10 most interesting facts about our world

A modern person per day absorbs the amount of information that, for example, a resident of the Middle Ages learned in his entire life. And the more knowledge we gain, the less time we have to process or memorize it. It would probably be very useful to invent a method that allows us to obtain only that information that would be of practical importance to us.

However, the human craving for knowledge of everything unknown is inexorable, and still we will try to look at the world a little wider than our usual circle of knowledge. Therefore, we have collected short, amazing and interesting facts about our world that few people know.

10 Many indigenous peoples do not maintain contact with modern society

10 most interesting facts about our world

Quite a lot of indigenous tribes located in different parts of the world lead a nomadic lifestyle, strictly observing the traditions of their ancestors. Although, in fairness, it must be said that most of them interact with the outside world in order to earn money through travelers, selling handicrafts, acquiring various things that make their work easier, etc.

However, according to statistics, about a hundred indigenous tribes live in absolute isolation from the outside world. Mostly they are located in Latin America, Indonesia, etc.

9. Humanity lives for only 0,004% of the Earth’s lifetime

10 most interesting facts about our world

Scientists have established that the first representatives of the human race appeared on our planet about 200 thousand years ago. The age of the earth is 4,54 billion years. Through simple mathematical calculations, we can conclude that people exist 0,004% of the entire time of the existence of the planet Earth. Relative to one human life, this period seems colossal, but from the point of view of the Universe, this time is no longer than one instant.

8. Approximately one in two hundred men is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan

10 most interesting facts about our world

This means that these representatives of the stronger sex have a Y-chromosome, which, according to geneticists, originated in Mongolia about a thousand years ago. At the moment, official science cannot name the exact number of such people, however, according to scientists’ calculations (taking into account errors), about 17-19 million men live on the globe, who are descendants of the most famous of the Mongols.

7. 70% of our planet is covered with water, but only 3% of it is fresh water

10 most interesting facts about our world

The oceans make up about 97% of all the water on our planet. In turn, of these, fresh water suitable for human and animal consumption is no more than 3%. The threat of fresh water shortage is a problem over which, along with global warming and pole shift, environmentalists around the world are “fighting”.

6. The oldest temple in the world is 12 years old

10 most interesting facts about our world

The official name of this building is Gobekli Tepe. This temple is located on the territory of modern Turkey. This artifact is of great value to archaeologists and researchers of antiquities. Thanks to the drawings carved on its pillars, scientists managed to find out that a comet fell to Earth about 11 years ago. Such a catastrophe led to the fact that the temperature on the planet gradually began to decrease.

5. In 250 million years, all the continents will unite

10 most interesting facts about our world

This theory has a lot of supporters among representatives of the world of science. According to them, the continents will slowly approach each other and eventually unite. However, you and I are unlikely to witness this anomaly, since, according to their calculation, this will happen no earlier than in 250 million years.

This theory is refuted by few, since science has indisputable evidence of the movement of parts of the earth’s crust.

4. Single-celled organisms caused the first mass extinction

10 most interesting facts about our world

Researchers of antiquity claim that about 250 million years ago, for some reason, a certain type of microorganisms began to multiply intensively in all oceans. This natural anomaly caused the natural extinction of insects, thanks to which reptiles got a chance for species development.

3. Every decision you make creates an alternate universe

10 most interesting facts about our world

Some theorists from science argue that there are alternative universes of the third level. This means that any of your actions, no matter how trifling in our opinion, is a kind of trigger for creating a parallel reality in which events unfold in a completely different scenario, depending on the consequences of the decision made. For example, in the morning you decide to enjoy a cup of coffee, and in an alternate reality you will drink tea.

Parallel worlds of the 3rd order obey the same spatial and temporal laws as our Universe, but we have no way to penetrate there.

This discovery, regardless of the fact that it has no evidence base, allows us to come to revolutionary conclusions. It makes us think that our every action has an impact on the world, and it is in our power to make sure that this impact is predominantly creative.

2. Most of our planet has not seen sunlight for billions of years.

10 most interesting facts about our world

As already mentioned, the main part of the earth’s crust is covered by the oceans. Due to this, almost 2/3 of its surface does not receive sunlight. And this has been going on for a huge number of years. All due to the fact that the rays of the sun do not reach the depths of the ocean, since hundreds of thousands of meters of salt water lie on the way to them.

1. If an asteroid had hit Earth elsewhere, dinosaurs could still exist

10 most interesting facts about our world

Every schoolchild knows that 66 million years ago, an asteroid fell on our planet, which was then inhabited mainly by giant prehistoric creatures, which, in turn, led to their death. However, according to some researchers, dinosaurs hypothetically had the opportunity to escape if the “space killer” fell in another place.

This theory has many opponents who claim that the asteroid was of such a size that if it came into contact with the earth’s surface, in any case, a cataclysm would occur, excluding the further existence of ancient reptiles.

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