10 most famous orders of chivalry

European history knows many knightly orders founded in different eras. Some of them did not exist at all for a long time, and their names have long sunk into oblivion, but others have earned themselves great fame that has conquered time. Some of these famous orders later became powerful organizations that possessed untold treasures and influenced the course of history.

10 Order of Saint Lazarus

10 most famous orders of chivalry This community was founded in Palestine in the 11th century. It was based on the idea of ​​helping crusaders with leprosy, who were then subject to the jurisdiction of the Greek Patriarchate. Knights overcome by this terrible disease could join the organization.

For more than two hundred years since its founding, the community was not personally recognized by the Pope, while it had certain privileges and its members could collect donations.

9. Order of Christ

10 most famous orders of chivalry The order was created in the XNUMXth century by the Portuguese monarch Dinis. His main goal was to fight the Muslims. As a result, all the property of the Portuguese Templars was transferred to this military-religious community.

The knights who joined this community took an active part in long sea expeditions.

The Order of Christ was dissolved in 1910, but almost seven years later it was restored as an exclusively civilian one.

8. Order of Alcantara

10 most famous orders of chivalry At first, this organization was a military-religious community of knights. The first mention of the order is found in the papers of King Leon. These historical documents also contain evidence that the monarch transferred vast land plots to the brotherhood.

7. Order of the dragon

10 most famous orders of chivalry The main task of the members of this Hungarian order was to protect the royal house from internal and external threats. In addition, the order was engaged in identifying and trapping heretics and pagans.

As official symbols, the knights of the order used medallions and pendants, which depicted a dragon. The ceremony of acceptance into the ranks of the order of its new members was accompanied by a magnificent ritual.

6. Order of Calatrava

10 most famous orders of chivalry This order was created in the 1838th century in Spain. The order officially ceased to exist in XNUMX. The history of the creation of this community of knights is described in detail by Rodrigo of Toledo, who was familiar with the creators of the order.

The Order of Calatrava, in the process of asserting its influence, for some time became one of the most powerful military-religious organizations in Spain, which also had its own regular army, consisting of warrior monks.

5. Order of the Holy Sepulcher

10 most famous orders of chivalry Historians consider this order the most ancient. Its history dates back to the time of the Crusades. Duke Gottfried of Bouillon became the founder of the knightly community. The main function of the knightly order is the protection of the Holy Sepulcher recaptured from the Muslims.

4. Order of the Sword

10 most famous orders of chivalry Within this community there was a certain gradation of its members – they were all divided into knights, priests and employees.

Knights usually became petty feudal lords. Free peasants or townspeople usually became employees. The master stood in the voice of the order, and the most important decisions were made by the chapter.

It is worth noting that the Order of the Sword-bearers at the time of its creation and in the first years of its existence did not have significant power and the number of knights included in its composition was not at all large. In addition, at first, persons from noble families did not enter the organization.

Not earlier than 1205, members of the order took part in a military campaign against the pagans. Also, their main task was to protect the churches erected in Livonia and forcibly Catholicize the opponents of Christianity.

3. Warband

10 most famous orders of chivalry This order was created by the German crusaders at the end of the XNUMXth century. Its main task was to spread the influence of the Pope in the Baltics and in the western lands of Rus’. In the territories occupied by the order, the knights carried out a policy of forcibly imposing the Catholic faith on the population.

In the first half of the XIV century, the Teutonic Order managed to achieve hitherto unprecedented power. However, along with the growth of the welfare of the members of this military-religious organization, there was a violation of discipline. The knights, mired in luxury, could no longer boast of either valor or high-profile achievements.

At the end of the XIV century there was a significant strengthening of the military and political strengthening of Poland. As a result, in 1410 the Polish king Vladislav II defeated the army of the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunwald.

This order was restored in Austria in the first half of the XNUMXth century. Then he personified the Catholic noble community.

2. Order of Saint John

10 most famous orders of chivalry The main purpose of this knightly community was to care for the poor, sick or mutilated pilgrims. The members of the order were entrusted with the mission of caring for and preserving the Holy Land under the jurisdiction of the Pope.

The Order of Hospitallers and the Order of the Templars became the most powerful Christian communities of knights, whose influence spread throughout the region.

In numerous battles with Muslims, members of the order dressed in black tunics with white crosses – this was a characteristic symbol of the Hospitallers.

In the XII century, within the order, there was a division into warrior brothers who were responsible for carrying out military tasks, and brother doctors who were engaged in a humanitarian mission.

Then, as before, it remained primarily a religious organization, so its members had many privileges granted to them by the Pope himself. For example, the knights of the order were directly subordinate to the Vatican, could not give tithes, and had the opportunity to own their own religious buildings.

1. Order of the Knights Templar

10 most famous orders of chivalry This community was founded in 1119 by a small group of knights, led by Hugh de Paynes. This happened immediately after the completion of the First Crusade, to protect Jerusalem, surrounded on all sides by hostile neighbors.

In addition, a huge number of Christian pilgrims who poured into Jerusalem after the capture of the city by Christians needed reliable protection.

It is worth noting that there is a difference between the actual foundation of the Knights Templar and its recognition by the Pope when it began to be considered a separate monastic brotherhood.

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