10 most famous works of Maxim Gorky

Maksim Gorky is one of the most popular Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. His works were loved not only by compatriots, but also by people all over the world.

The real name of the author Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, however, he became known to a wide range of readers precisely under his pseudonym.

The central place in Gorky’s work is occupied by man and his place in life. In many works, the main idea is the emergence of “new people”, who are distinguished by fearlessness and love of freedom, as well as physically strong and endowed with a great mind.

This article will consider a list that includes the most famous works of Gorky, both early and late.

10 My Universities

«My Universities“- an autobiographical story that completes a cycle of three works about the writer’s life.

Gorky himself wrote that this work is primarily about the life of an ordinary Russian person.

The protagonist of the book sets himself the goal of going to study at Kazan University.

However, the lack of funds for existence makes the young man temporarily give up his dream and go to work.

The working life of a young person becomes a real “university”. Despite the fact that the main character did not achieve his goal – to enter a higher educational institution, he acquired no less valuable knowledge, having gone through a real “school of life”.

9. Chelkash

Story “Chelkash” refers to the early works of Alexei Peshkov. It was first published in the Russian Wealth magazine in 1895, and written by Maxim Gorky a year earlier.

The central figure in the story is the tramp Grishka Chelkash, who earns his living by illegal means.

Before another dirty deed, the main character finds out that his partner was in the hospital. The case brings Chelkash to a young man named Gabriel, to whom he offers to quickly earn some easy money. The guy agrees.

After the work done, Gabriel reveals himself from a completely different perspective and no longer seems like a kind and naive young man.

8. Mother

Novel “Mother» Maxim Gorky wrote during his stay in America in 1906. The work highlights the ideas of socialism and touches on the theme of the revolution.

The prototype of the protagonist of the story, Pavel Vlasov, was a real revolutionary from Nizhny Novgorod – Pyotr Zalomov. Maxim Peshkov also relied on biblical images in his work, which is why he was later accused of blasphemy.

In the novel itself, we are talking about a young worker, Pavel Vlasov, who begins to get carried away reading forbidden literature and gather with a group of revolutionary-minded like-minded people.

His mother Pelageya supports her son, but at the same time she fears for his life. After a while, Paul gets in trouble with the law.

The mother of a young man does not leave him in a difficult situation and tries to help in every possible way, even to the detriment of herself.

7. The Song of the Stormy Petrel

Work “Song of the Petrel” was written by Gorky in 1901 as the final part of the story “Spring Melodies”.

The story was full of revolutionary ideas, so it was not published. Thus, the “Song of the Petrel” was published in the journal “Life” as an independent work, although it also has a clear ideological orientation.

No less important is the artistic value of the poem, and not just its inner meaning. The writer managed to very vividly describe the marine nature and the approach of the storm.

6. Song of the Falcon

«Song of the Falconwas published in 1895. This work belongs to such a genre as a poem in prose. It has been translated into many languages ​​and is widely accepted throughout the world.

The plot of the work is a kind of parable about a wounded and proud bird. The falcon was wounded by his opponent, but did not lose his love of freedom and courage.

In addition to the philosophical component, the poem contains many vivid descriptions of nature.

5. Life of Klim Samgin

«Life of Klim Samgin“is the greatest creation of Maxim Gorky and is an epic novel.

The whole work is divided into four independent parts. The final part is not completely completed, since Alexei Peshkov worked on the novel until his death.

The main idea of ​​the writer was to depict in his work in as much detail as possible forty years from the history of Russia – up to 1918.

The action takes place both in large cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in provincial settlements.

As for the main characters of the work, they are representatives of all social strata of society.

The main character of the novel, around which the plot is built, is a revolutionary who has set foot on this path against his will and considers himself a “victim of history”.

4. Makar Chudra

«Makar Chudra”- another story from the early work of the writer. The work was first published in 1892.

Like other early works by Alexei Peshkov, “Makar Chudra” is a reflection of the author’s romantic and idealistic moods.

The structure of the work is a kind of story within a story, which is presented on behalf of the main character Makar Chudra.

An aged gypsy tells about the tragic love of Loiko Zobar and Radda. The lovers are not ready to come to terms with the outbreak of feelings for each other and consider them an obstacle to freedom.

The story was widely acclaimed by readers and was filmed in 1976. The film was directed by Emil Loteanu.

The screen version was released under the title “The camp goes to the sky” and fell in love with the audience no less than the original work of Maxim Gorky.

3. Detstvo

Tale “Detstvo“is the first part in an autobiographical cycle of three books. The work was published in 1913.

Maxim Gorky writes about his childhood, about all the upheavals and difficulties that he had to face at a young age.

The writer tried to describe in as much detail as possible the conditions in which he had to live, and all the important events from his childhood.

At an early age, Maxim Peshkov loses his father and younger brother. With his mother and grandmother, he goes to live in the family of his grandfather Vasily, who is distinguished by a strict disposition.

In the new house, Alexei Peshkov watches his relatives, who constantly quarrel with each other. Also, the boy learns for himself what injustice is, and many hardships of life.

After the death of his mother, Alexei is forced to fight for survival and earn his own bread.

2. At the bottom

The play “At the bottom“Was written at the turn of 1901-1902. The work was awarded the “Griboedov Prize” in 1904. The play was banned from many theaters until 1905.

As can be seen from the title, the work is about people who have sunk to the very bottom of social life.

The action takes place in a rooming house, where the lower classes of society live. Some of the characters still have no hope of getting out of poverty, while others have long resigned themselves to their position and gave up.

Between the guests, conflicts periodically flare up and intrigues are woven.

1. Old Isergil

Story “Old Isergilwas written in 1894. The work consists of two legends and one story of an old woman about the men she was in love with.

The first legend tells of Larra, who is the son of a woman and an eagle. He lives according to his own laws and only for himself, regardless of other people.

The second legend tells about Danko, who came to the aid of people in order to lead them through a dangerous forest. This story reveals the theme of self-sacrifice and love for one’s neighbor.

The main concept of the story of the old woman Izergil is life among people, but only for himself.

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