10 most famous works of Turgenev

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a writer who lived in the 9th century. He was also a poet, translator, playwright, publicist. Turgenev was born on November 1818, 3 and died on September 1883, XNUMX.

His parents’ families belonged to the noble class. Ivan Sergeevich greatly enriched the cultural heritage of Russia, but at the same time the writer spent a significant part of his life in France.

All his life he was against serfdom and even once stood up for a forced girl with a gun in his hands.

This article presents a list of the most famous works of Turgenev.

10 First Love

10 most famous works of TurgenevStory “The first love” Turgenev created when he was already far from being a romantic youth. Ivan Sergeevich wrote it at the beginning of 1860: at that time he was already over 40 years old.

This work can be called autobiographical: the writer took the idea from his own life. With the help of this story, Turgenev tried to understand where he had gone wrong in the past, he wanted to rethink his youth.

The story is told from the perspective of an old man. The narrator describes his first love, which was born in his heart when he was still very young.

A sixteen-year-old boy fell in love with a twenty-one-year-old girl who has a very difficult character. Zinaida really likes to play Vladimir, to mock his youth.

9. Smoke

10 most famous works of TurgenevThis novel was written and published in the 60s. In the book “Smoke” Turgenev describes the crisis in the life of the Russian people, when they stopped seeing clear paths and goals. From this, their lives became somehow smaller and duller. Everything seemed to be covered with smoke, because of which it is very difficult for people not to lose themselves.

This novel shows reflections on human destinies, disputes between Slavophiles and Westerners, a variety of characters, an unprecedented range of experiences and emotions.

Grigory Litvinov is going to marry Tatyana, a modest and sweet girl. They have a very good relationship, but one day the main character meets the secular beauty Irina, his first love. Gregory is ready to dive into the pool of newly awakened feelings, and it is not known where this will lead.

8. Nov

10 most famous works of Turgenev“Nov” is the author’s longest novel. Ivan Sergeevich invented his plot in 1870, when he was in Paris. The first sketches were found in the manuscripts of those times. Turgenev finished working on the book in 1876.

The story takes place in the late 60s of the XIX century. In the novel, Ivan Sergeevich showed how the movement of revolutionary populists was born.

Having put on a cap with a broken visor, boots and a caftan, the revolutionaries began to “go to the people”, but the peasants were hostile and did not understand strange speeches.

7. Hunter’s notes

10 most famous works of TurgenevCompilation “Notes of the hunter” consists of several stories that are related to each other in meaning. Turgenev worked on it in different years. “Khor and Kalinich” is the first story in the cycle, which was written and published in early 1847.

When Ivan Sergeevich saw that the essay was highly appreciated by critics, he decided to create a whole collection.

All works from the collection are united by one idea: Turgenev demonstrated the conflict between peasants and masters. At the same time, he showed ordinary people higher and more poetic than the nobles.

Goncharov called Turgenev a true troubadour who wanders through the fields and villages with a lyre and a gun.

6. Spring water

10 most famous works of TurgenevStory “Spring Waters” was written and published in the early 70s. It describes the story of the failed love of the landowner and the nobleman Sanin. It happened when he went to Germany.

Once the landowner went into a Frankfurt pastry shop and helped the young daughter of the hostess with her younger brother, who had fainted.

The girl was supposed to marry a young German officer, but the situation changed: Gemma and Sanin decided to marry each other. However, due to the weakness of his nature, the protagonist loses his happiness.

5. Rudin

10 most famous works of TurgenevAt first, Ivan Sergeevich was going to make a book “Rudin” “a big story”, but he got a novel. Turgenev began working on it in the summer of 1855.

The writer was very inspired and did everything in order to fully express his thoughts in this work, so the process of writing the book turned out to be swift and stressful. Turgenev finished the novel that same summer, but various revisions and revisions continued until the end of the year.

In the book, Ivan Sergeevich evaluates the nobility, and also tries to answer the question of whether it is possible to find among the representatives of the ruling class people who can become “engines of progress.”

The image of the protagonist re-embodied the qualities and properties characteristic of Pechorin and Onegin. For all his shortcomings, Rudin turned out to be a very interesting character.

4. Noble Nest

10 most famous works of Turgenev “Noble Nest” – a book that was written in the second half of 1858, but Turgenev had the idea two years before.

At that time, the writer could not start working because he was struggling with a serious illness, but he continued to think about the plot all subsequent years.

In this work, Ivan Sergeevich talks about how the family “nests” were gradually destroyed and generations were replaced in noble families.

Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky, the protagonist, can be compared in character and behavior to Turgenev himself. This man is very smart and intelligent.

For the sake of his beloved, Lavretsky goes to Paris, but after a while, with a broken heart, he comes back to the “noble nest”.

3. Mu Mu

10 most famous works of Turgenevfamous work Mumu was created in the early 50s. Turgenev wrote this story after the death of his close friend Gogol. Ivan Sergeevich wrote an obituary in memory of him, which was then published in the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper.

Turgenev was arrested for mentioning the name of Gogol. Not far from the police building mocked the serfs. Ivan Sergeevich was very negative about such lawlessness, and this is what he expressed in his book.

Mumu is based on real events. In this book, Ivan Sergeevich described people whom he knew in his youth. The lady is written off from Turgenev’s mother, who also at one time ordered the mute janitor’s dog to be drowned.

2. Asya

10 most famous works of TurgenevStory “Asia” was founded by Turgenev in the middle of 1857. Prior to that, he had been resting from writing for almost a year, because he was in Germany and was being treated for neuralgia.

Taking a walk, Ivan Sergeevich noticed a small building, from the windows of which a very nice girl and an old woman looked out. The writer began to think about what connects them, what are their fates. As a result, a new story was born.

This work tells about the unhappy and unhappy love of a young girl Asya. The story is told from the perspective of Mr. N, her lover. This is a work about the predominance of reason over emotions, about indecision.

1. Fathers and Sons

10 most famous works of TurgenevThis famous novel was created in the early 60s of the XIX century. In the book “Fathers and Sons” Turgenev considered the thoughts, characters and goals of the representatives of the “new generation”, who called themselves nihilists and denied everything old.

The main theme of the work is the confrontation between fathers and children, as well as the need to respect cultural heritage. This book is still popular today because it deals with topics that are relevant at all times.

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