10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Going to the store is not always an easy task, because you have to choose products from a huge assortment. Sometimes we throw familiar products into the basket out of habit, not paying attention to the expiration date and calories …

But it is not known how they will affect our health and weight. After all, regularly eating sweets, besides with a sedentary lifestyle, you may not notice how you gradually get fat.

From this collection, you will learn about the most high-calorie sweets that you might buy every day.

10 Zefir

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Pink, white, in chocolate… Oriental delicacy, which has been known since antiquity. Its taste is sweet-sour, airy marshmallow, just like a cloud! When you see an oriental sweet in a store, it’s as if your hands are reaching for the packaging…

Because of the delicate and light taste, many prefer marshmallows to other sweets, but if you do not follow the daily allowance and use it regularly, you can get better. Losing weight is allowed to eat no more than one piece of sweets per day.

Marshmallow contains: sugar, egg yolk, gelatin, sugar, apple marshmallow, each ingredient has enough calories.

On average, the calorie content of marshmallows ranges from 298 to 304 kcal per 100 grams. product. It all depends on the ingredients and the method of preparation.

9. lozenge

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

On the shelves of the supermarket you can see various marshmallows. Often striking is “Charlize”, pastila with different tastes.

Probably everyone has tried it at least once, but there are those who buy it every day. After all, it is so soft, airy, it just melts in your mouth! If you look at the composition of the product, then it does not contain E-additives – this, of course, pleases.

In 100 gr. The product contains 340 kcal. It seems that this is not much, but if marshmallow is consumed regularly and many times, it is not known how this will affect weight.

8. Kozinak

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Kozinak is a product made from honey and nuts. It is traditionally prepared for the New Year’s table in Georgia.

It can be said that traditional kozinaki is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, because seeds and nuts contain life-giving natural power.

The price of gozinak from supermarkets pleases – “sunflower” costs no more than 20 rubles. A treat from seeds at an inexpensive price – what could be better? But there are a lot of calories in sweets.

In 100 gr. gozinac contains 580 kcal.

7. Halva

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Such oriental sweetness as halva is bought by many people for themselves and their children. Translated from Arabic, halvah is translated as “sweetness”. For the first time they began to make halva in Iran, over time it became popular and spread throughout the world. But no one knows how halva got to Russia…

You should know that halva is a very high-calorie product, and if you watch your weight, then it is better to refuse this sweetness.

The calorie content of sunflower halva is 523 kcal per 100 gr.

6. Peanut paste

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket


Peanut butter is a less popular product among buyers, and perhaps there are those who wanted to try it only because of American films. They often mention this product, the family consumes peanut butter for breakfast, spreading it on a loaf.

Peanut butter is just a symbol of calories! After all, in fact, these are nuts mixed with fats. There are, of course, more high-calorie sweets, but regularly eating peanut butter is hardly a good option.

In 100 gr. paste contains 594 kcal, Nutella nut paste contains 546 kcal.

5. Wafer cake with chocolate

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something sweet … for example, after work or on weekends. Inexpensive and delicious sweetness is a waffle cake.

It is great as a dessert and can be served at the table. The buyer is given a choice of cakes such as “Yashkino”, “Chocolate Girl”, “Korovka”, etc. – they are very tasty, but high in calories.

In “Shokoladnitsa”, for example, 540 kcal in 100 g, and in “Yashkino” 530.

4. Sweet Corn Sticks

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

If you want to eat something sweet and inexpensive, then corn sticks are always striking. You can buy a huge package of sweet sticks and eat as much as you can for your pleasure …

The product is made on the basis of corn flour, and both children and adults love this sweetness. Corn itself is high in calories, if you grind it into flour, you get 350 kcal per 100 g, but in the sticks that we see on the shelves, there are even more kcal.

In 100 gr, for example, sweet sticks “Kuzya” 490 kcal.

3. Marmalade

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

We can see a wide variety of marmalade – it is sold by weight or in packages. Looks very attractive, kids love it! In general, marmalade is a low-calorie product, but it is important to pay attention to its composition when buying.

For example, marmalade rolled in powdered sugar contains additional calories, so it can no longer be called a low-calorie sweet.

100 g of Lemon Slices marmalade contains 323 kcal.

2. Chocolate

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket

Chocolate can be different – high-calorie, low-calorie … But here we are talking about high-calorie foods that we buy regularly.

Someone takes a chocolate bar, not paying attention to how many calories it contains, because of the low price. The more calories there are in chocolate, the healthier it is, but such chocolate is not suitable for losing weight.

In 100 gr. chocolates “Alenka”, for example, which you see on the shelves, contains 550 kcal.

1. chocolate bar

10 most high-calorie sweets that we buy daily in the supermarket


Chocolate bars are the worst sources of energy. True, they are slightly inferior to dark chocolate, but their nutritional value is very doubtful.

The bars contain glucose-fruit syrup, which can be called unhealthy. It is he who can cause obesity, as well as provoke the onset of diabetes.

The composition of bars for a light and quick snack contains a large number of artificial additives, such as emulsifiers, dyes and flavors, etc.

In a 100g Nesquik bar. accounts for 473 kcal, “KitKat” 531, and “Kinder Chocolate” 562 kcal.

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