tourists dream of. But don’t spend your entire vacation on the beach, even if it’s amazing. Yes, yes, amazing: clean sand, clear azure sea. You should definitely visit at least one archaeological museum, the history of the city is very interesting. The ancient amphitheater, fortresses, churches – there is something to see in this city.

4. Pogradec

10 most interesting places in Albania

The resort town was built not so long ago. Located near the capital of Albania. It is located on the shore of Lake Ohrid. It also attracts tourists, the water in it is green-blue, similar to the sea. It is very beautiful in here. Vacationers can swim, sunbathe, go in for water sports. There are several places of interest near the city. The most popular is the Goliku Bridge, a work of Ottoman architecture. You can take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy peace in the National Park of Drilona. There are underground springs in the park, they heal from diseases. This is not all the sights of Pogradec, the museum, the ancient road are also popular with tourists.

3. Beach in Durres

10 most interesting places in Albania

Durres is the former capital of Albania, the second largest city after Tirana. The city has a developed infrastructure, a lot of attractions. Perhaps the most important is the beach. The length of the beach is 15 kilometers, clean sand, gentle slopes to the sea, coastal cafes. Qerret beach deserves special attention; it is located in a pine forest, wide, sandy. The air here is amazing, and there are usually not as many vacationers as on other beaches.

2. Kruya

10 most interesting places in Albania

The city is famous for being the birthplace of the country’s national hero Skanderbeg. The attention of vacationers is attracted by the fortress that he built, also in the city there are several monuments erected in his honor. History buffs will be interested in the Ethnographic Museum or the Skanderberg Museum. Fans of antiquity will love the malls where you can buy various antiques. By the way, “kruya” is translated as “spring”. This city is not in vain so beautifully named, even in mid-December there is a lot of greenery in Kruja. The city is gradually changing, because more and more tourists come here every year.

1. Dighty Forest

10 most interesting places in Albania

The mountain is located a little east of the capital of Albania. The height of the mountain is 1613 meters From Tirana, Daiti can be reached by cable car. 15 minutes on the way and you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city. In addition, there are many different entertainments on the mountain: horseback riding, shooting galleries. You can take a walk in the forest. Daiti Mountain is a must-visit for those who are tired of the rhythm of the city and need peace and quiet. In winter, the mountain is covered with snow, which attracts locals who only see it on Daiti.

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