10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a classic of world literature, a playwright who is known to everyone. He wrote over 300 interesting and life stories. His plays are staged not only in Russia, but also abroad. In his works, the author raised many topics that disturbed people, but did not like to write about himself.

The playwright’s fans most of all remembered the story “Ward No. 6”. From the article you will learn about this story, as well as a list of other most famous works of Chekhov.

10 Boring Story (1889)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

In the play “boring story” tells about an old man – a smart professor Nikolai Stepanovich, who is dying of an illness.

Despite his authority and respect, he is old, weak, and waiting for his end. Expecting death, Nikolai Stepanovich stops eating and all small joys seem meaningless to him. He never believed in an afterlife, and now this is a dilemma for him.

Everything happens in his house as usual – his daughter and wife continue to live with routine affairs, which causes irritation in the old man.

Only Katya, the girl whom he adopted when he was still small after the death of his friend, evokes gratifying feelings in him.

9. House with Mezzanine (1896)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

In the story “House with mezzanine“The story is told on behalf of one idle artist who was visiting his friend, the landowner Belokurov. His life was idle – he walked along the alleys, read books, contemplated the world around him and slept.

Once, during his next walk, the artist stepped into an unfamiliar estate, and, passing by a house with a mezzanine, he saw two girls. They were both pale and thin, but one of them was older.

Later, when the artist was walking with Belokurov, he saw how a spring carriage drove up to this house, and one of the girls was in it …

8. Thick and Thin (1883)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

satirical story “Thick and thin“Anton Pavlovich, created in 1883, in the same year it was published by the humorous magazine “Shards”. The story is studied at school in grades 5-6.

Two friends meet at the station many years after they graduated from high school. One of them, Misha, is fat, he works as a secret adviser, and thin is Porfiry, who serves as a collegiate assessor.

For Misha, the status of his friend does not matter, but Porfiry, having found out that his friend has a higher rank, cannot overcome the ingrained veneration of rank in himself, which is why he loses his friend.

7. The Man in the Case (1898)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Work “man in a case” is the first story in Chekhov’s “Little Trilogy” – a cycle that included the stories “About Love” and “Gooseberry”. The story is based on the fact that two friends – a veterinarian and a teacher – are sitting in an old barn and telling each other stories.

Teacher Burkin talks about Belikov, a teacher at the same gymnasium where he works. Belikov was afraid to deviate from the norm, he seemed to hide his whole life in a case, he followed the rules in everything.

Belikov wanted to marry Varenka, the sister of a gymnasium teacher, but her brother drew a caricature of him, after which Belikov was very offended and changed his mind about marrying.

Once, Belikov saw Varenka riding bicycles with his brother, and decided to say that he considered it inappropriate. Brother Varya lowered Belikov down the stairs, he could not survive the shame and died of shame …

For your information: the main idea was expressed at the end of the story by Burkin’s friend.

6. Uncle Vanya (1896)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

«Uncle Ivan“- a play by Anton Pavlovich in four acts. Ivan and his niece have been working all their lives on the estate, hoping to make at least some profit.

One day, a professor comes to the estate with his wife and declares that he will sell the estate, which he inherited from Sonya’s mother, in order to acquire a dacha in Finland.

Ivan is outraged that his labors and efforts were in vain, and he even wanted to kill the professor. Meanwhile, Professor Serebryakov’s wife falls in love with Astakhov, Sonya’s lover, and Ivan. At the end, she leaves with her husband, and the lives of the others return to normal.

For your information: the play tells about how a person can disappear, how opportunities are missed and life passes meaninglessly.

5. Lady with a dog (1898)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Married banker Dmitry Gurov comes to Yalta to relax, where he meets Anna, an attractive married girl (“Lady with a dog“).

Dmitry has not loved his wife for a long time and has affairs on the side, he thought that the relationship with Anna is also fleeting, but she falls in love with him.

When Dmitry and Anna return to their usual life, they cannot forget each other, so Dmitry goes to the city where she lives.

The lovers meet every 3 months in a hotel, but it is almost impossible for them to get a divorce. They suffer from the double life they lead, but do not know how to change everything …

4. Three sisters (1900)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

All actions of the playThree sisters”are unfolding in the provincial unknown city. In the center of the story is the Prozorov family.

The youngest sister Irina is 20 years old, on the occasion of her birthday, the table is laid in anticipation of the guests. Officers of the artillery battery stationed in the city should drop in on the Prozorov family. The whole family is in a good mood …

The heroes do not even try to change something, they suffer all the time and are constantly waiting for something. All the characters in The Three Sisters live as if hoping that one day they will be able to live to their full potential.

They languish in anticipation of a better future, but their dreams move in one direction, and time in another…

Chekhov does not ridicule the characters and their vices in the play, but life.

3. Chestnut (1887)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

«Kashtanka“- this is the name of a red dog that wanders around the city in the hope of finding its owner – Luka Alexandrovich.

One day, Kashtanka meets with a circus performer – a clown named Mr. Georges, and he takes her to him. The dog gets into the circus and she has a nickname – Aunt.

Mr. Georges has already taught interesting tricks to his other animals – among them there is a pig, a goose and a cat. All of them have interesting nicknames. Kashtanka also had to learn different tricks and demonstrate them to the public, but she failed to do this …

During the performance, she recognized Luka Alexandrovich among the audience, who came to the circus with his son, and rushed to them, despite the fact that they did not treat her as well as Georges … Kashtanka returned to her owners.

2. Palace No. 6 (1892)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The famous storyPalace No. 6” was written by Chekhov in 1892, and is still one of the most popular.

Andrei Efimovich is a smart and kind doctor, he has been in charge of the city hospital for 20 years, but over the years his disappointment in his work began to grow, and he is less and less often in the hospital.

The doctor feels lonely living in this city – there are no smart and interesting people. In his free time, he likes to read books.

One day, Andrei Efimovich enters ward No. 6, where he meets the mentally ill patient Ivan Gromov – a young nobleman suffering from persecution mania.

Deep and intelligent Ivan liked the doctor, and every day he comes to talk to him. Others believe that the doctor goes crazy if he comes to communicate with the mentally ill (which is not true) …

1. Cherry Orchard (1903)

10 most famous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

«The Cherry Orchardis a play in four acts. It tells about a family with an estate that had a cherry orchard, but it needs to be sold because debts have accumulated.

The mother of the family, Lyubov, was acting carelessly, spending all her money abroad, so the house had to be put up for sale. It was bought by the merchant Lopakhin, and in the place where the cherry orchard grew, they began to build summer cottages.

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