The most effective and important for the stronger sex are those exercises that have been tested by time.
These workouts are universal, they are aimed at working out a variety of muscle groups. They allow you to achieve very good results in building relief muscles, getting rid of excess body fat and increasing muscle mass.
Consider 10 exercises that are the most important for men.
10 Deadlift
This exercise is one of the main ones in bodybuilding. With its help, many muscles of the body are worked out in a complex way.
Deadlift involves arms, back, legs, shoulders, buttocks. During its implementation, a lot of testosterone is produced in the body, which allows you to build muscle mass with maximum efficiency.
There are different types of deadlift, but the classic one is especially popular. Such an exercise allows you not only to build muscle mass, increase strength, but also strengthen the spine.
To achieve good results and avoid injuries, you should always pay attention to the technique of performing the exercise.
9. Squats
This exercise is also one of the basic ones. During such squats, small and large muscles are involved.
This exercise is designed to shape the buttocks and legs. If performed correctly, the abdominal muscles and spine are also involved.
Squats not only help build muscle mass, but also improve performance such as jump height and running speed.
8. Bench press
This is another basic exercise that so many of the stronger sex like. It allows you to effectively work out the triceps, muscles of the shoulders and chest, forms a powerful and wide chest.
The bench press accelerates the production of testosterone, so the athlete’s muscle mass increases not only in certain areas of his body, but throughout the body.
7. Standing barbell press
Many experts believe that this exercise develops the upper body much more effectively than the bench press. It allows you to work out the muscles of the upper chest, shoulder girdle, deltoid muscles.
Performing the “army bench”, the athlete loads the triceps to the maximum. The moment when the triceps muscle contracts especially strongly coincides with the moment of maximum stretching. This contributes to the growth of mass and muscle strength.
6. Mahi kettlebell
This exercise is very popular in kettlebell lifting, martial arts and crossfit.
Now kettlebell swings are also included in the training program by some bodybuilders. This is not surprising: such physical activity increases grip strength, endurance, and develops explosive leg strength.
Kettlebell swings significantly improve strength performance in the military bench press, barbell squats, deadlifts and other exercises. The athlete develops the shoulder girdle, makes the legs stronger, and also gets a good cardio load.
5. Reverse grip pull-ups
Thanks to this exercise, you can effectively work out the biceps, back muscles. By changing the position of the body, the athlete gets the opportunity to focus the load on the biceps or on the back.
Thanks to pull-ups, the forearms, hands and palms become stronger. They improve strength in exercises such as bent over rows, deadlifts, and so on.
4. Pushups in TRX
TRX – suspension straps that do not allow the hands to be fixed in a certain position. This instability makes the exercises as difficult as possible – and at the same time very effective.
It is believed that push-ups with such belts allow you to achieve muscle fiber volume and strength gains much faster than classic ones.
Experts examined the results of push-ups in TRX and regular workouts. The experiment involved 11 young athletes who regularly performed strength exercises. All of them first did push-ups in the usual way, and then worked out with hanging straps. Special sensors were attached to the bodies of athletes, which tracked and recorded data.
The experiment proved that the simulator loads the latissimus dorsi muscles, as well as the stomach, much more strongly.
3. Hanging leg raises on the bar
Such training of the abdominal muscles is considered one of the most effective. Thanks to her, the main abdominal muscles can be fully worked out. If at the same time you also change the angle of flexion of the pelvis, the oblique muscles are also well “pumped”.
Since the athlete’s body is stretched, the muscles are very heavily loaded when the legs are lowered. Raising the legs in the hang on the bar is performed by few, because the strength of the grip is insufficient.
You can do exercises that will strengthen your grip (for example, train with kettlebells), or use special hand wraps.
2. Slopes through the goat
This basic exercise is indispensable, useful and simple. Many athletes refuse it, because it is not as popular as squats with a barbell or deadlift.
However, this attitude is undeserved: this workout allows you to work out the muscles of the buttocks, back of the thigh and back very well. At the same time, during inclinations through the goat, the load on the spine is minimal.
Such exercises relieve back pain, help strengthen the body, improve posture, and increase endurance.
1. Planck
The plank is a static exercise that allows you to work out the abdominal muscles very effectively. It promotes the development of the internal muscles of the body, makes the stomach taut and embossed.
You need to stand in the bar correctly: the wrong technique for performing this exercise can lead to the development of chronic pain in the lumbar and cervical spine. Always make sure that the buttocks do not go down or go up during the plank.