10 most expensive diagnostic tests

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We all know that diagnostic tests can save our lives. For some of them we will pay a dozen or so zlotys, and for others even several thousand. Which are the most expensive? Here are the 10 studies we’ll pay the most for.

Positron emission tomography (PET / CT)

It is the most dynamically developing technology of nuclear medicine, widely used mainly in oncology, but also in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and, to a lesser extent, in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and paediatrics.

The most important benefit of the examination is the ability to detect small changes early in the development of the disease, which cannot be done after performing other imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRI or regular computed tomography.

The unprecedented precision of PET / CT is due to the combination of two detailed diagnostic methods: CT, that is traditional computed tomography, and PET, Positron Emission Tomography. PET-CT can only be performed in a facility with specialized equipment. The price of the examination in private clinics ranges from PLN 3 to PLN 6.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, NMR, MR or MRI, is a non-invasive and painless imaging diagnostic test, thanks to which we can look deep into the body and obtain very accurate virtual sections of tissues and organs in all planes.

Modern technology does not use X-rays, but a magnetic field and radio waves. The most common indications for MRI are post-traumatic conditions, neurological diseases or tumors in the pelvic area. Depending on the diagnostic needs, it can be performed with or without contrast. During the examination, the patient is placed in a special tube which is also a magnet: closed or partially open. The second solution works especially for children and people with claustrophobia.

MRI prices vary widely and depend on the standard of the device, location of the facility or the use of contrast. They start from PLN 200 and end at over PLN 1000. One of the cheapest tests is MR of the sinuses, eye sockets and head. However, the most expensive are MRI examinations of the entire spine, abdominal cavity, small pelvis and prostate.

Computed tomography

Computed tomography, or CT (computed tomography) for short, is an imaging diagnostic method that uses X-rays, i.e. X-rays. The test allows you to obtain sections of the examined organs, as well as their 3D visualization, which greatly improves the diagnostic process.

The most common indications for head tomography are recurrent headaches and dizziness, previous craniocerebral and sinus injuries, cerebral ischemia and strokes, as well as suspected neoplastic changes in the head. CT is also performed on people who struggle with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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Despite the development of technology, it should be remembered that there is no safe dose of radiation (each of them can lead to a certain number of mutations in cells), and the radiation dose in computed tomography is much higher than in the case of conventional radiographic examinations (radiography, X-ray).

The price of a CT scan depends on the type of examination and ranges from PLN 200 to PLN 800.


Bronchoscopy is a type of endoscopic examination (speculum examination) that allows you to visually assess the appearance of the mucosa of the trachea, bronchi and vocal cords. It is very important in the diagnosis of many respiratory symptoms such as hemoptysis, dyspnoea, chronic cough and recurrent pneumonia.

Bronchoscopy is also performed as part of the diagnosis of changes found in lung imaging tests (X-ray or CT), such as: tumors, infiltrative changes or interstitial changes in the lungs. Currently, the examination is most often performed using a bronchofiberoscope, but in certain situations (for example in patients with advanced lung cancer, a metal bronchoscope (so-called rigid bronchoscopy) is used to open the bronchus obstructed by the tumor.

The price of a bronchoscopic examination varies from PLN 300 to PLN 600 depending on the facility.


It belongs to the group of endoscopic examinations. It allows the assessment of the upper gastrointestinal tract, i.e. the esophagus, gastric cardia, stomach, pylorus and duodenum, using a flexible tube ended with a camera that transmits the image from the inside of the patient’s body. The most common indications for the examination are: abdominal pain, heartburn, abdominal discomfort, suspected gastric or esophageal cancer, suspected gastric lymphoma, ulcers, tarry stools or vomiting with blood.

Gastroscopy also makes it possible to detect Helicobacter pylori in the digestive tract, remove polyps, stop internal bleeding or widen the narrowing of the digestive tract.

Due to the invasiveness and the possibility of complications, the patient’s consent in writing is required for gastroscopy. The price of the test starts from PLN 250.


The study of the lower digestive tract is one of the most hated studies. Firstly, it is unpleasant, secondly, it requires a week’s preparation, and thirdly, it concerns the intimate sphere.

A colonoscopy looks at the inside of your colon with a camera inserted through the anus, which sends the image to a monitor. During its performance, the doctor assesses the condition of the rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon up to the ileocecal valve.

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The most common indications for colonoscopy are: bleeding from the colon (even one-time), problems with defecation, changes in the appearance and consistency of stools, unexplained abdominal pain, especially if accompanied by anemia, recurrent inflammation of the intestine, as well as suspicion or the existence of precancerous and neoplastic conditions, polyps, diverticula. The test takes 15-40 minutes and the cost is about PLN 400.


Arthroscopy is an examination that allows you to see the inside of a joint. The most common procedures are arthroscopy of the knee and scapulo-shoulder joints. The indications for the examination include: joint injuries, instability of movements in the joints, intra-articular fractures, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative changes, the presence of foreign bodies in the joint, and neoplasms within the joints. During arthroscopy, a sample of the synovial fluid or tissue fragments can be taken for examination.

If any abnormalities are found, it is possible to extend diagnostic arthroscopy to therapeutic one.

The examination is performed under local or general anesthesia and lasts several dozen minutes. The price of arthroscopy depends on the scope of the procedure and starts from PLN 2500.


Cystoscopy is an examination used in urology, urogynecology and nephrology and consists in inserting a special device (cystoscope) into the bladder through the urethra. Cystoscopic examinations are referred by a urologist in the event of suspicion of various pathologies in the lower urinary tract, as well as the occurrence or exacerbation of symptoms such as: haematuria, repeated urinary tract infections, suspected bladder tuberculosis, suspected bladder cancer, congenital urethral defects, a urinary fistula or a urinary tract infection that can lead to stones in the bladder.

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Cystoscopy takes from several to several minutes. Unfortunately, it is a painful procedure, most often performed under local, general or short intravenous anesthesia. The price of a private test is from 200 to several hundred zlotys.


A biopsy is a diagnostic test that involves taking material for histopathological examination. It can be fine-needle, coarse-needle, fragmentary, scratchy or open. A biopsy is ordered by a physician who, in a physical or imaging examination, revealed a disturbing, unclear lesion.

These are most often various types of nodules and tumors, cysts, enlarged lymph nodes, skin changes or changes in the mucous membranes. Fine-needle biopsy is performed mainly in the case of changes in the prostate, marrow, thyroid, breast, liver and lungs. Core-needle biopsy, on the other hand, is most commonly used in the examination of tumors of the liver, breast, lymph nodes, lungs, pancreas, bones and prostate.

Depending on the type of examination, the price of a biopsy ranges from PLN 200 to PLN 3000.


Amniocentesis is an invasive prenatal test that involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid by puncturing the amniotic cavity under ultrasound guidance.

The test is performed to diagnose the metabolic and genetic diseases of the fetus. The most common indication for amniocentesis is incorrect results of one of the previously performed ultrasound examinations of pregnancy, but also the mother’s age over 35, the presence of genetic diseases in the family of the mother or father of the child, the presence of genetic, metabolic diseases or defects of the central nervous system in previously born children , abnormal triple test result.

The test is usually performed after the 15th week of pregnancy, but late amniocentesis may be performed depending on the indications. The price of an amniocentesis is approximately PLN 1500.

Read also:

  1. Preventive examinations for women of all ages. Do regularly
  2. Diseases that Poles fear the most
  3. The most common malignant neoplasms among Polish women and men
  4. Preventive examinations for men of all ages. Do regularly

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