10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left

When choosing furniture, decor items, we often pay attention to wood. It depends on how long this or that thing will last. In some trees (oak, beech, ash) it is hard, stable, in others it is supple (linden, pine).

But the price of a thing is not always directly proportional to its reliability and functionality. Those who are not accustomed to saving money, who bathe in luxury, are usually not practical and are ready to give thousands of dollars to buy things from the most expensive tree species in the world and in Russia.

What is special about them, why are they so valuable? We’ll talk about this.

10 Grenadil (African ebony)

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left For 1 cubic meter of this tree they ask for 10 thousand dollars. Grenadil or african ebony has always been highly valued, because possessed irreplaceable acoustic properties. It was used to make wind musical instruments.

The wood is dense, shiny, its color can be different, from reddish to dark, black. Even in ancient Egypt, this wood was highly valued, cabinetmakers were interested in it.

Once grenadil was used as ballast, it was loaded onto merchant ships. Since this wood was in demand, the trees began to be cut down. Therefore, now in Kenya it is under the threat of extinction, in Tanzania and Mozambique its number has also significantly decreased.

Numerous poachers and smuggling also contribute. Considering the fact that the tree grows very slowly, becoming an adult closer to 60 years old, one should not be surprised at its cost.

9. if

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left This plant has many names: paradise, aloe, agar tree. It has a special, hard wood that is oily to the touch and resinous. It is used as one of the oldest and most expensive perfume ingredients.

Oddly enough, only the wood that was affected by the fungus is valued. In this case, it is poured with dark resin, which has an amazing aroma. This process of impregnation with resin can take up to several hundred years, but it requires a minimum of several decades.

These pieces of resin wood have always been highly valued. So, in the treasury of one Japanese emperor, among the jewels, this wood was also kept, each of the pieces of which had its own name.

In the east if used as a smoking substance, used in religious rituals. It was a component of perfume, which only sheikhs and their entourage could afford. A special oil was obtained from it, the secret of which was kept secret for thousands of years. Its other name isliquid gold“. It has a unique aroma and is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

Now 1 cubic meter of this tree costs about 10 thousand dollars. Until the early 20th century, it was rarely brought to Europe. Now, due to uncontrolled logging, it is also under the threat of extinction.

8. Ebony

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left This is a special black wood (or black with stripes. The older the tree from which the wood was obtained, the more valuable it is.

There are several varieties of this wood. The most famous- Cameroonian eben, black color. He has one drawback – open pores. Especially valuable moon ebony. The most expensive cues in the world are made from it.

This is a piece of goods, it costs a lot of money. Its cost is so high also because the wood is too dense and dulls any cutting woodworking tool.

Cost Eben it can be different, depending on the variety, but on average from 10 thousand per 1 cubic meter. Furniture is made from it, as well as musical instruments. Previously, cutlery handles, door and window handles, and even knitting needles and hooks were made from this wood.

7. Sandal

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left Sandal is a genus of tropical trees from India. Once upon a time, this country was the main supplier of sandalwood and sandalwood oil.

Now, in order to restore the population of trees, it was forbidden to take all this out of the country. Once upon a time, sandalwood oil was used in medicine and perfumery, but due to the high price (at first it was $600 per 1 kg, then the cost increased to $1), they decided to abandon it and replace it with synthetic flavors.

Since 1998, Australia has become the main supplier of sandalwood. It costs about 20 thousand dollars per cubic meter.

6. Pink ivory or Umnini

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left Evergreen, sometimes falling tree, growing up to 15 m in height, can be found in South Africa. This Brains or pink ivory.

The Zulus called it “royal tree“. Until the end of the 19th century, only those who belonged to the royal family of the Zulus could decorate themselves with products from its wood, everyone else could pay with their lives for this, including strangers.

Valued for its unique wood. It is hard and in its properties is close to ivory (hence the second name). Expensive items, cues, musical instruments are now made from it. Sculptures, bunches of knives, chess pieces.

Wood is very expensive, about 8 thousand dollars per cubic meter.

5. bacout tree

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left Wood differs in the special durability and hardness. Common names – iron or holy tree. Lignum vitae is a heavy wood that sinks in water, it is green in color with red and black stains.

It was used to make things where the combination of heaviness and strength is important: bowling alley balls, comfortable cricket clubs. The famous watchmaker John Garrison made watches only from wood, and he made the most loaded parts from backout. There is a whole cathedral built from this tree.

Now there is almost no felling of this tree, and 1 cubic meter of bakout costs about 80 thousand dollars.

4. Amaranth

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left This is what wood is called. Peltogyne, that grow in America. Its other name is purple tree… First Amaranth dark brown, but becomes purple when exposed to air. For this color, he is valued.

When exposed to ultraviolet light, the wood turns brown again. Previously, it was used to decorate furniture, small items were made from it. Now they make floor coverings from amaranth, still furniture, fittings, etc. It costs about 12 thousand dollars per cubic meter.

3. dalbergia

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left dalbergia – a genus of woody plants that can be found in Africa, Asia and South America. The wood that is made from it is called rosewood.

Its other name is pink tree. Already from the name it is clear that it is pink, but sometimes it can be red-brick, and even chocolate in color with dark streaks.

The most expensive parquet and furniture are produced from this wood. Often used to decorate cabins, liners and wagons. It is from rosewood that xylophone keys or other parts of musical instruments are made.

Valuable wood is used to make chess, kitchen utensils and canes. 1 cubic meter of this wood costs more than 10 thousand dollars.

2. Bubinga

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left Other name – african rosewood or wow. Wood Bubinga very beautiful, because it is dense and hard, with clearly visible growth rings. It is red-brown, covered with stripes of dark red or purple. It is used to create furniture, table tops look especially beautiful.

An indispensable material for the manufacture of many musical instruments: harps, guitars, because. Thanks to him, the sound is deep and juicy.

Used to decorate some cars, as the basis for sunglasses. It costs about 19 thousand dollars per cubic meter.

1. Bokote

10 most expensive tree species in the world, which are very few left Other name – mexican rosewood. I bokote greenish-yellow or golden-brown wood with brown or black veins. It has an oily sheen. Darkens with age.

The wood is not durable, but refined. Parquet, high-quality furniture, small turned products are made from it. It is used in shipbuilding, in the manufacture of musical instruments. The price per cubic meter is 33 thousand dollars.

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