10 most famous geeks: who they are now

From early childhood, we invest a lot in our children, teach them to count and write.

But sometimes there are children who from a very early age are distinguished by their intelligence. They are called geeks.

So what is it, a special gift or a curse? How was the fate of the most famous child prodigies.

10 Nadezhda Rusheva

10 most famous geeks: who they are now Nadia is remembered for the fact that from the age of 5 she began to draw, although no one taught her this. She made illustrations for the myths of Ancient Hellas, the stories of M. Bulgakov, L.N. Tolstoy.

During her short life (and she lived for 17 years), the girl made about 12 thousand drawings. In one evening, she could draw about 36 illustrations.

Her drawings appeared without sketches. The girl always drew immediately, whitewashed, and never used an eraser. She said that she saw all the images on paper in advance. They appeared on it like watermarks.

Her first exhibition took place when Nadia was only 12 years old. In the next 5 years, 15 solo exhibitions were organized.

Nadia dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, but her dreams were not destined to come true, because. She died from a ruptured aneurysm.

9. Pasha Konoplev

10 most famous geeks: who they are now He was a long-awaited child. But in the hospital, the boy caught an infection and was forced to spend a whole month there. The doctors said that he would not be able to walk or talk, but they were wrong.

Pasha began to study mathematics at the age of 3 and at the age of 6 he could already calculate logarithms in his mind. At 5 he learned to play the piano, and at 8 he already knew physics perfectly.

At school, he was bored in class, because. he already knew all this material, so he was transferred to a special school with a mathematical bias. At the age of 15 he was already studying at Moscow State University, and at 19 he was in graduate school.

Everyone predicted a bright future for him. But Pasha’s mental health was undermined. He began to cut his veins, after which he ended up in the hospital. Due to the intake of certain drugs, a blood clot formed. And the young genius died at the age of 29 in a psychiatric clinic.

8. Gregory Smith

10 most famous geeks: who they are now He was born in 1990 in the USA. At the age of 2, Smith already knew how to read, when he was 10 years old, he began to study in his first year at the university, at the age of 16 he graduated from it.

Gregory founded his social movement, which was supposed to help children around the world understand each other. As head of this movement, Smith met with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev.

7. Nika Turbina

10 most famous geeks: who they are now She was remembered by everyone as one of the youngest poetesses. Relatives said that Nika suffered from asthma as a child and hardly slept at night.

At the age of 4, she began to hear verses that, in her opinion, God dictated to her. The girl asked me to write down all these poems.

When Turbina went to grade 1, she was already known as a “miracle child”, and at the age of 9 she published her first collection of poems.

Later it was translated into 12 languages. She was accepted into the literary circles of Moscow. But the poetess had a nervous breakdown, because of which she moved to Switzerland to recover in the clinic. There she married a professor, who was then already 76 years old.

Nika returned to her homeland and entered the Institute of Culture. At this time, she became addicted to alcohol. Later, she again ended up in a psychiatric hospital, because. she had a violent fit.

Nika died at the age of 27. At regular gatherings with friends, she decided to move to the windowsill and sat with her legs hanging down, accidentally fell out of the window.

6. Kim Ung Yong

10 most famous geeks: who they are now He was born in Korea and is now 57 years old. Already at the age of 2, he began to demonstrate his unique abilities. At the age of 4, he spoke Japanese, Korean, English and Portuguese. To learn another language, he needed only 1 month.

At the age of 3 he already understood the concept of algebra, and at the age of 5 he was solving differential equations. In addition, he was good at drawing and reading poetry.

The young child prodigy could not be overlooked. Until the age of 7, he attended the Faculty of Physics, and later entered the university at the invitation of NASA, became a doctor of physics at the age of 15.

Now he is one of the smartest people in the world, because. his “intelligence quotient” is 210 points. It can be found in the Guinness Book of Records.

5. Sasha Putri

10 most famous geeks: who they are now Like Nadezhda Rusheva, Alexandra was remembered by everyone as a brilliant young artist. She lived only 11 years, but during this time she was able to create 2279 works. And these are not only drawings, but also chasing, embroidery, etc.

She started drawing at the age of 3. At the age of 5, she was diagnosed with a serious disease called leukemia. But Sasha was not going to give up. All 6 years she painted, sometimes for 10 hours a day.

The girl died in 1989, but from then until 2005, her work participated in 112 exhibitions.

4. Andrey Khlopin

10 most famous geeks: who they are now All the media wrote and talked about the young genius in 2007. It was then that this name got into the Guinness Book of Records. Andrey became famous, because. was able to create 3 scientific hypotheses in astronomy.

But now he has forgotten about science. He is engaged in boxing, studying to be a lawyer.

He developed his first hypotheses at the age of 3. He was able to explain the origin of the “silver clouds”. Scientists have been trying to solve this riddle for 150 years, and Andrei was able to cope, despite his young age.

3. Zhenya Kissin

10 most famous geeks: who they are now Eugene is now 47 years old. He became known as a virtuoso pianist. His extraordinary abilities manifested themselves when he went to music school, i.e. at 6 years old.

At the age of 10, Zhenya was already performing with an orchestra. Now he travels around the country with the world’s leading orchestras, collecting full houses.

2. Akrit Yaswal

10 most famous geeks: who they are now He had his first operation at the age of 7. A neighbor girl badly burned her hand, and after this burn her fingers stopped moving.

After this incident, experienced doctors began to turn to him for advice. At 12, he was already in medical school. Now he also lives in medicine and dreams of creating a cure for cancer.

1. Jacob Barnett

10 most famous geeks: who they are now He became a famous American mathematician. He was diagnosed with autism. When Jacob was only 2 years old, the boy’s parents were warned that he would not be able to speak, adjust to a normal life. But Barnett surprised everyone.

At the age of 3, he himself learned the entire alphabet and could retell it both forward and backward. At the age of 10, he already entered the university. His IQ is 189 points, i.e. more than Albert Einstein.

Already at the age of 14, the boy was predicted to receive the Nobel Prize. But all this he could not have achieved if not for the help of his mother. She took charge of his preparation.

Jacob became one of the youngest astrophysicists. He is sure that someday he will be able to refute Einstein’s theory of relativity.

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