10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Each country is amazing, and when you get to know it better, you understand that each state has its own characteristics and interesting habits. Australia is a beautiful multicultural country with many different nationalities. There are no cold winters in this country – here summer lasts from December to February. When it snows in other parts of the Earth, Australians bask and sunbathe on the beach.

Here you can meet dangerous and unique animals that you will not see anywhere else! We have collected ten of the most interesting facts about Australia for schoolchildren and their parents!

10 Allusive Arms

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

The coat of arms is an emblem, a distinctive feature of the people. For example, the Australian coat of arms depicts a kangaroo and the largest bird in Australia, the emu, which carry a special meaning.

These amazing animals of the state do not know how to move back, they never back away, they only move forward or to the side. Even if they try, they won’t be able to due to the structure of their limbs. Since animals do not move back – this is a symbol of progress, only forward movement! This is the course on which the state is moving.

9. Unique Ecosystem

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

80% of Australians (and this is the majority) live in a hundred-kilometer coastal zone, and forests and deserts have remained intact. Australia has stunning mountains: they are as diverse and unusual as the mainland itself. The highest mountain is called Kosciuszko, its height is 2228 meters.

On the continental territory there are UNESCO World Heritage Sites: for example, Fraser Island, the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru-Katayuta National Park, etc.

8. Paradise for gamblers

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

If we compare Australians with other inhabitants of the Earth, then one feature can be distinguished in them – they gamble more than anyone else and do not spare their money for it. Games take a lot of time and money.

Australians spend the most of their money playing poker, and it is estimated that 20% of slot machines around the world are located in Australian locations.

The Australians bring profit to gaming sites more than anyone else, the studies were amazing, because before they did not stand out for their love of gambling.

7. Migrant Continent

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Australia has the highest rate of immigration in the world. According to statistics, the nation is growing by one person every minute, this is due to the high level of immigration in the country.

27% of Australians were born outside their country, and in addition to the indigenous population, a wide variety of people live in the state, who came from 200 countries.

Many people want to move to Australia for permanent residence, because it is a country of economic prosperity, a wonderful climate, a favorable social environment, security and the absence of any external threats.

6. The biggest farm

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Agriculture in Australia can be envied – it is well developed, and this is understandable, because the country is hot and arid. Most often in the country you can meet those who are engaged in fishing and raising livestock. Pastures take up a lot of space – half of the entire country.

The largest farm on our planet is called “Anna Creek Station” located in the southern part of Australia. Its area: 34 thousand km². The gigantic farm was sold in 2016 for 254 million euros and included 185 cattle.

5. Economy or greed

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Australians are a little disliked by hotel employees and employees of restaurants and cafes in other countries. Australians are not accustomed to leaving tips – neither in their homeland, nor when they are traveling, visiting different countries.

Residents of other states may take this feature for greed, but perhaps there is another reason for this – they just don’t accept it, and workers can take tips as an insult.

If you don’t tip the service staff in Australia, no one will look askance at you, but if you do, they may look at you.

4. Lost fauna

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Many animal species in Australia have disappeared. This is due to the fact that the continent was actively explored. Before resourceful Europeans arrived in Australia, kangaroos could be found among the African fauna, whose growth exceeded 3 meters in height! You could also see monitor lizards, which were up to 7 meters long, ducks, which were almost the same size as horses, marsupial lions, which reached a length of about one and a half meters, and were 70 cm high.

The lion is the largest predator of Australia, which disappeared from the continent after human settlement. He could have easily dealt with any modern lion.

3. Country of winemakers

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Wine is part of Australian life, both leisure and business. Festivals are regularly held where you can enjoy wines and cuisine, which attracts tourists from all over the world.

The wines of Australia cannot be confused with any other, they differ in taste characteristics. After the unforgettable aroma is felt by the one who tastes the wine, he will never forget it.

There are 60 types of wine regions in Australia, and winemakers produce more than 1,3 trillion annually. bottles of wine.

2. Camels

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

Australia is the country with the largest camel population in the world! Zoologists were able to count the number – 750 thousand population. It is true that we are talking about wild animals.

In the 19th century they were brought from Arabia, Afghanistan and India. With technological progress, the need for camels disappeared and the animals were released into the wild.

They did not disappear, but successfully multiplied. Now they roam the deserts of Australia, but sometimes they cause great harm to farmers.

1. National reconciliation

10 most interesting facts about amazing Australia

In 1770, in the spring, the expedition of James Cook (a British leader) landed on the east coast of Australia, which was later colonized by the British. From that moment on, it was a difficult time for the indigenous people – the destruction of the natives by the Europeans. A cruel figure that no Australian can remember lightly.

Kevin Rudd (former Australian Prime Minister) apologized to the indigenous people in 2007 for what happened. This is what has served national reconciliation.

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